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28.7 hrs on record (8.4 hrs at review time)
Only done the recent campaign basically alongside a few games practising (unranked). The Event now has 1 O.P. commander and 1 medium tiered one and 1 slightly under-strengthed commander. In this event there are 4 commanders, but have not faced against one of them. The Chaos guy completely countres the one Sister of silence who spawns 1/3, but the enemy is a 3 attack hero who heals when killing enemies, so he takes your 2 energy away that you just used to spawn a unit, then heals himself by 1. Effectively making only early game tactic cards worthwhile. Even then you lose 3 health and take 2 of theirs away whist he simultaneously builds up cards on the board.

I have read from many reviews that there are just overpowered cards which are in every single game once you get even mildly higher up in rank - which happens in most card games. But the problem here is the grind to get more cards in the first place which seems immense so far, largely because of the number of different Chaos and Imperial Astartes and groups such as the Mechanicus & Sisters of Battle.

Less grind and more customisation when it comes to which chapter you want to have... and less mixing and matching of cards... If you want to have that wait until later. Myrmidon was O.P. even in the campaign as a bot, free energy and free +4 damage at the cost of 1 energy which you regain anyway alongside the -35 not -30 base H.P. is one example of O.P.

SURVIVOUR can be RELAID down on units constantly - O.P., Bastion is rubbish compared to survivour. Only thing that might make a smidgen of a difference is if *Sentence* kills off the Survivour health values after they have come back.
Posted 28 July, 2021. Last edited 29 July, 2021.
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143.3 hrs on record
A single Card early on can make this game at least partially pay-to-win - or - it is very single deck minded where you are experimenting and others have just picked up a very very very specific neutral or faction deck. Before you have any specific cards of your own to countre them. Card games as a whole not just GWENT need to figure out how to 'Veto' a card during searching. If the enemy has it and you know you cannot deal with it, then you need to be able to dodge it. That mostly applies for Neutral Cards (e.g. Madoc-Witcher).

On the other hand to make it simpler, you could just 'veto' an entire deck-type or deck power that you're just unable to deal with at the time. Losing at low levels to the same cards, because it takes you 30 wins (you maybe have a 50% win rate if you're lucky) or 80 losses - therefore something in between, just for 1 new card that can help is pretty ridiculous.
Posted 3 March, 2021.
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277.6 hrs on record (248.6 hrs at review time)
Really had so many hopes, even for years with this game.
Very very very little growth past the first launch. And their belief that the campaign adds anything *other than grind* is a complete myth. Don't let the number of hours in game fool you, I've had some good hours in this game. But there is no real - nuance to how you play. YES you can win in long drawn out ways or slow & steady build-ups, or you might get the best min-maxing to win................. OR - the map makes it so that despite having all 4 or 5 routes to your base locked off, they all spam one section which causes yet more undead to coalesce there... and you have no ways to stop it. Best thing would have been if they SLOWLY (they're good at slow) tweaked the ability to manoeuvre enemies through sacrificing your units. Causing losses here or there, but giving you time to deal with some ridiculous aspects of the game.

Also - how do trains not attract zombies, but a few arrows bring freshly infected like moths to yet more moths looking to procreate? And the game at least in terms of the campaign should have been about 'Expeditions' not randomly having a town centre & 4-archer women to defend your massive structure in the middle of nowhere.

For a 4-5 year old game, this one really has just been a waste of time, money, effort & worse yet - expectations. That requires the player to make their own little tit-bits of fun whenever possible rather than providing interesting or well thought out or even challenging game-play.
Posted 17 January, 2021.
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18.2 hrs on record (10.2 hrs at review time)
Yes, but having to play certain cards (as others have mentioned), in order to advance is kind of ridiculous. It slows your progress immensely and can be quite frustrating... you're in a constant battle between just using the same cards over and over and over again in the exact same way due to synergies in order to get credits - or - you sell whichever groups of cards you have to ascend yours at a 50% loss (buying cheap card costs 600 credits but helps you ascend cards at 300 credits worth).

The game is great other than a few imbalanced things particularly referring to 'Heals & Growth (health increases)'. However, if you get yourself to some Tier-3 (Silver-Tier) Cards then you're usually okay against most heals. The problem so far with the game is that you're trying to do mini-quests esentially to unlock new cards which forces your play-style and deck-builds into certain avenues.

A lot of people have mentioned how they don't like it and I tend to agree... Relaxing the requirements for new cards would be good. And simply 'REFERENCING' the fact that you play in BRACKET of your highest tier card in your deck. Other than this glaring over-sight the game is actually really good as I've mentioned... like with a bit more support and consistent work on it, it could be reliably/consistently expanded requiring a deep level of strategic thinking.

