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1 person found this review helpful
29.2 hrs on record (12.1 hrs at review time)
It's a great game. Very chill, very cute, but ultimately somewhat demanding resource manager. A serious step up from Reus 1, where at some point I was just pulling my hair trying to do these more extreme achievements to get new unlocks. There's something of a grid for your plants and whatnot now, so there's so much more potential for symbioses. You also draft your biotica every playthrough, so you don't always get the same things. On the surface it might sound annoying, but in reality it's pretty neat, you actively need to think what you need more on your planet. The addition of biodiversity also means that spamming the same things and same combos is not exactly a thing (though you can still do it with some things), and overall the balance is really good; it's not perfect, but it's also a new game, I can let a few biotica being underpowered slide. Giants can do a few more things now too which is pretty fun. I honestly have nothing bad to say about this game other than a few balancing tweak are in order, and some explanations in tooltips could be a bit clearer, but this is really just a handful of instances. The game is great fun.
Posted 3 June, 2024.
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292.6 hrs on record (266.8 hrs at review time)
MW3 is hot trash and nobody in their right mind should spend money on it. I'm not even gonna talk about the campaign because who cares, but this relaly is MW2 with a few values tweaked. Yeah the movement is a little better, but you play it for a little bit and realise that you just spent 80 euros for a game you bought last year, with maps from 10 years ago, which btw are still so much better than any garbage they release these days, and like 10 new weapons. This has to be a joke.

Also why do updates require restarts? You know Steam, or Battlenet for that matter, can install and verify files, right?
Posted 29 December, 2023.
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265.9 hrs on record (8.7 hrs at review time)
There are a lot of not great things about this game. First of all, the singleplayer experience is pretty bad. Non-existent I would say. Career mode is tragic, overcomplicated, and has no randomised events, so it has no replayability whatsoever (and IMO just sucks overall). The Championship mode limits you to WRC, WRC2, and WRC Junior cars for no reason too. I found that the best way to enjoy the singleplayer is to just make your own championship in the quickplay option.

The graphics? Honestly... kinda bad. They do the job but why is it worse than Dirt 2 with like 60 less fps? I haven't really gotten these famous stutters but the performance is bad; it's acceptable for majority of the time, but night time stages that go through cities send your frames fluctuating between 20 and 70.

AI is... more or less fixed, they're still weird though. Sometimes they're a lot faster than you'd expect, sometimes they're a lot slower, they don't seem to bug out as before though. It still feels like you're setting the difficulty for the first 3 guys though. I test my car setups on 93 difficulty, and the top 3 AIs are often a lot faster than the other 25.

The pacenotes... OMG they are so ♥♥♥♥. They did fix them a little, they do feel a little better, but you still have situations where you're taking a 6 right and man just says "tightents 2" and at this point you just let Jesus take over... You're forced to play on the earliest setting because the most crucial calls are still late, but they are sometimes tolerable this way. You really cannot go flatout because you can never fully trust the notes. The calls are also often inconsisten. Double caution sometimes means nothing, "brake" is said at compeltely wrong moment so you brake too early or you don't have to brake at all, there are very few calls like "rocks inside", or "keep left", "square right at tree" which is strange because they ARE in the game but just rarely utilised for no reason. There's also no tonal changes between technical and fast parts. There are talks that MAYBE we'll get a pace note editor, but I kinda don't believe we will.

There are also weird bug with damage where tyre wear is just inconsistent to the point where at the end of one stage the tyres feel fine, but at the start of the other stage they have zero grip. I've experienced "phantom repairs" where I fixed my radiator, but the game seemingly just ingored that fact and my engine cooked, some other damages feel inconsistent between stages, sometimes resetting to track straightens out your wheels... those are all bugs. The way this happens I wouldn't believe it's a feature.

So is there anything good about this game? Well yes, the driving physics are actually really good, the tarmac especially has improved, but you can SO tell the difference between different surfaces, tyre wear feels more tangible, it's actually great, leaps and bounds better than Dirt Rally 2, to the point that I will not be returning to DR2, even if overall it's a more functional game, the driving is just so much better. I remember playing DR2 on tarmac just before I bought this game and I was just raging how terrible and slippery it felt. The people that are more into racing games say that most surfaces are like 8 or 9 out of 10 on the scale of realism, but tarmac is still at around 6, but that tarmac is actually fun now. I can also confirm, tarmac is definitely up there for me.

The multiplayer CAN also be fun. I say "can" because you have to go to an outside website to sign up for clubs and it has been the least intuitive thing in my life. The clubs are actually a really cool idea in theory, but in practice it's difficult to find something that you will like, it's difficult to get your own club going because you basically have to shill on reddit until enough people join and the pace of it is painfuly slow, and so you're kind of left with only a few clubs that you might enjoy that are hidden in the sea of what you're not interested in. Not ideal. The official clubs also kinda suck? They're really short, and while they're fun, I always feel like if they had 9-10 stages every event this would have been so much more fun. There is also a quickplay for multiplayer where you race against people in real time, as in they are setting their time at the same moment, but I only used it for casual 1v1. When you do find your clubs though, that game floruishes. I must say this game made me a multiplayer rally gamer, whereas in Dirt Rally 2 I was mostly singleplayer, but would do the online challenges sometimes.

