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2 people found this review helpful
79.3 hrs on record (9.8 hrs at review time)
Game is jaw dropping amazing if youre a fan of warhammer... I always played space marine one wishing there were large scale fights with myself and squad being in the middle of a gargantuan battle between space marines backed up by endless tides of imperial guard and their foes.


If you are a fan of warhammer buy it.

If you are a fan of action games buy it.

If you have reservations because most AAA games that come out nowadays are trash.... disregard them with this. Its just damn good fun, ESPECIALLY with friends but theres nothing wrong with the solo experience either.
Posted 6 September, 2024.
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43.1 hrs on record (24.2 hrs at review time)
Remember how everyone thought warcraft 3 being an amazing classic was going to get an excellent and true to origin material remaster? Remember how everyone was wondering where that amazing remaster went when reforged released?

Found it.

THIS game got an amazing remaster done RIGHT.

Trust me. If you even remotely liked the original, or love rts games PURCHASE this. Its VERY worth every dollar.

Every change they did was minor and just a step in the right direction of fun. God powers reusable for glory costs, new units to balance rosters etc.

The only negative things I can say about this are two things.

No blood and corpses like the original had.

The new voice actors PALE in comparison to the original VO's but don't worry a modder already made a mod to replace all the voice lines with the OG's.

Just get this and enjoy it.
Posted 4 September, 2024.
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17 people found this review helpful
2.2 hrs on record
Sofia team did their best with the budget and time given.

You can tell they really do listen to the playerbase, bannermen for each unit of infantry etc.

But that doesn't excuse the bugs and reskinning of troy that this legit is... there is even an interview of a dev saying that this was supposed to be dlc for troy.

Youre paying $60 for a reskin of troy and i was hoping that was a lie when i bought it.

Save your money for when this is 15 maybe 20 bucks. Hopefully it gets patches to fix the bugs and AI issues but how quickly they abandoned Thrones of Britannia and outwright took 3 kingdoms total war out back and shot it in the head before the DLC was even released for the THREE KINGDOMS TIME PERIOD.

I think this is the perfect example of a GOOD company that made something amazing that sold stupidly well ( warhammer total war ) and got rich off it and the greed and power went to their heads.
Posted 13 November, 2023.
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24.2 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
To anyone anywhere who likes 4x games youre fool if you don't get this... Its just that good.

Now to all my fellow people that have some issues because your comparing it to age of wonders 1 and 2. I have two words for you.

Stop it.

Age of wonders 1 & 2 will stand the test of time. They are masterpieces of art that can't be touched. Stop comparing the new age of wonders to something we all consider flawless and godlike. Just enjoy it for the game it is. YOU CAN STILL JUST GO BACK and play the old ones! Enjoy the new ones for the games they are.

If you are a DIRE HARD AOW 1 or 2 fan and want more lore instead of more sandbox... bro this ain't it trust me. That makes me sad, but its still a damn good 4x game.

The only thing I would say is that cities should have garrisons built in like planetfall. Other than that this game is 10/10
Posted 6 May, 2023. Last edited 7 May, 2023.
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5.9 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
Is it bad? No.
Is it Good? Not really. Maybe once its finished?

I give it a thumb up, when its either on sale or if you have spare money to just burn.

Look im not a fanboy or anything, but you can tell the game needed more time.

Besides that. I will break it down like this.

COH series USED to be the ♥♥♥♥ I played ALL the time for my WWII strategy fix before there was really any other competition. ( like steel division )

Once I stumbled upon Men of war assault squad ( and once MOW AS 2 came out especially ) I just stopped playing COH except rarely.

COH is for when you want a quick classic rts match - kind of fun.

Men of war assault squad 2 is when you want to lose hours of your life to an amazing ( yet steep learning curve) game

Gates of hell: OSTFRONT is what EVERYONE waiting on men of war 2 is playing because GOH: ostfront is freaking amazing no matter which game you prefer.

I own every strategy game known to man so of course im going to enjoy this and not refund it. THAT SAID. It's not finished right now and it needs work. The campaign total war map thing though is GREAT but it needs more strategy and less arcade bull ♥♥♥♥♥ stuff and a better tutorial.

The way I look at this can be described with that spongebob going to the gym meme.

COH is now virgin spongebob stepping foot into the gym for the first time.

Men of war assault squad 2 is him starting to get buff and build confidence.

Gates of Hell: Ostfront is spongebob evolving to gigga chad god tier level.

Don't like what I just said? Watch some youtube videos and come back. You wont. Youll be busy playing probably one of the other two games I mentioned.

Thats my honest review. Even though its not finished, I don't hate it.... Its just I'd honestly rather be playing something else thats just plain better.
Posted 25 February, 2023. Last edited 25 February, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
65.8 hrs on record (40.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review

Yes, I have alpha tested this game for months offering a lot of feedback as I have played probably ever strategy game you can name released starting with the gran-daddy of them all DUNE II, so It appears as a nice nod they gave me the product for free.


I make a decent living and when I tell you I'm about to buy this for around 6-10 of my friends in both real life and just through the web it is no idle boast... I WANT that many fans of just damn good games, especially strategy games, to get their hands on this.


If you have EVER even REMOTELY enjoy a game like heroes of might and magic, a turned based strategy game, or strategy games in general you will absolutely enjoy this game. That's all I really need to say, and as a matter of fact, it IS all I'm going to say, as I have some purchasing to do and can't wait to absolutely REVEL in sharing the pure "kid on christmas" excitement and joy this game gives the player with friends and for both myself.

