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Recent reviews by D-Tek

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952.3 hrs on record (899.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
its ok
Posted 11 September, 2023. Last edited 15 October, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 29 Sep, 2023 @ 3:24am (view response)
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820.1 hrs on record (476.5 hrs at review time)
its ok
Posted 17 August, 2022.
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139.8 hrs on record (92.7 hrs at review time)
Okay first of all, i love this game. It's soothing, relaxing, intense and challenging at the same time.
It starts up really fast and closes really fast, and loads fast too.
The graphics are very decent
It get updated with new things in a good rate.
It's a perfect timekiller.
Only "negative" thing about the game is that it can feel a bit repetitive, but there are different challenges with different modes, so there is plenty of experimenting to do. And as i said, they put in new things in their updates so its all good.
Definately recommendable. And the price is very decent.
Posted 11 June, 2020.
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323.6 hrs on record (309.0 hrs at review time)
much better than sims4
Posted 13 January, 2020.
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709.5 hrs on record (26.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I really want to give this one a thumbs up, but for now it's not something i would recommend spending 17€ on.
Incredible graphics, feeling and experience while playing. Very hard to survive so it's challenging, but not in an impossible way (unless you play on the hardest difficulty).

The game is early access, but i think it's too early access to charge people so much for it. There are some quite heavy bugs in it.
I built up a camp, finally learned how to keep me fed and healthy, had a nice bed with roof on top... then i wanted to explore more... i explored for 2 hours without saving (you can only save at the shelter/camp), and when i got back, i tried to save, but a weird animation (water splashing) appeared and i couldn't use the right-click or 'E'-button. And i needed to use the E to save my game... not possible... 2 hours of gameplay completely wasted because of a stupid bug. I recommend trying it, and the potential of this game is beyond any survival game i've played. But it's a very early access, so keep that in mind. I'm not gonna play anymore untill the next update/patch, but i will be back and edit my review.

EDIT: It's good
Posted 1 February, 2019. Last edited 3 March, 2019.
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3,121.4 hrs on record (1,666.7 hrs at review time)
So, while calibrating my rank in 10 games, i lost 9/10. Even tho i, as a support, had much better stats than all the other teammates, dota thought it would be very funny to keep matching me with russians, noobs, and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. So now i'm stuck on herald. In ALL of the 9 games i lost, i couldn't do anything. Why? Because the supports have absolutely no chance of winning a game alone. Dota, if you read this. Please let the support players calibration be based on their stats. Not their win/loss rates.
Posted 30 November, 2018. Last edited 6 December, 2019.
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818 people found this review helpful
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85.8 hrs on record (33.6 hrs at review time)
This is my first review ever, but I felt i needed to share my experience with this, in hopes others in the same situation as me, won't make the same mistake.

I've played Total War games since Medieval 1 and Rome 1. I have all their games, including DLC's (half of them are on CD's).
After Warhammer came out I feel that they have lost their love and passion for true games of Total war.
For me, Total war games have been about experiencing and living the history of war, planning strategies, and re-writing history. Getting the feeling of military might when you crush a faction that declares war on you, because they think they march mightier armies, but your superior strategic skills along with you tactical abilities breaks down their morale, and sends their troops home with their tails between their legs, devastated by utter defeat. That's what i loved about Total war games. Watching Braveheart and with passion starting a new game with the Scots in Medieval 2, was an exceptional experience.
With ToB, i was excited. My hopes was up. I'm a student with exams coming up, no money for food, YET i bought this game which costs 70% of what i had in my bank account (and it was only may 3). And i am crushed and disappointed about how much this game is missing, considering how much marketing they've done with it.

It's beautiful, and the first 6-8 hours in the game was good. But you find out very early that youcan't do much more than just go from village to village and settlement to settlement. The AI is rediculously bad, both in campaign and in battle. I played in hard, but i wont even bother starting another new game, couse i know there won't be anything different.
Almost all units are the same with too simplified stats. Spearmen isn't so big of an importance, because axemen or swordsmen will kill cavalry almost as good.
The family tree is made better than Rome 2, simple, but sooo boring. You rarely get children. My first game, i had a general which didn't have children, even though he was married for 60 turns, but it didn't even matter, because i already beat the game in his lifespand... which made me furious... i wanna see the linage build up, imagine my great great grandfather built up the faction, and the great great grandson is living up to the family name... just like in rome or medieval 2. But no. It's too short. as i'm writing this i have about 33 hours, and alrady beat the long victory twice and short victory once.
If you're short on money, and an old fan who really wants to buy this. Don't. You will regret it.

This was just a comment from an old fan, who might not trust the total war series again.
Posted 7 May, 2018.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries