Screenshot Showcase
When game doesn't want to be played anymore.
Review Showcase
18.2 Hours played
No one can handle the Wang (in this game).
Pretty much feels like Borderlands 2 and Doom 2016 had a baby.

Gameplay 9/10:
Visuals 9/10:
Audio 9/10:
The Pros:
  • Fast paced first-person combat
  • Lots of cool guns - pistols, light automatic guns, heavy automatic guns (rifles and gatlings!), shotguns (pump, auto, sawed-offs!), launchers (grenade and rocket!), bows, arrows, nail-guns, gauss-rifles, beam-shooting gauntlets
  • Lots of melee weapons - short blades, one-handed swords, two handed swords, two one-handed swords and of course - the chainsaws with...
  • Chainsaw physics!
  • Gun customization with (random) upgrades of different types (from adding elemental damage, through making bullets explosive, to turning gun into a turret or wielding them akimbo-style)
  • Melee and magic (chi) special attacks
  • Lots of things to kill - yakuza, dog-sized rats and bigger animals, demons, synthetic soldiers, mechs
  • Interesting story taking place in 3 settings: wilderness (Shadow Hills), destroyed Chinese town (Calamity City) and sci-fi metropolis (Zilla City)
  • Coop!
  • Soundtrack - especially main theme
The Cons:
  • player abilities and customization seems overwhelming at first
  • slight movement issues
  • loading times (on ssd)
The meh:
  • open but confusing levels
  • character attributes customization (tradeoffs)
  • the ending

Note that my in game time here is wrong, since I've also played this game on Gog