I previously gave this game a negative review because I came in with the expectation of a good singleplayer experience, and if you're into that just turn around, go get Dirt Rally 2, this ain't it. IF you are willing to spend time to setup everything to enjoy multiplayer... wait for a sale and give it a shot, it can be really fun, but just don't expect to be able to jump in and play with no strings attached. I would also not recommend buying this game at a full price, I don't think it's worth the price tag.

So if I were to give a review of the singleplayer experience then it's a solid 2/10, avoid at all costs unless quickplay championship is enough for you.

If I were to give a review of the multiplayer experience... a strong 7/10* with an asterisks. The clubs are fun and very annoying and unintuitive at the same time. When you learn how to deal with this ♥♥♥♥, and you've found clubs you like the game is fun. The user experience is pretty awful though; it's not something you can't get used to, but it's not good. Once you learn how to tolerate the game and how to have fun, then the fun part is actually good.

I still hold similar views to my original review though. It's a 5.5 to 6/10 game as a whole product. It has tons of potential, but it's wasted by shortsighted decisions, and it's only fun for people who care enough to try out the clubs, which are like the worst nightmarish user experience for the average consumer. HOW is it not baked into the game's menus?

This is a game for multiplayer enjoyers only. That multiplayer can be fun, and when it's fun, you've found your little niche of clubs, you're all set up, it's 9/10, but only then.

If any of you are looking for medium-long rallies (whatever the controls you're using) then try out my club. Due to not being able to put links in reviews, if you go to racenet (the website for joining clubs), add /clubs/14455 to the url, and you'll find it.
Posted 25 December, 2023. Last edited 2 April, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
543.3 hrs on record (16.2 hrs at review time)
I have to do my part against these pointless negative reviews. I'll start with saying that the movement was not slowed down, people just don't see that their FOV shrinked to 70 by default, you do not have to pay to play with friends, the game runs fine on a decent computer, and the destruction is not "pointless". Honestly, most negative reviews seem to be some hate review bombing...

As for the actual review the game is fun! I can't remember when I had this much fun in a shooter, and when was the last time I saw a relatively new take on a shooter. You need teamplay, you need to think and act fast, you need to be good at aiming, good at movement, and remain calm when the entire server is throwing ♥♥♥♥ at you and trying to kill you. The destruction does play a big role, every unconventional idea like putting turrets on a wall and climbing a building, or standing on a flying explosive barrel and flying with it is on the table. really, everything you can think of is doable here (except throwing the objectives off the map, but you can move them to the other end of the map for example). In a few months this game will have so much theory crafted for it that it might be a little unrecogniseable. Playing the first days you could already see players catch on what's good and what's meh to use. The skins and battle pass in that game actually look decent, it's not like one item in the battlepass that you like, the skins are genuinely good, and you get more money out of battle pass than you pay for it, so every now and then you can buy yourself a skin for free. Prices of these bundles are kinda high but I guess it's just the reality we live in...

The only negatives are that I THINK game needs just a tiny bit of balance for some weapons because some of them are just not good enough to be used, like the revolver--it's usable, but if it had 8 bullets instead of 6 and shot faster then that'd actually be a good alternative for the longer ranges for the mediums. Other than that the game lets you play in a number of different ways and it's great.
The other thing is movement. While generally speaking it is good, it doesn't feel tight, it's a bit floaty. climbing stuff is a bit weird, jumping onto ziplines is weird, some weird angled surfaces let you mantle but then you fall, but then you can catch that again, and it's just akward. It's nothing game breaking or something that would make me not want to play the game, but I would expect that this gets better later on.

Overall I'd say this game has a massive potential and it's a strong 9/10.
Posted 13 December, 2023.
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4,675.0 hrs on record (4,533.2 hrs at review time)
CS2 is a waste of time. Subtick or the server-client relation doesn't work as intended, and in return we basically get client-side movement and hitreg; we literally went back in tech but in a more complicated way. Peeker's advantage also ruins the game completely; standing still and holding a corner is not all that viable against good players, and so is rushing unless you can perfectly abuse the peeker's advantage. I heard that apparently that was intentional to nerf the AWP, but nobody had issues with the AWP. Also every other game someone on the enemy pops off after they lose a half and get 35 kills in MR24 setting. Call me crazy but 30 kill games weren't even that common in MR30.
Posted 8 November, 2023.
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687.9 hrs on record (313.2 hrs at review time)
........../....//............................................\\ ..\
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(.(....(....(..../.) ..)..........................(...(.\....).....)...).)
Posted 1 May, 2019.
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1.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This is one of these game where I wish there was a 'neutral' review on Steam.

