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3 people found this review helpful
119.7 hrs on record (10.1 hrs at review time)
Personally I have an Epic account from getting free games years ago so for me it is not really an issue, but I get why some people are bothered by it. However the devs have already reverted their decision and are currently working it resolve this, so please have more patience people.

As for the game itself, for those that are looking for a normal review, is that it is certainly one of the best in the franchise history. The overall charm remains the same, a poorer graphics Helldivers with 10x more enemies to shoot at, and more classes/weapons for you to choose, embed in a chaotic fun horder shooter with a over the board"chu-ni" janky story. It is still a blast after all these years and would recommend anyone why likes to have some chaotic fun PVE experience with their friends. So please any newcomer give it a try, it is definitely worth a shot at least, if you dislike EOS then at least give it a shot after this ordeal is over.

As for the new stuff for this entry. There is a new extra utility slot for every class except fencer I believe, and it is honestly so good because it allows you to bring in certain utilities that you probably rarely ever used previously because it wasn't really worth losing a slot for, such as grenades, life vendor, drones and weapons to use when you mismanaged and depleted your energy as wing diver.

Since I mainly just play Air raider I can only offer my experience with how the new AR equipment goes for this game. AR now lost the turrets and have drones instead, the drones works similar to how you use the gunship weapons where you shoot beacon for the drones to target. The upside is that the drones don't require points to reload and they "reload" by carrying out the attack and then returning back to the player before you can send them off for another run. So there are types of drones that you can literally constantly send up every few seconds, which basically means they are your new main weapon inside of having to rely on stupid limpet guns anymore, and the fact that they CAN BE USED UNDERGROUND is like god-sent because now you can have air raids in the tunnel as well. You can also send them to attack dropship from below as well, another thing gunship can't do. However, the downside of the drones is that you get punished for missing your beacons more than the gunship ones, because your drones may fly off halfway across the map before coming back to you like 20-30 seconds later, so you definitely what to aim better or at least closer to you(missing up close ain't much of a deal).

There are many types of drones, from the normal one carrying machine guns and snipers, to performing strafing runs, having mortars and even carrying bombs acting like guided missiles. So far I find that the normal machine gun one act like the most versatile normal weapon you can bring everywhere, since they don't damage yourself or your team you can use them up close. The sniper one can one-shot most normal non-armored/elite enemies, can aim from afar so it is surprising helpful in a lot of missions. The strafing drones, especially the rapid one is honestly one of my favorite as of right now because it is literally a constant aoe attack that have no friendly fire, in which you can send out every 5-7 seconds without need points to reload, something I've always dream of from the normal fighter strafing runs. The mortar drones are somewhat mediocre even against groups because I feel like strafing run does the aoe job better and quicker. The shock drones are useful to stall enemies and also deals good damage, but they do seem more restricted on the scenarios that they would be effective in, there are some bugs with it atm so I feel like they could perform better if they fix it. Lastly the bomb/suicide drone does pretty very good damage with aoe but they work like guided missile so you'll have to constantly aim your laser at the target, which is kinda annoying when you have to dodge all the stuff and rolling around, especially given that their flying speed ain't that quick which means against enemies that like to move a lot and far away (like enemy drones) it'll kinda be a pain for you to actually get the drones to them. There are probably some other type of drones like the insect drones I've missed but these are the ones I've used the most as of right now to give an opinion.

The other part of the air raider kit are still there, like the normal air raids, satelite weapons and gunships, mechs etc. Just remember that a number of the missions will restrict you from using any equipment that doesn't make sense, aka any weapon that supposedly you called from the backline (gunship, satelite weapon air raid etc.) because they no longer exist in the post-edf5 timeline in the story. You'll get to use them later but at least for the first 13 missions you won't be getting them, and some later ones as well.

Also don't be disappointed with the story in the beginning if you have played 5, because it'll make sense and get better later into the game, a lot more shenannigans will happen :D.

Thanks for anyone that actually read through my poorly written long ass review (as of right now).
Posted 27 July, 2024. Last edited 27 July, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
36.8 hrs on record
I actually haven't given a negative review for this game even during the PSN debacle nor have I uninstalled the game. It was until now with the devs showing their insane obsession with NERFing all the fun weapons in this game that actually made me quit.

Like for the f**k sake, this is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for-fun coop PVE horde-shooter experience that's meant to be mucking about with your friends and shooting/blowing stuff up, that was the main selling point and the reason for their success, but instead on expanding the chaos and fun experience, the dev team time and time again showed that they are more interested in balancing the game for the sake of balancing. I don't have that much time to play this game so far but I have slowly grinded/ saved enough super credits for my first warbond which I was excited about for the demolition one, and like a week after they ♥♥♥♥♥ nerfed it to the grounds, like.... can I ♥♥♥♥♥ get a refund for that? Even in a competitive game like Hearthstone they would refund the dust for people to craft new cards when they balance and nerf old cards.

