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11 people found this review helpful
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3,011.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I thought it was a great game. I put a great amount of hours into it, but things have just gotten worse recently.

Most my friends had quit playing because the difficulty for Mistlands and Ashlands were too much of a jump in difficulty.

Then lately the game start having saving and crashing issues where it randomly crashes when it saves. What makes it really annoying is the game has two saves (character and world) and when the world save fails that leads to lost items if you stored or built anything from your inventory. I tried seeking help in multiple topics over the last few months only to be ignored along with everyone else posting technical issues. The only real technical help being given from other players.

The skill xp are flat rates that never increase and the amount needed to per level get a stupidly high curve which when combined with a skill loss on death gives a huge setback. Literally one death can lead to a loss dozens of hours played to regain those skills (provided you do not die again.) The concept of risk vs reward is completely lost upon the developers because whether you do 1 hp damage or 100 the xp is the same. Blocking, fishing, shooting, casting, etc all follow the flat use xp.

The game continues to keep adding more and more items to carry along but has not added any more inventory slots since release.

The forum community is pretty much toxic trash with prejudiced moderators that suck at their jobs. People ask for help and they get the toxic replies like "skill issue" "git gud" and so on. Yet somehow these people never get banned. If you try helping others then those same people pick apart your post to create an argument then you find yourself banned if you defend your post rather than those creating the argument. You aint allowed to post your opinion or methods of doing things without some resident troll creating an argument out of your post.
Posted 5 January. Last edited 13 January.
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13.1 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
The game just feels off and wrong.
- It takes like 4-5 turns to research something, but 12 to build.
- Populations are constantly starving and shrinking, rather than just having a growth cap.
- Population cost for army feels wrong because you make the unit in a low population city that does not matter it takes forever to build, yet using you good population capital reduces the population to a minor city.
- Policy blowbacks from other civilizations are basically a permanent stability penalty, rather than the limited duration it shows. They are also a pain to find in order to resolve so you can end your turn.
- Influence costs are high to prevent territory growth, but as soon as you stop your need for influence is gone too.
Posted 8 July, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
In order for the Martian Express DLC to be recommended you have to have the workshop fixes installed.

Transporting colonists to work area
A train will transport colonists to work in another dome, dome area, or the station work area.
Trains will not transport colonists to use needs facilities in other dome areas.

Supply Chain
I ran a really rough test using only trains for a supply chain between dome areas. Which meant no shuttles, no universal depot supply chains, or transport routes.
Dome are 1 was six Mega Trigon domes and Elevator, Dome area 2 was two oval domes, and Dome Area 3 was a Medium dome with Elevator.

It originally the supply chain failed, but after the recent patch in the workshop limiting good to 30 or 60 each of each type it now passes with flying colors.

The only remaining hurdle for the DLC is the it can only be used on flat areas. However I believe the author mentioned working on a tunneling feature which should remove that hurdle.
Posted 14 July, 2022.
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155.2 hrs on record (137.6 hrs at review time)
If you like turn based team shooters (X-Com, UFO:Aftermath, etc) this is a nice game, especially on sale.

Not sure what all the negativity is about. I do not really care because it seems over exaggerated.
150 hours and I had three crashes. Which since it saves at the start of each unit's turn there is nothing lost.

This is a really good conversion from the table top game. Much better than some of the other Games Workshop conversions in the past.
Posted 19 December, 2021.
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231.6 hrs on record (84.1 hrs at review time)
At first some of the changes from Skyrim were annoying and frustrating. However the game kinda grows on you because there is so much new and different.

The world building alone is amazing. You tend to forget it uses Skyrim assets until you see some that are jsut too familiar. Although it was kind of disappointing to have so many locations with no quest related to them. In other words you will run out of quests long before exploring it all.

The most annoying thing I have found is the dialogues. Too many NPCs have greetings "never seen you before" and that is their only greeting. Greeting sliek that simply break immersion especially when you own the house across the street form the store. That and some NPC after completing their quest simply have no dialogue at all.
Posted 2 July, 2021.
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1,938.5 hrs on record (82.9 hrs at review time)
If you are into exploring, building, survival, and shooting things then this game is going to be worth the money you spend.

I can literally spend a couple days exploring one planet if I was to explore every bit of it. That is just one planet and there can be multiples in a system. Then you got vasts amounts of systems (vast enough it is lottery odds to see another player.)

While the piece choices are somewhat limited the places you can build are not. Beach, mountaintop, underground, etc if you find the spot you can build there.

On normal the survival mechanics are kinda on the easy side. However you have the survival mode which limits how much of a stack you can carry, the conditions are more severe on a planets, and then you go more hostiles running around. If that still aint enough you have a permanent death option.

