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7.6 hrs on record
I like the pixel design and the music and boss fights was decent.

There was quite a few things I didn't like for instance the aiming mechanics I didn't like you had to press W to aim and then X to shoot. It did make the game difficult but I feel changing the keybinding to mouse buttons would of been better and then could of upped the difficulty on the game.

The grinding feels unnecessary especially for the last achievement unless you can make it seem more worthwhile though I did notice on the main map when you spam and grind the char the button for the 500 gets larger and larger which I assume is a bug. I did have few times the animation not working of things. Like to point out to all the achievement hunters the last achievement you need 550k money and fastest way of doing it is killing the slugs in the hub and exiting to main menu and then going back to kill them. This is why I have so many hours for this game and it tilts me it took me this long as I only found out half way how to get there faster.

Some of the fetishes I am uncomfortable to see.

I can't really recommend the game with the bugs in the game for the price it is, that is as much I can say but if you improve the bugs then this is a good sign.
Posted 17 March. Last edited 18 March.
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A developer has responded on 22 Mar @ 1:36am (view response)
1 person found this review helpful
6.9 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
If there was an award for the most relaxing game in the world. This would 100% win it because it's so good me and 2 of my friends have spent hours building our own road which goes to nowhere but we want to do it because of the road making mechanics are so goood. 100% would make a random road again.
Posted 15 March.
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1.5 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The game is a very good simulator game and I have played many simulator games. Only thing was very confused on the Haloween hats would of assumed it was an event or a certain time situation. Also don't have to give change to customer.

Otherwise I would recommend this game to anyone who plays simulator games.
Posted 8 March.
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0.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
It isn't a bad game

The art style I do like
The music is soothing
The dialogue is good and on a whole the game and it's objective is interesting

Mechanics is a little wonky for instance there has been a few times I pressed space and char didn't jump but over time you can get used to it and be better.
The death could be a bit more dramatic
Maybe the tutorial to be a bit more informative or even show a video of what you are suppose to do.

I think I would recommend this game but in the sense if it's on sale then I would say yes should buy as you can get your few hours worth out of it. Otherwise if the developer keeps working on it I would say it will look good. They have done a good job so far. :)
Posted 8 March. Last edited 8 March.
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0.2 hrs on record
not expensive for what it is
Posted 26 February.
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1 person found this review helpful
3.6 hrs on record
Pretty nice game to play and look for cats and story was nice :)
Posted 21 February.
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6 people found this review helpful
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0.3 hrs on record
Reason I am giving it a thumbs up is because it is a nice concept but sadly no player base but if you are a big streamer who has a player base this be a good game to get on listen to radio together and talk to your viewers thats all I can say.

Be cool if you can have other cars and customisation
Posted 6 February.
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1.0 hrs on record
It's not a bad game just make sure got a good PC to run it and good internet if wanting to play with people :)
Posted 6 February.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.6 hrs on record
I cannot recommend this demo unless they sort the bugs, maybe have more interactions and get the UE to stop crashing alot for low budget PCS. Otherwise the game has nice graphics and looks nice.
Posted 6 February.
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A developer has responded on 6 Feb @ 2:23pm (view response)
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5.2 hrs on record
I like to point out I was given this game for free but even I feel there needs to be alot more improvements

I cannot in the life of me suggest this game as there has been many few times I have had bugs but like the beginning all of it runs fine it's later on you start to see the bugs and problems especially with finishing it and you can't finish it which then makes achievement hunting very hurtful. It would be nice like points are deducted if the garage isn't fully finished as then makes it okay with the bugs.

I hope they continue to improve on it and make it better and not give up on it. It's a nice idea to me just another chill game to chill on. I like to add I have 21 achievements out of the 35 in this game
Posted 12 January.
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A developer has responded on 13 Jan @ 8:48am (view response)
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