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6 people found this review helpful
13.8 hrs on record
I wanted to play the game for nostalgia's shake, however, it's unplayable on my current PC. 12 hours in and the game gets stuck on a certain mission and exits on its own to the desktop. Plus there is a bug where I couldn't drive any of the cool agency's vehicles. The map is huge and the gameplay gets repetitive after a while mostly due to the big distances between missions. The graphics are really nice considering the year that this game was released.
Posted 12 March.
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3.9 hrs on record
As a solo game against bots, Boomerang Foo can get repetitive quickly. However, it truly shines when played locally with friends. It's a fantastic filler game, perfect for a quick fix right before or after a more "serious" game. It brings fun and everyone can get very competitive trying to get the best power up in order to get that last kill that will win the match for them. The original price is a little bit much, but if you find it on a sale and you like this kind of small, competitive games you should definitely try it.
Posted 25 February.
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0.8 hrs on record
i don't know what to write about this "game". Very mediocre graphics for a 2016 game with a lot of glitches (at least on my pc) and the worst physics that I have ever seen in a racing game so far. Even the soundtrack is annoying. It's not worth even the 1.6€ that it costs. Avoid it at all costs!
Posted 25 February.
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37.6 hrs on record (37.4 hrs at review time)
The game is fun, has nice graphics and a good variety of different vehicles, race tracks and different game modes, especially if you get the DLCs, too, and offers a solid single-player exoerience. However, the multiplayer mode, which would be the best aspect for this kind of game is totally abandoned by both the developers and the players and even if you try to host a game the servers glitch a lot and there are a lot of error messages. Also the soundtrack is kind of repetitive and dull.
Posted 25 February.
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1 person found this review helpful
53.6 hrs on record
Fun and relaxing game, focusing mainly on grinding resource-gathering, enemy-slaying and exploring. There are a lot of bosses, too, but the way you defeat them is more or less the same once you get the hang of the battle. It gets repetitive after a while, so it's more suitable for short fixes or as a break between other games. Cute graphics, too. Sometimes the camera can be a little sluggish thus resulting in unnecessary deaths, especially when climbing in higher places, however, most of the time it works well. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Posted 20 June, 2024.
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50.5 hrs on record
Good variety of cars and different races. The choice between cop and racer is always welcome. The difficulty level against the AI is quite challenging, especially on hard races. I liked the Head-2-Head races, too.
However, the always online is a really bad thing. You can't pause while on the street and that's pretty irritating. There isn't a way to, for example, stay on the side while doing something else and prevent other players/cops from hitting you. Atop of that there are some players that might be cheating, their cars are jumping from place to place, hitting you out of nowhere even when you're running at top speed with the fastest car in the game and that makes the gameplay experience really annoying. Finally, host migrations happen quite often (at least 2-3 times per hour of gameplay) even if you're in the middle of a race, with no prior notice from the game, which is pretty annoying after a while. If these problems are fixed the game will be much better and fun.
Posted 16 April, 2024. Last edited 16 April, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
115.8 hrs on record
A great TBS game. It has a lot of options in the diplomacy and economy aspects. Even though it doesn't have the depth in battle like the Total War series, it's quite satisfying and has a lot of strategy too. The main downsides for me are the naval battles that aren't the easiest to win on your own and take a lot of time to finish, and the fact that you can play with only 5 major countries (Great Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, Austria) and not with any of the smaller ones. I'd love to be able to start a campaign with a smaller country to increase the difficulty.
Posted 27 November, 2023.
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58 people found this review helpful
30.3 hrs on record
Legacy of the Duelist is an excellent game with cards from all generations, nice visuals and a lot of content, both single and online play. However, the newest game, Link Evolution, contains the base game combined with all of the DLCs released, in a much more affordable prize, so you should buy that instead!
Posted 1 December, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
5.7 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
To The Moon is an 4-hour interactive story with a few clue hunting and riddle solving challenges, rather than an actual game. However, it has a captivating story and the atmosphere is great and the soundtrack is one of the greatest and most suited that I have heard recently. You play as two doctors/scientists who are hired to fulfill a dying-man's wish to go to the moon in his dreams via a machine. The plot is basically a journey inside this man's memories which are full of nostalgia, sorrow, sadness but love and excitement too and a plethora of other feelings delivered in such a way that you can not possibly stay unaffected.
The graphics is the only thing that doesn't catch up to the high standards that the rest of the characteristics have set, but it's not enough to spoil the whole impression of To The Moon.
Posted 1 October, 2021.
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4.1 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
Πολύ όμορφα γραφικά, παρά την ηλικία τους. Η Arcade οδηγική εμπειρία, που είναι ελάχιστα ρεαλιστική, προσωπικά μου άρεσε πολύ. Η κάμερα όταν τρακάρεις με οχήματα και αντικείμενα, ή όταν εμβολίζεις τους αντιπάλους σου είναι ιδιαίτερα απολαυστική και οι ζημιές στα οχήματα ρεαλιστικότατες.

Δυστυχώς το online δεν υποστηρίζεται πλέον και ως εκ τούτου δε μπορείς να αγοράσεις ούτε τα dlc που έχουν κυκλοφορήσει για το παιχνίδι, τα οποία απ' ό,τι διαβάζω προσφέρουν κυρίως σε νέα οχήματα και στο online κομμάτι. Σημειώνω εδώ ότι μπορείς να βρεις το βασικό παιχνίδι μαζί με όλα τα dlc στην remastered έκδοση που κυκλοφορεί (η οποία στο origin βλέπω ότι είναι ίδια με την τιμή του ultimate box - άθλιο εκ μέρους της EA).

Χωρίς τα dlc πάντως, έχει από μόνο του αρκετά οχήματα (75 αυτοκίνητα και μερικές μηχανές) μαζί με μπόλικο περιεχόμενο για να σας κρατήσει ώρες κολλημένους στην οθόνη. Εφόσον δε σας ενοχλεί η έλλειψη του Online και της δυνατότητας για αγορά του επιπλέον περιεχομένου και είστε φίλοι του arcade racing, αξίζει να το παίξετε !!
Posted 14 March, 2021.
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