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1 person found this review helpful
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3.6 hrs on record
An interesting puzzle game ruined by inept design.

When you have trouble building something you're supposed to use the time bugs to go back one move. The problem is that as the tower you're trying to build can collapse under it's own weight one move is wholly inadequate to fix this. Even going back 10 moves often isn't enough to fix these problems as the constantly moving tower means you have very little time to figure out what is wrong before it sways and falls over.

Tower of Goo is a good example of how this mechanic keeps failing as it can be almost impossible to go back far enough to prevent a collapse.
Posted 10 January.
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3 people found this review helpful
8.0 hrs on record
A fun game where you lose money instead of HP, so even the weakest player can complete a level.
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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30.3 hrs on record (28.1 hrs at review time)
In a game about building armies and attacking your enemies it's almost impossible to recruit any units or order them to attack. So often you'll spend most missions being killed by the initial enemy attacks because you can't recruit anything. When you can recruit armies the majority of them will stand around doing nothing, while massive enemy armies take out the few soldiers who do anything. This makes it impossible to attack enemy positions since you can never command a strong enough force to beat them.

The economy is also terribly designed. You need to assign people to cottages to produce gold but the more of these building you have the more food building you have to build and assign people to in order to produce food. So you're perpetually building food and money building to try and keep your economy afloat. Also if you run out of food you'll suffer from a massive loss of gold due to unhappiness and enter into a death spiral because you won't be able to afford more food buildings due to having no money.
Posted 26 November, 2024. Last edited 7 December, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
18.2 hrs on record
There's still a vast amount of clicking to go through the dialogue and the game over explains everything.

Poor design

While this game lets you equip all your party member it badly botched the skill system. After each battle there's a chance you'll get on the enemy's skills. This might sound good but the problem is you have to select from 3 chests, which can contain skills or items. If you get an item you don't get a skill. This quickly makes combat dull as you have to keep using the same skills while hoping for something better.

Even when all 3 chests have a skill the problem is that if you select a skill you already have at this level or a lower level then you get nothing. Thus through bad luck it's possible to only have low level attacks because you can't randomly get something better.

This badly made system also makes the merchant's quest to find certain level monsters exceptionally onerous due to the random nature of the whole system. This is why more people have completed the game than found the third level 2 monster he wants.

Terrible plot

Senators decide they want the heroine's power, so they send monsters into her underground village to kill everyone. Since they don't expect a level 2 girl to escape alone they send a level 2 emo boy with basic equipment to help her.

Next these Senators decide they need a powerful monster (primal) to conquer a neighbouring village, so they send the level 5 heroine and emo boy to defeat it with basic equipment because the entire fighting force of both villages seems to be less capable that two children.

These two then capture the primal, defeat the Senators, and flee; ending chapter 1. After this the plot lacks any clear direction. This type of story only works as the plot of a game, not the first arc, as everyone looks stupid for not being able to accomplish what low level characters can do.

Then you help some orphans for no reason and defeat another primal at level 11. Given how easily you beat these primals at low levels they don't come across as capable monsters.

Afterwards you have to climb an ice wall, and fight 2 enemies that can freeze a character while 2 party members are missing because the developers don't understand how to balance their game.

Next you fight and defeat the frost primal at level 16. So all 3 primals weren't much threat to anyone and it would be idiotic if the game pretended they were powerful.

On top of the icewall you find a destroyed human village and a monster village that keeps humans as pets. After beating the monsters you free the humans.

In the underground area you learn that humans were attacked by abberations that randomly appear, so they sent the weakest away and transformed into monsters to become stronger than the abberations. Then the weakest of the humans somehow managed to defeat and enslave the monsters; even though the strongest of them struggled against abberations. Then Mother tells you her evil plan because the writers forgot to give the characters a motive, so you have to stop her

Finally you have to fight a very drawn out battle. First it's monsters, more monsters, Mother, yet more monsters, even more monsters, the 3 primals, Mother and the 3 primals, and the population of Steel town. Then everyone just wanders off since the writers forgot to give the cast a goal they could achieve.

Nonsensical moral

The plot says we should feel sorry for the monsters because they used to be human who saved the world but are now being oppressed by the remaining humans, even though the humans were too weak to save the world. The problem is the gameplay shows the opposite.

For the majority of human towns you visit the inhabitants are dead, dying or trying to kill themselves. Only Steel town, the circus, and the roving market have any humans who are likely to remain alive. By contrast everywhere else is filled with monsters who seem to have no interest in creating any infrastructure and even have wiped out several human towns.

If anything it's the monsters who are about to wipe out the humans.
Posted 13 October, 2024. Last edited 20 October, 2024.
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7 people found this review helpful
21.8 hrs on record
This game has taken all the feedback about the problems in the previous game and made this game worse in every way.

There's still a vast amount of clicking to go through the dialogue and the game over explains everything.


Only the main character can be fully equipped. Laty has a weak weapon that cannot be changed, resulting in her attacks barely doing any damage for most of the game. Lac cannot have any equipment and disappears when you recruit a maiden, so he's always under-levelled.

The maiden and her attendant cannot change their equipment or level up. As their level matches the player's level when recruited if you recruit them too soon they'd been too weak to be any use. This is very noticeable with the Azure Maiden as you level very rapidly in the early game.

