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13 people found this review helpful
242.9 hrs on record
If you like turn-based strategy games with loads of replayability and customization - this game is an easy choice for you. And the era of Ancient Greece is a great bonus - I love this era so this is a big plus for me.

Btw I wish people recognize and praise smaller devs like Kube Games. The devs put a great amount of thought, care, effort and devotion to create this game. And honestly it's better than many games made by much bigger companies.

Replayability and customization
This is one of the strong points of the game.
First of all, the game has multiple scenarios. The main one is the map of the Ancient Greece and Asia Minor - i personally like this one the most and I spent most of my playtime in this mode. This map is huge with a lot of different factions.
But then there are smaller scenarions as for example the one that contains only Peloponese peninsula. The result is much swifter gameplay and is more suited for multiplayer.
Or another one is the Troyan war(it's the free DLC) - smaller map, less factions but faster pace.
Every faction has its own objectives that give you some direction on what to focus, but you are NOT forced to follow them, it's up to you to decide. And if you complete these goals you will get some rewards - technology gets completed or you will get some unit, etc.
And as the cherry on top you have the generator of random worlds - yeah you heard right. So if you get bored with any of the premade scenarios you can always go and create your own worlds with great amount of customization options.

Another layer of customization is the difficulty. The game has the general setting for difficulty - how much resources you earn and other stuff that binds to the player but there is more. Essentially every AI player has its owm difficulty and that it makes very interesting. With this you can assure that every game ends up in different way. For example in my first two runs Boetia always came on the top in Attica, So next time I played with difficulty of AIs and outcome was completely different. There are some strong factions that are predestined to be the 'big dogs' but with this setting you can always mix it up.

Next up are(what I personally call) factors. these are another options that add more flavor.
For example - Corruption, Independent cities having armies so they are harder to subdue, Random events, Army morale and more.
The one that I really like is the option to allow Myths and Legends. This mix the game even more with events, quests, mythical creatures, etc.....

The basic combat is solid and does what would you expect from this type of the game. Terrains affect performce of units and each unit type performs better on certain terrains. Movement cost depends on terrain and roads. As I said basic solid foundations.
But yet again there is more. Units gain experince which is good basic mechanic, but they also can get traits. And there is a lot of these.
There are traits that increase unit's attack, defense, movement, attack against cities. Ability to attack twice in one turn and much more. These traits can be earned by two means. You can either develop technology and train these traits in your cities or they can be earned in combat.
Another stat that adds another layer to the combat is morale and loyalty. This stats affect how effective your units are in the combat and when loyalty falls too low your unit can even defect to the enemy.
The morale and loyatly applies to cities as well. The units that are recruited in cities with low morale will also have low morale.
Also cities with low morale and loyalty can be influenced and they will join you without fight, but enemies can do tjis to you as well.... Sometimes you don't even have to influence cities, if one side is loosing the war rapidly and are getting crushed the morale drops like a rock and cities will start to join you voluntarily - this actually reflects history pretty well and its really accurate.

Well I will stop writing here because I went on bit too much. If someone actually reads to the end I will say - this is a really great game with devoted devs backing it. I wholeheartedly recommed it.
Posted 29 December, 2023. Last edited 29 December, 2023.
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A developer has responded on 3 Apr, 2024 @ 12:13pm (view response)
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27.2 hrs on record
They have forced their crappy launcher into this game. But that is not the 'best' part.

When you uninstall the game the launcher STAYS in your computer. But that is not all.

The launcher DOESN'T show up in the Control Panel so that you CANNOT uninstall it..... This is absolutely unacceptable. This 2K launcher should be marked as malicious software.

Edit: Compare it with if Cyberpunk or Witcher. These games also install the REDLauncher but this software is shown in Control Panel and you can properly uninstall it when you finish the games. That is proper way to do it.
At least you know who treats their customers with respect and honesty.
Posted 18 January, 2023. Last edited 24 January, 2023.
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1.2 hrs on record
Interesting concept.

But pretty soon I have encountered game breaking bug where i couldn't move my fleet.
Posted 26 November, 2021. Last edited 26 November, 2021.
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17 people found this review helpful
76.5 hrs on record
Beware! If you love the original Sudden Strike(as I do) you will most likely be disappointed.

My main reason to recommend is the price. I bought it for about 3-4euros and I eventually played it over 70hours.
It's a decent strategy game but as I said it's NOT a Sudden Strike game. As many said before me it's much more arcade-style. Don't expect those merciless missions where you could spent dozen of hours cutting through the enemy lines as in the original. You won't find them in here.
And even though it doesn't have the true SS essence I'm glad we got this game especially In today's endless pool of open world/survival/battle royale games.
The game isn't flawless. The biggest flaw I encountered is a glitch when you are unable to resupply your units.... I also miss units gaining experience.

As I said, If you want to play a decent WW2 strategy game - go for it. The best choice is to pick it on a sale and you should be okay.
Posted 28 June, 2021. Last edited 10 July, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
40.4 hrs on record
I simply can't recommend this 'remaster'. There are many reasons for that - most notably the bugs and not just some bugs but actually serious game-breaking bugs. The bug that is present in the game since its original release! I'm speaking about chapter 14 where the game glitches when you want to return money to Bruno.

This is simply outrageous. When they announced the remaster I hoped that they could add some content thas was originally meant for this game and finally do the justice Mafia 2 deserves. But they didn't even bother to fix well known glitches. What a disgrace!

The visuals may look a bit better but who cares when your game looks like this:

I am terribly disappointed with the devs and their approach towards the game. Mafia 2 deserves better.
Posted 1 March, 2021. Last edited 1 March, 2021.
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12 people found this review helpful
43.2 hrs on record
It's difficult to not recommend becasue I am a fan of Spiders Studio but the game is too lacking. Btw their games weren't triple A titles. For me it was something like b-movies that hit the right spot and had a specific charm about them.

