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2 people found this review helpful
1.8 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
TL:DR: Avoid! Avoid! AVOID! A buggy hell, crashes a lot, savegames get corrupted, profile reset, and no usable savegame system anyway. Good gameplay and nice GFX don't save this game.
If any if the Steam guys reads this: REMOVE IT FROM THE SHOP PLEASE! Maybe they will fix the bugs then.
I got the collectors edition, hoping it would be more stable than my "free test version" a few years ago, which crashed a lot. But this game is a buggy nightmare. The graphics are fine, the actual gameplay when playing in “Ultimate Badass” is good too. But in about one of four times I exit the game the progress is lost. Upon next start it shows "added X DLC" asks for setting the brightness, and I have to set up my controller config again. Just like when you fresh installed the game.
It crashes constantly and those crashes can be very well reproduced. Doing the usual trick to backup "userdata\STEAMID\49540" to make extra saves does not work if you have any DLC, you will have to backup "steamapps\common\Aliens Colonial Marines\installscript.vdf" as well, or the game will reset your progress when trying to restore. This actually violates the Steam design. And even if you have several save-states that way you have to chance. If the would have made a decent savegame system it would have avoided a lot of frustration, but other things were more important.
You also get the start-loop very often. You start the game, exit it, and Steam restarts it again. Especially annoying if the game crashes upon start. You must use countless workarounds to get a still dysfunctional game. And gearbox doesn't care S* to fix any of those bugs.
Posted 25 January, 2017.
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6.6 hrs on record
A fun Puzzler! With some similarities to Portal 2, but the speaker ist more like from Stanleys Parable.
It is addictive, I started and couldn't stop util the end. The puzzles are all fair, with rising difficulty of course.
If it is on a Steam Sale, grab it.
Posted 29 July, 2016.
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42.6 hrs on record (13.6 hrs at review time)
They did a DAMN GOOD JOB with this game. If you play in Ultra HD and on a big screen your jaw will drop to the ground, no sign of "Console Limitations" visible like in so many other games.
You can "see" the jaw bones of Lara and all others when talking, not many games have that detail, the skin looks very natural (I guess the used Nvidia Faceworks..)
Playwise they improved many small details over Tomb Raider 2013, though you have to fight more (I ahve to up to now).
The large number of side-quests is great too, you can stay at the (as example) "Soviet Installation" for very long before going on the actualy story.
I also like that the HuD does not annoy you with thousands of unneeded statistics (like in TR2013), that makes a much better immersion possible.
Posted 12 February, 2016.
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5.8 hrs on record
Graphically nice. No bugs found. It uses "no HUD" for good immersion.
Gameplay is disappointingly boring after a half hour. IMHO avoid buying and watch the youtube videos of others playing, no difference.

You are more or less clearly led through a story you have to discover. And if you miss a puzzle (like not finding a scissor, or a cave opening or a metal crow laying around) doors stay locked for no reason, puzzles don't start and so on.
Before the final story ending you are forced to get all story parts, so at least the game allows a tiny bit of nonlinearity, but not much.
Posted 10 January, 2015. Last edited 10 January, 2015.
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110 people found this review helpful
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1.5 hrs on record
It uses extra DRM which requires you to make a stardock account. But if something goes wrong creating a stardock account from withing the game (like a too short password) you just get "error 113".
A bad start for a Steam game.
If you can live with it, the game is OK.
To give others a warning about that "extra DRM on top of Steam", no recommendedation.
Posted 3 January, 2015.
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30.5 hrs on record (21.7 hrs at review time)
Chapter 5 to 7 death statistic (hard skill): About every six minutes. Love it.
It starts of slow and easy, but once you got after the first robot fights or hides you face the alien. And it can smell you, it's always around your area, you hear the footsteps, you hear it in the ventilation. And if you hide in a locker it can smell you even better!
Definetly a good survival game which is in contrast to the other mass-killing games. Except for the eyes of the humans which don't look at you while talking it is graphically well executed and does not need a GTX Titan just to play in the highest detail.
Posted 11 October, 2014. Last edited 11 October, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
6.8 hrs on record
It is a nice game, though you must have a hang for following style:
You are thrown on to the planet, and you are mostly alone and play through, it is like an interactive story.
The game does not feature action, does not feature shooting, it features immersive play with some nice riddles along the way. The feeling of being alone on that planet is well executed.
Overall: Wait for a Steam sale below 10 Euro and grab it, since you'll only play it once.
Posted 22 June, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
34.0 hrs on record
The good: Immersive playing, good control, good graphics, and fun to play. Even though it is not open world, it is still open enough to be a good successor, you can play silent like I do, or as a rusher like others do.
The medicore: The graphics have the "load texture" effect WAY too often. The soda cans are eight-sided, c'mon, you could add a few more polygons there.
The bad: Some annoying bugs, but on the good side they fixed the bugs I came across.
The Annoying: Press two times return upon game start, so unnecessary. If you have a 16:10 monitor the game does not let you choose a 16:9 resolution. It does not have a real savegame system, only one save spot. Wordaround: open %userprofile%\saved games\MachineGames and copy your save-spot, that way you can have as many savegames as you want.

Overall: The game is worth playing, the design is great, and the skill fits. I am playing at the highest difficulty, and I actually die often enough to call it "highest difficulty".
Posted 22 June, 2014. Last edited 11 October, 2014.
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