The only thing I'd really like to add is a 'Second Hand Card Group' where you have a chance to pick from a small group of 'Pre-Chosen Cards' outside of your deck to supplement yourself as the game progresses through each Stage... This would allow one to further modify their deck as the game went along.......... just in case your base deck happens to be garbage versus what an opponent has. I GENUINELY DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY CARD GAMES DON'T IMPLEMENT THIS, it truly baffles me. But if this game did, then I'd probably consider it better than any of the few dozen others that I've played before.
Posted 10 January, 2020.
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4.1 hrs on record
Had a long list of things to discuss but even the reviewing process isn't working the best.
Posted 12 December, 2019.
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196.5 hrs on record (80.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Apparently after multiple years in Alpha/Beta there is still no in game chat, there are no ways to indicate to your team-mate which cards to use, why, etc. There is a major lack of CONTROL basically in this game, especially when it comes to dual queues.

I still cannot mute people despite spammed messages throughout the discussion pages and online stating that I can... and many people are having problems with this.

There are a sleugh of things that need work, and despite my absolute love and enjoyment for this semi-card type game over ALL OTHERS I still need more attention by the developers to the AREAS which need it most/have been plagued for the longest time.

I am attempting here as I always will to be infinitely fair, but be infinitely harsh when the time comes and things have not progressed well. I have also sent multitudes of 'Feedbacks' and made many discussion chats both in and out of steam, and they unfortunately echo so many points from previous players.

I am continuing to play this game... but a lack of chat as the first major problem is MOST LIKELY going to cause my slow withdrawal from this game as I am someone who likes to enjoy both solo and team aspects to a game.

Before I finish this amendment... truly this game is fantastic, and it has potential in so many regards. Even after losing a genuine game, I am not dismayed or swayed beyond measure. The only aspect of losing, even sometimes winning that truly disgusts me is that there is no form of communication between players, and that this makes this game in some ways worse than Dota/SCII, etc. in that people can only learn from themselves or almost mindless chatting in discussion groups... which is truly horrible for a game's future.

Below is an earlier review... the Above which you have just read is an amendment.

Really quite enjoying the lax environment of the game... It's intense when you want it to be, or when interesting character/troop combinations come up.

Would like for chat to be a bit easier in this game... perhaps even in the simple form of notifying your ally which hero/troop you're going to play, which unit type to focus on in which lane, etc.

Really hoping I'll continue to enjoy the game as it progresses... yes progresses not 'evolves' since evolution is a word with a very particular meaning. The developers will progress the game, and I'm hoping with more play I'll be able to give some good or at the very least 'interesting' directional advice for the game.
Posted 7 March, 2019. Last edited 13 March, 2019.
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6,401.2 hrs on record (351.6 hrs at review time)
I definitely take my breaks from this game and have altered my play to not involve so many bugs (reduced probability for them to occur). With this I don't interact with London, ON devs or any of the forum scanners.

Thus, the game is enjoyable... is expanding... is a F hell of a grind... and can be fun a lot of the time.

I recommend it now on the advice that you ought to make friends, or ask for assistance when you really need it. I for one thank the man who gave me MESA a few weeks before MESA Prime. As I was already grinding over 65 + Vaulted Radiant Relics & an indefinable # of non-Radiant AXI S4 Relics JUST for 1 Soma Prime Part.

Really this game will give you headaches just from determining 'How to Play it' over 'Actually Playing it'... so ask for help from fellows/comrades in the community and you'll find it can be quite enjoyable.

Original Review Below -

Play it, but ♥♥♥♥ company for it's control of excess game supplements (only the wikia is available from players, no stats website, or Inventory Checking Section to the Warframe profiles, etc)., lack of bug fixing, lack of good forum scanning, and so on.

Recommended = No.
Posted 4 November, 2017. Last edited 5 April, 2019.
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9.8 hrs on record (9.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Think a massive problem with this game are that the bonus cards stick too much... They inhance a card too much, without being denyable by silences or card changes, etc. It's not displayed properly in the beginning and it's a poor mechanic anyway.
Posted 5 October, 2017.
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1.0 hrs on record
Really not that good of a start. With a ridiculous story-mode, and a poor setup of cards from the beginning. Needs to balance things out a bit more with different forms of decks to reasonably increase in strength and ability over time.
Posted 27 September, 2017.
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15.1 hrs on record
Posted 7 June, 2017.
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