The story is okay even though I didn't felt too engaged, especially compared to Bound by Flame where I enjoyed the story much more. Also there is a lot of running back and forth in the quests. Revisiting same areas again and again. And I mean A LOT(especially when you do all side quests like me). Too much for my taste.

The combat is a direct continuation to Bound by Flame. I had fun with the staff stance but every stance is good to play. it's NOT perfect. For example - when you try to dodge away from your opponent your character actually makes his move towards the enemy - no matter which arrow key you hold, that can be annoying.
Also your enemies have obvious advantages. For example - when you push your enemy into a corner with no space to move he can still dodge your attacks. This doesn't work for you. If you want to dodge an attack you must have some space to evade.....Some people say it's hard but I rather think it can be frustrating because of the stuff like this.

The visuals are pretty good. I would say it is the biggest improvement from their previous game. Don't forget the game is already 4 years old, but it still looks decent.

The soundtrack is a big disappointment for me. I loved the soundtracks in Of Orcs And Men and Bound by Flame. This one was really uninteresting for me.
Posted 23 December, 2020. Last edited 26 December, 2020.
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7 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
I really considered to give a positive review but more I delve into the DLC I could see its poor execution.

But to take it from the start - the story felt very interesting from the first moment, especially because of the Flying Fortress. It served as a magnet to me and I was truly eager to discover its mysteries. I don't want to give any spoilers so I will simply say that this potential was wasted.....

The gameplay doesn't add anything new. Simple as that. There are some new enemies - they could be described as elemental beings made of wood. And these elementals using same metallic weapons as humans and of course they have the same moves as your enemies in the base game. This is just a cheap re-skin.

I liked the idea of more smaller islands to which you have to sail, but this was quickly shattered by the sail and wind system. I quickly yearned to find the teleports and never use my boat again.

As I said the story starts well but it goes into ashes very quickly. The only thing that I remember from the story isn't connected to the main quest line, but one journal about certain grave digger who had an necromancy gift and it was pretty good reading. Yes, one journal was more interesting than the whole story about this DLC.

There are 3 different endings but they are all completely desperate and generic.

Also I have problems with the language localization. This DLC should have czech subtitles but is is broken and you can get them only through a community guide. And still there is a lot of glitches and texts in polish. Even in the menu where you setup your characted, that is really annoying. But the devs care more about microtransactions.......
Posted 23 April, 2020. Last edited 23 April, 2020.
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3 people found this review helpful
57.7 hrs on record
I prefer this one over the sequel especially because of no microtransactions. But also because this game is pure old-school entertainment with no hidden agendas or diversity quotas. Just a great story about two men who lost everything(I know that Celebrimbor is an elf but you know what I mean). Vengeance is your only goal and there is a lot of ways how to hunt your prey.

Every cutscene was amazing - revealing Celebrimbor's story was tragic but at the same time fantastic and immensely engaging. The voice acting is masterful... Last time I felt so hooked for LoTR was because of the movie trilogy.
Posted 22 April, 2020. Last edited 17 May, 2020.
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25 people found this review helpful
38.9 hrs on record
My favorite AC game, by far. Not just because of the great memories but because this game has fantastic vibe. The opening scene where you race with your brother is one of the most amazing things in gaming. It still sits in me like I was playing it for the first time.
The other thing I love about this game is a lot of different locations and cities, and they all have unique and unrepeatable feel to them. Sometimes you may get frustrated because of the climbing system and its glitches. But for me it never ruined the essence this game has.

For me Assassin's Creed lived and died with Ezio Auditore da Firenze.
Posted 21 April, 2020.
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9 people found this review helpful
105.6 hrs on record (101.5 hrs at review time)
I'm an old school player who likes to search every corner and possibility that the game has to offer and you can tell by my playtime that I did. Normally I would give a positive review but there are some major issues that I cannot overlook.

Bugs and glitches
There is a lot of smaller bugs, for example - falling through the textures or getting stuck because of the bad level design - I could tolerate these as the game allows you to save your progress without limitation.
Much worse are the game-beraking bugs that are connected to the main quest line. Yes, you heard correctly - the game that was given huge number of DLCs and microtransactions has its main quest line broken....This perfectly shows the nature of the devs.
I will describe the bug closely:
- At one point of the game you will visit the university and you will come across the professor who is abusing some female student. You can either expose him or help him. If you choose to help him the door leading into his office gets locked permanently and thus blocking your progress. This is unacceptable especially for the game that got paid DLCs and microtransactions....
But now I honestly believe this is intentional, they want to teach the players(which are paying customers after all...) that helping 'sexist white men' is not an option. If you want to govern your customers remove this option and don't fool us, I have lost hours of my playtime because of this.

Well this point talks for itself. Instead of tackling many issues in the game they rather add this filth into mostly singleplayer game that is almost ten years old. in Europe the game was released in November 2010.
The game has a multiplayer but nobody plays it....
Just this fact about microtransactions should dissuade you from byuing this game.

I think the term that describes the story is 'average'. There are some better moments but mostly it's just forgettable. The biggest pain is the ending.
At the end you realize there must be the Emperor so the order can be held and it's decided that your sister will take his place. Here comes the joke. She is an beautiful woman with juicy breasts, narrow waist and full bum, but in the moment she puts on Emperor's armor her chest changes to flat and wide, her legs and arms gets 3 times bigger.... This is the most absurd and cliché thing you could find in storytelling.

You can get it on some sale but don't expect anything special. But honestly I suggest to you not to buy it just because of the microtransactions nonsense. They just want to milk the money.
Posted 6 April, 2020. Last edited 22 April, 2020.
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