Mister Edgar Friendly
PiposAlex   Bucharest, Bucuresti, Romania
7 Days to Die
3,375 時間プレイ
I have a question for you, dear reader. Do you dream? Do you sometimes let your thoughts wonder, the infinite possibilities of man into space? Do you sometimes, when you close your eyes and sleep, dream of distant stars and planets? You would like to visit them, to tread upon they're soil and marvel at the wonders they have to offer.I know you would. What if you no longer dreamed? What if, you could actually go there, what if you could actually explore hundreds of systems, planets and more, so much more. It all starts with a single step.All you have to do is reach out, reach out for the stars.

Ok no more cheesy stuff, this game will suck you in, it will make you want to explore allot and there is allot to see, don't mistake the game for Space Engineers, it's not that. Having almost 450 hours in the game by now I can safely say I won't be tired of the game anytime soon.You can explore, craft your own ships, battle aliens or other players.Interface is good but can be better. I'd give this game 9000 out of 10, that's how good it is.

Edit, as of 1.07.2018 got over 1k and the game is still as fun as the first time I purchased it. Recommend playing on the HWS Servers, they are the biggest ones at the moment in the game. Friendly admins and awesome community.

Extra edit, as of 11.04.2021 and the game has has been updated a lot, the Unknown Skyes server (USG) is probably the most enjoyable at the moment , it's a great alternative to HWS, it runs the Eden Reforged scenario that adds a ton of items and game play options. The community on USG is very friendly and admins are real bros. Hop in and check it out for a bit.
Good ol' Frost
531 22 16
Empyrion - Galactic Survival
3月21日 に最後にプレイ
2月2日 に最後にプレイ
76561199621960944 2024年6月11日 10時15分 
good game:)
Who? 2021年7月26日 10時16分 
retrogex 2016年5月1日 10時38分 
cool dude