Every day some indie company releases some half baked project into Early Access on steam, but getting an absolute working, downright piece of art GEM of a game? Hell that's rare period.


Do yourself a favor. Buy it, install it, pour yourself the most satisfying drink you have with your favorite snack in your household, and prepare to enjoy the satisfaction of enjoying a delightful experience of a game.
Posted 10 May, 2022. Last edited 10 May, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
176.7 hrs on record (6.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Honestly.... Just going to copy and paste a convo with a buddy who asked me... a person owns every strategy game known to god since DUNE II since they are my jam, what i think of the game.

i wont return it
well i can't
but not a fan

[4:21 PM]
Not complex enough?

[4:21 PM]
WarMaster GoreHowl:
first im a fan of the originals so i was little off put by the " we went with the trendy new tv series " ♥♥♥♥ but that wasn't really a game breaker for me
but yeah its not really complex or anything
its just maintain a balance until stuff ticks down and you win
like thats boring as ♥♥♥♥
don't get me wrong some stuff is great

[4:22 PM]

[4:22 PM]
WarMaster GoreHowl:
the ornathopter noises.... sound in genreal and the music
but combat? trash
ai? trash
the way they chose to go about almost every 4x aspect in the game.... not trash... but just not my flavor
also if your going to go full change the lore... do a full change off the new ♥♥♥♥
not half and half
in the games and shows/ atredies is blue
in teh books in green and black
you change main characters to the tv show but keep the book color scheme?
like pick one and go all in or GTFO

[4:24 PM]
True but never really noted.

[4:25 PM]
WarMaster GoreHowl:
yeah.. i grew up on the DUNE RTS games
all3 of them
BUT i also really like and know a lot of the lore from the books
and honestly the game doesn't to justice to anything DUNE related... they just took some ♥♥♥♥ from the tv show and made a game out of it
and lets be real this could 100% be a mobile game besides maybe the map size
if it was optomized correctly

Massive sale or see where early access goes. Right now I guess its ok if your a fan of RTS games....and have money and time to burn.

You are honestly better off just downloading the other 3 DUNE RTS games if you want a lore, or a strategy fix.... this game honestly feels like it could very well be a mobile game. Which is sad because I wanted to like it and I honestly don't give a crap about the "woke" crap... but if you are messing with lore you need to go all in on either the "new" lore from the tv show, or go all in on the old stuff.... the mix and mash is almost always a recipe for pleasing no one and pissing everyone off.

For now... a no unless like i said you have time and money to burn.

Edit: Changed to positive for continuous and free content updates, plus it grows on you.
Posted 27 April, 2022. Last edited 26 December, 2022.
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102.8 hrs on record (32.5 hrs at review time)
Doesn't matter if you're new to age of empires or a vet.

This game is proof that if an RTS title has a budget that is appropriate and sufficient and given the correct amount of time to be developed... It will be a resounded success and a hell of a lot of fun to play.

Please feed this game DLC like total war warhammer or stellaris 4x games get fed.
Posted 2 November, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
6.0 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
A very simple review. Not about crashes, but if the game is worth your money for the GAME PLAY.

The game is nice to look at, the music is good, and the gameplay is pretty fun too. I was enjoying myself and still am.

However after an entire game play through, I may play only once more at most at that makes me actually quite sad, as I like the game but can't stand it at the same time for one major reason.


I get this game is supposed to be a 4x game less about genocide or "paint the map your color" type of gameplay ( though you can totally still do that in the game, there are however MANY more ways to play AND win ) but seriously? I have tuetonic castles next to nubian mud huts I just conquered... NEXT to roman cities, NEXT to Mycean ( think pre-greek ) cities that stayed the same old culture when I changed and it just looks god awful.

Gameplay jumping from one culture to another is cool and fresh ( yes you can stay the same culture all the way up if you want) but if you are like me and CANNOT STAND looking at the empire you've built and seeing a wacky combo of castles, mud huts, airports, basically the entire spectrum of a civilization 5 or 6 cities look over ALL the eras MASHED into one giant city DO NOT BUY THIS.

If you know that wont bother you at all? Buy away, games fun. AI is stupid easy though so get some friends.

Edit: Changing my review to a negative one.... sadly after you play a " full play through" once or twice, you quickly realize the game is not finished / fleshed out / deep, and youve seen all it has to offer. It will be one of those games you play once and probably never pick it up again. Oh and the Multiplayer is completely broken and unplayable.
Posted 18 August, 2021. Last edited 5 November, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
9.4 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
Have every strategy game known to mankand. Unlike many new RTS games lately that feel half finished, developed by a team of people less than fingers you have on one hand, and just straight up aren't even fun, this game is good in ALL the right ways.

No it wont win an award for animations, but the graphics are charming in a clean and crisp way which makes the buildings and units very readable even at a glance, the campaigns are very lengthy for each race it seems even ( which is 5 ), the sounds and music aren't AAA quality but they ARE good in a retro way similar to starcraft and command & conquer.

The game is just plain good damn fun and the AI is absolutely fantastic, it constantly probs your defense for holes or weak spots, tries to harass your workers or production areas. I can go on...

Its very simple. Do you like strategy games at all? Even in the slightest? If you even considered saying yes.... Get. This. Game.

Posted 14 May, 2021.
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