Battle Dolphin
British Columbia, Canada
Suave and Debonair since 1985...
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hurvl 17 May, 2013 @ 6:59am 
How nice of you to give me a Friend-ly invite :). LiKeUcArE has been my only friend in the whole wide (Steam) world for quite a while and I haven't bothered making any new friends, because I'm not that social. I only play singleplayer games and am not that active on social networks/chats/etc. I vent my personal opinions in Gamespot's comment sections (formerly Gamespy's as well) and that's enough for me.

I'm also born in 1985, so that's a nice coincidence. I see we also share the same tastes in games, which is the main reason I accepted your friend invite. I've not been recently active on Steam, because I've been playing the retail version of The Witcher 1 and am now working on my first mod project ever, for that game. I currently feel much more interested in creating stuff rather playing already created stuff. The mod will be great when it's finished, but it's also great concerning the amount of content in it, so it'll take a while. It's inspired by the Malkavian mod for Deus Ex 1.