Poor design

Since the number of elemental attacks you have access to has been greatly reduced this means that enemy's elemental weaknesses no longer matter due to how difficult it is to actually be able to use an attack that can do this damage type. Instead attacks that injure multiple enemies are more useful.

Due to poor balancing the most difficult enemies are those where you fight four enemies at once, with single more powerful bosses being much easier by comparison. You also can't get to levels 25-30 with a huge amount of grinding.

In one chapter combat is broken up by stealth puzzles, where you have to avoid enemies that in every other encounter you can fight without any difficulty. These section are so badly made that the game makes them easier if you fail too many times because even the developers knew how terrible they were.

The battle against the final boss is terrible as you have to defeat 3 optional bosses, while not being able to save after beating them. One boss you have to fight without the main characters. This is exceptionally difficult as you can't equip any of the character with any items to make this fight easier.

Terrible plot

The plot doesn't make any sense. The villagers on Omega Island would rather die than have Laty sacrifice herself to protect the island. Even though one of them, such as the girl who wants to be a maiden, could perform the maiden's ritual and save everyone else. They also don't help Laty leave the island, meaning that she'll die anyway when it sinks.

The 4 maiden's you meet don't influence the main story in any way, despite most of them dying due to being maidens.

Laty's heart scars should be used to foreshadow why she has these scars, instead of being filled with generic monster. Her diary does what this realm should have done.

Finally at the end of the game all the spirits want to live in Laty's heart. After the hero and Laty defeat the leader of the spirits, Laty agrees to let the spirit live in her heart. This made the entire final battle meaningless.

Even worse Laty has to choose between sacrificing family, friends, or love but since she ends up in a coma regardless this choice has no effect on anything.
Posted 6 October, 2024. Last edited 11 October, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
21.3 hrs on record
The fact that you have to click the next button to do anything makes the game slow and boring. Heard a line of dialogue, click for the next one. Attacked by a monster, click to go to the battle. Won a battle, click to find out what you got for winning and through all the new skills. Want to play a mini-game, click to chose the rules, click to hear the rules, click to draw cards, click to listen to more rules, click to make a set, click to listen to even more rules, click to discard cards, click to end your turn; then watch the AI opponents be told all the rules every turn.

The developer needs to cut out all the pointless clicking and let the player play the game, instead of having to alternate between playing and clicking go to the next thing.

Other problems with this game are that it's clear the volcano wasn't balanced in any way, which is why they had to include a rest area in it but not the final area.

The plot doesn't make any sense. All the dragon was doing was scaring away fish; yet for some reason the queen asks everyone to kill it, even though she has an entire order dedicated to fixing problems. After you beat the dragon it flies to the one island it should have no reason to ever go to. Then a guy kills the dragon, it's corpse falls into a volcano, and the volcano erupts. Then you have to stop that guy using a magic spell on an altar, even though you have no reason to save this altar and could easily grab the item you need while he's casting his spell. Finally if you drop a dragon's tear into the volcano near where a dragons corpse fell in, melted to nothing, and was blown into the sky by the eruption it will cause that dragon to come back to life and jump out of the lava with it's body fully restored because all the tears it had in its body weren't enough to save it. However if you don't have 10 special cards he won't help you.

Overall the game is too slow and the plot doesn't make sense.
Posted 13 September, 2024. Last edited 11 October, 2024.
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3.8 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
If you ever get stuck on a level the game is effectively over since there is no way to skip past where you are stuck.
Posted 27 May, 2024.
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4.0 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Even on the lowest difficult the games takes too long to finish. The sheer amount of randomness in this game also makes it impossible to have and strategy.
Posted 17 May, 2024.
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34.1 hrs on record (19.2 hrs at review time)
This game is in 3 parts:
-The Mizuki route
-The Aoi route
-The regretting trying to romance both of them route

While the art is gorgious and the story is good unfortunately this is the censored version of this game. The problem is they slightly changes the story to reflect the lack of adult content but because part of the plot revolves around it the story doesn't make much sense.

If you play the censored version Aoi likes kissing, Miyuki is annoyed to find Aoi under Shinichi's bed, Miyuki is angry that Shinichi left her alone to talk with Aoi, Aoi kisses other guys if you try to romance her, Miyuki is upset because you confess your love to Aoi, and in the third route Mizuki likes kissing and her favourite number is how many times you've kissed. Thus they come across innocent highschools who remain the same throughout the game.

However in the uncensored version Aoi likes sex, Miyuki is annoyed to find Aoi half naked under Shinichi's bed, Miyuki is angry that Shinichi left her alone to have sex with Aoi, Aoi has sex with other guys if you try to romance her, Miyuki is upset because you have a threesome with Aoi and Haru, and in the third route Mizuki likes sex and her favourite number is how many times you've viewed her sex scenes. This makes it clear that there's a connection between Aoi like sex and having certain abilities, and Mizuki changing to become more pro-sex after gaining these same abilities.

Another way censoring thise game undermines its message is that it critices you for romancing both girls to get their CG (ie nude images). But since they removed this part it comes across as criticising you for trying to get all the non-adult CG, something you get regardless of route.
Posted 31 March, 2024. Last edited 23 April, 2024.
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28.8 hrs on record
A fun game of building up dungeons and destroying everything nearby.
Posted 4 March, 2024.
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