Shooting things
Combat has a minor role in the game. You can however choose to engage in it or choose to avoid it. You got everything from space pirates, Sentinnels who attack when they find someone plundering resources to wandering critter looking for lunch.

So if you are one of those people who values their money spent to time played ratios then this is one of those games you are going to spend a lot of time playing.

Posted 24 August, 2020.
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0.0 hrs on record
The improved garrison, compliance, resistance, intell system, and scout planes are a nice addition.

Garrisons use a template of your choosing. Then garrisons are off map units that use your manpower and equipment to maintain. Depending on how heavy the resistance is how much damage your garrisons take.

Compliance is basically how cooperative the people of an occupied country are. Higher compliance gives more manpower, resources, factors, less resistance, etc. You cna also use spies to create a collaboration government before occupying.

Resistance will start sabotaging a state and spread resistance bonuses to nearby states. Once resistance hit about 60% stuff will start being damaged as fast as you repair it.

Intel will give you better estimation of all the statistics of a nation. It also is what gives you the intel advantage or disadvantage when fighting. Intel is also affect by a variety of factors like which market is used (free trade has intel penalty to the nation, while closed economy makes it harder for intel), your captured spies and spies you capture give intel.

Scout planes are a nice addition and replacement for the way radar used to see into a country. Depending on weather conditions, intel, and such you will possibly see unit locations. Exact details can range form a marker to being able to see the template guess.

The Spanish Civil War is far more realistic. Depending on the faction you choose it can take years to win and years to recover. Which the speed is governed by the "weather mechanic" of Unplanned Offensive which reduces damage for both sides to -90% which places them combat in a deadlock. Each faction you choose has different focuses.

Overall it was a good addition as it brings more complexity to the game.
Posted 17 March, 2020.
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8,315.6 hrs on record (4,639.6 hrs at review time)
3,000 hours without the use of mods.
Mods like Sim Settlements just keep on giving reasons to play.
Posted 29 November, 2019.
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0.0 hrs on record
I hate the review system. This deserves a meh instead of a yay or nay.

The story is great because you get to see the Skalitz raid from another perspective playing as Theresa. Which makes me want to give a thumbs up.

However after the raid Theresa's story is done and you go back to playing Henry. So no sandbox mode as a female which deserves a thumbs down.
Posted 29 May, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
347.4 hrs on record (55.0 hrs at review time)
This is not FPS or meant to be a FPS. This is a recreation of the tabletop game. That is why it is turned based and it plays well as a turn based game.

It follows the tabletop rules very well. Everything is there, both the good luck and the bad luck. Ammo crits, knockdowns, called shots on downed mechs, heat can cause damage, jumping can cause damage, the quick kill and the why wont this mech just die. You also have the just because you can unload all weapons does not mean you should.

The engagements play like one long battle. Start on one part of the map and enemies keep engaging as you cross the map. The enemies first show up as just plain vehicle or mech heat signatures on the map. So any damage taken, heat accumilated (unless you pause to cool off), and ammo used up is carried on. Gun emplacements and the vehicles kinda seem like a joke at first, but if they manage to hit you and do damage it just weakens for what is in store on the rest of the map.

Not a big fan of the art or the looks of the mechs, but since the game mechanics are sound it makes up for it. I personally preffered the old school art styles of the mechs instead of this newer look.

The user interface has just about the right amount of clunkiness. Once you adjust to it for things like movement and firing at multiple targets it aint too bad. Witht he movement it is basically if you do your full mvoement do not expect to get a full facing change you desire, so might have to hit esc and back your target hex hex up. For firing at multiple targets you have to click each target to put a A, B, C on them then select the weapons to fire at A, B, C targets.

The mechs are customizable, somewhat. I say somewhat because you can not change out the weapon types (ballistic, missle, energy, support) for another type, nor can you increase the amount of weapons past the initial amoutn of hardpoints. This kinda makes the smaller mechs a bit less customizable, but a larger one with multiple hardpoints in a location you could make one smaller and the other larger, etc. You can also find rare versions of weapons and equipment in the stores and battlefeilds that is an improved version.

This is all about making money. You have bills that just keep coming so you constantly have to take jobs. Keeping in mind your profits on a job is going to depend on your damage taken. If you go guns blazing and reckless into the fights and take lots of damage then that comes out of your profit margin. On top of that you have travel time to and from jobs, travel time which is downtime for making money, but that dont stop the payroll and bills from coming.

The other thing about campaign mode is the repair time for mechs, customization time, downtime for injury. You could easily end up losing money because your mechs or pilots are temporary out of commision.

Then of course you have reputation factor in the game. Repuation affects jobs you can take, people you can hire, and the prices you pay. Of course having bad repuation with a faction causes issues as well.

Overall I think this is one of those games I will definitely get my play time out of it.
Posted 24 April, 2018. Last edited 24 April, 2018.
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