Most importantly Why WOULD you want to have everything balanced in this type of PVE experience? Like I have more than enough share of competitive games like APEX or Valorant where balancing is indeed crucial and meaning, I come to HD2 and expect to chill and have fun and they decide to just take that away.

It isn't even like coop PVE games like Monster Hunter where the balancing between Weapons makes sense because the variety of weapons is one of the biggest selling point of that game, whereas for this game it is the chaos and horde shooting fun. Not to mention that in MH every weapon type is viable and within each weapon type there are still weak and strong/OP weapon for that weapon type, the hunter's performance is also getting stronger every generation to match with the increase in Monsters' performance with new skills and movesets, PLUS MH only balance their stuff every new generation or major expansion, not every month or so like here, we can't even get to enjoy a good weapon for like two months before it is being gutted.

It MAKE SENSE to have both weak and strong weapon, it is very normal to have a tech tree like unlock progress for this type of game, you get the weak weapon first and get rewarded with the strong fun weapon later on which makes the grind worth it for the player, we will feel like "hell yea all that time was worth it for this fun stuff now". So why would you want everything to be equal? If players want to play with the same loadout everytime, let them be, if they are bored of it they will move on to trying new stuff out, and if they aren't getting tired of it then let them continue to play that way, it is the PLAYERS' CHOICE to make, NOT YOURS, we paid for the game and we don't want to get taught on how to play this game.

If the devs want to allow for more variety, then their job should be to make all the unfun and underpowered weapons viable and fun to play as well, so that those that are interested in trying stuff out will experiment with all kinds of build, and potentially popularizing it with the community. Instead the devs have shown through multiple patches that they just hate their players having fun, they think they need to teach their community how to play the game and think that they are the GODs of this game that can manipulate everything "according to their vision". Especially with how arrogant and cocky the balance guy sound, they must've thought they are doing such a fantastic job everytime. Such a shame and waste of potentially very fun IP. Until the devs change their entire philosophy on how to approach their future updates of the game, I don't see myself coming back.

For those that are interested in chaotic horder-shooter coop PVE experience, I'll highly recommend trying out the Earth Defense Force series, EDF 6 is coming out soon on steam, this series don't have as good of a graphics as this game does but they have nailed the chaotic fun shoot-em-all part right. There are 10x more enemies, 10x more loadout varieties with different classes, fun vehicles and support strike (strategem-like), and the game is still really challenging in the later stage. The story is really unhinged and bonkers but it is never meant to be taken seriously anyway (neither is HD2 tbh), so it is fun for what it is. Overall highly recommended to people that enjoy the type of game that HD2 was at launch.
Posted 10 May, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
92.3 hrs on record (49.9 hrs at review time)
The game itself is fantastic, I am enjoying this a lot more than the previous souls game baring maybe Bloodbourne. I started playing this game a few days after launch and already got like 50 hrs in despite all the problems I've encountered, the game itself is getting me hooked for sure.

But the PC optimization is honestly horrendous, I have experienced very serious stutters that basically freezed the screens for like 1-2 seconds for every like 3 seconds or so, which made the game absolutely unplayable for me. Fortunately, I found some fixes online relating to the shader cache size and changing it to unlimited in the Nvidia panel. That worked for a while until I moved to a new area through the lift and the stutters returned. Eventually I had to reinstall the game and its fine for now again. I suspect the way the game is handling caches is reasoning for my stutters, I really hope they can get this fix soon because it is such a good game with such a poor optimization that ruins it for me.

Aside from the significant stutter, there are a lot of fps drops every now and then, those are bearable and playable but would love to get some improvements on that regards as well.
Posted 7 March, 2022.
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1,384.6 hrs on record (44.8 hrs at review time)
The best multiplayer FPS I have played in quite a while, definitely the best from BR genre. Fast pacing, nice visuals without needing a good computer, movement feels very polished. I suck at aiming and fps in generally, which was what kept me away from playing for so long, glad I give it another shot few years later.
Posted 24 February, 2022.
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34.1 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Bought Ultimate Edition
Installed game
Open Library BGM section
Listen to HEATS with actual voice
WORTH 100%

Posted 27 October, 2021.
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84.3 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
A long awaited addition to the franchise after several years, a good one as well, hope this will introduce the franchise to more people.
Posted 14 September, 2021.
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