I was interested in this game for a moment but just didn't want to waste any money on a game. I also never played this type of game where you enter a mission to level up and all this kind of stuff. When I saw this on free weekend I had to try it out.

The game has a very nice climate, very nice sound and okay graphics. I would say they look very nice but there aren't a lot of details in them making them a bit bland, FPP animations are great, TPP not so much. Gun damage feels nice and the shooting itself does but nothing surroundig the shooting. The game feels like it's made primarly for consoles. I don't like to clutter one button with a lot of actions. LMB is melee. When you press(hold) RMB you can fire from hip with LMB(hip fire is effective but ADS is still better, that's nice). To ADS you need to press another button(shift by default) and then your sight isn't even in the center of your screen. This is annoying as ♥♥♥♥ believe me or not. You have to move your camera higher and 16 years of playing games kinda taught me it should be in the center. Feels extremely odd. Sticking with the console aspect, there are basically no options for graphics. Anisotropic filtering, 2 options for AA and low-medium-high presets that honestly don't affect FPS and barely even change the graphics... No FOV slider. I do like high FOV, 90 is minimum for me and I feel the game has about 80 FOV.
When you look at the progression you can see that to get anything new and interesting you have to hit about lvl 30. Basically a grind game. The more interesting guns are at levels above 60-70(that's high) so before you can get something new you're already bored with the constant grind. There's no looting and personally this threw me off. I can still see myself playing Escape From Tarkov one day simply because you actually loot there. Instead of grind game you have loot goblin simulator in Tarkov. Game feels repetitive after 1 hour and I don't see myself even playing this on free week any longer beecause I'd play to get some better weapons, maybe it's more fun but I'd need liek 50 free weekends to get to a good weapon.
All in all I think that the game can be fun but it needs tons of polish before it's enjoyable. For now it was a huge let down for me. I don't want to say the game is horrible, stay away from it because it's just my game taste that isn't clicking here on some aspects and the fact that there is no content for now and it looks like early beta(it's version 0.33 I think). Not such a terrible game from a technical side(except for shooting mechanics) but it's boring as of this day.
Posted 12 August, 2018.
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464.0 hrs on record (438.0 hrs at review time)
The worst gaming experience I've had. 2tick servers, netcode done by a 2 y/o kid from africa. DO NOT BUY
Posted 27 June, 2018. Last edited 16 July, 2018.
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141.9 hrs on record (64.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I've edited this review twice now, this is the 3rd time. The other two were positive when I still had hope for the game but it turns out that the studio making the game are just con artists. I do believe they wanted to make a cool game at one point, I'd even go as far as to say they were going in the right direction but it was too little too late and I mean it. Game had a rought start, they patched it up, became playable, and then people started pointing out the little things and the big things. There was 1 or maybe 2 big updates that changed a lot, the 3rd big one was the one with Soviet faction but all the maps sucked, and the game was literally the same and we've waited A LOT for that patch. Long story short, updates came to us at a speed of 1 a year or something, and some time ago they pulled the plug. They were actually putting in the British faction in the game but while they were saying that they were rumors that they're already working on a different game. Now, the studio is not big, and with their results on this game you'd have thought that surely they can't manage two games at once. And you'd be right because they just abandoned this game. Not only that, they effectively destroyed so that the 100 people that were playing regularly can't enjoy it anymore because it removes the core ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mechanic of ranking system. I legit think that the way it ended, it is a scam. DO NOT buy this even as gag, it literally has 1 thing left in it.
Posted 3 February, 2018. Last edited 23 January, 2023.
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18 people found this review helpful
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8.8 hrs on record
I don't know what to think about this game... It's good... but not entirely... It came out soon after sim city failure so i guess you know why it got so popular. I've played it for a while and i'm disappointed. There's no target of this game. You can get highest tier of city in no time, money is very easy to get and it becomes boring after a while. But the game itself is good. It's very friendly for mods(which are cool) you can make a nice city but i'm really missing a target in this game. someone could say that you don't need a target in game like that... well... true but if you played a very old game called City Life(there's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ remake of it on steam) you know that trying to get everyone happy, employed and get every group of people is very fun. That game was making you strugle to get that 1% of snobs and so on. in Tropico 4 you also have targets and it makes it a fun game(would be pretty boring without it). so you get me by now. its just a pointless city builder. it's not even economical game(like a lot of city builders). So building cities. it's pretty good. you have to provide water, electronics(not by making a building but with pipes and wires), you have to take rid of trash, road traffics, you've got airports, buses, metro(or tubes ya british wankers), pretty much everything.

So in overall - pointless but very good city builder 6.5/10(just for being pointless)
Posted 11 February, 2016. Last edited 11 February, 2016.
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