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Recent reviews by Mining Helmet

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6 people found this review helpful
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13.1 hrs on record
Loosing is only fun if you have the faintest idea why you lost. Zero tool tips Zero UI Zero tutorial Zero ability to learn from mistakes as its a constant case of WTF! Miners going hammer and tongs then suddenly down tools for the next real time hr refusing to do anything
Broken mess Lads its your lifes work good for you but maybe help people play the game so we can appreciate what you've created. As it stands unless your willing to spend hrs watching youtube dont bother
Posted 24 October, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
16.6 hrs on record
Its like every single theme park clone out there. It does nothing badly but nothing well either. Extremely shallow selection of ride types and coasters, very limited control on progression towards bigger and better rides. Disappointing.
Dont waste your money, the oldies are the goodies. Stick with the RCT series or even Planet Coaster.
Posted 18 October, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
8.0 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
Piss poor UI Piss poor tutorial punishes the player for any attempt at expansion, rage inducing experience. Would not recommend. Refund requested but I wont get it so there goes 25 quid down the drain.
Only way this becomes playable have a tutorial that explains stuff and introduce a difficulty selection. Currently frustrating to the point it made me rage quit......its a city builder
Posted 26 January, 2023.
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7 people found this review helpful
43.6 hrs on record (36.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I would firstly like to say Im a massive tropico fan. I hugely enjoyed the demo of cartel tycoon and eagerly awaited its full(ish) release on steam.
My initial hours were full of frustration as the campaign missions are not well explained especially with regards to public relations. Once I gained better understanding of the mechanics however the game completely lost its challenge and appeal. Progress is blocked by research, which takes A ages and B is expensive. However once the basics are grasped the challenge ends. 'Death is Enevitable' really? I didnt lose a single gangster.

Has real promise, looks good but completely lacks greater substance. Really feels like a mouse and keyboard mobile game at present. Needs greater depth and detail.

Buy it on 50% sale or less otherwise unless greater depth substance and content are added it just is not worth your time or money
Posted 3 April, 2021.
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A developer has responded on 4 Apr, 2021 @ 2:05pm (view response)
1 person found this review helpful
59.2 hrs on record (50.8 hrs at review time)
This had so much promise but after 3 years of release the bugs are still very much present in a completely game breaking fashion. Items fall out of the pick up constantly and the transport boxes are just as bad. This cause item loss and pure frustration in having to drive back into town to obtain a replacement. I lasted until setting up my tier three wash plant. Even on easy with quick snap wash plant placement this was impossible. Using the digger and cables even properly fixed would invert items when lifting, the tracked vehicles are unable to move on anything other than a flat surface, hills just aint happening. My digger fell into a dug hole due to my bad driving, but its currently on its way to Narnia on my screen and is unrecoverable, even with the reset item function, as it really really wants to go see Aslan

Until tier 3 enjoyable peaceful game that requires a good amount of attention whilst letting the mind wander. I found it great for listening to music or audiobooks whilst keeping my hands busy.
Tier 3 is the ceiling due to unusable vehicles
Bugs bugs bugs bugs and more bugs
The items falling out the transport boxes and truck bug is marked fixed in patch notes. Its very much not
Devs dont seam to care at all. Three years after release and the game remains in my opinion a deep alpha and nothing more. Nothing has reached its potential.

Its a harsh review for 50 hours played but Im gutted that the bugs are preventing me from progressing and that the major bug issues im encountering are not apparent within the first 2 hours of gameplay preventing a refund
Posted 21 January, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
25.7 hrs on record
This game has solid potential but cannot be recommended in its current state. Expansion works, but terraforming hard blocks access to res nodes and research points. Late game is dull,building the same 6-7 buildings again and again for zero reward.
The user interface needs serious work, as when scrolled out (which is how i played the entire game) its very frustrating not being able to select the building you clicked on.
Worker AI is another real issue. Once hyper loops where researched and placed 90% of the workers spent the rest of the game doing laps. No real way to ensure constant supply to factories or provide building res where actually needed.
The AI story is a nice addition but plays out extremely slowly with a linear progression loop. Unskipable sections of text are a massive irratation when doing that section for the 10th time.
Overall the devs do appear to be listening and making patches to the game BUT this feels early access and not a fully fleshed out product.
Im heading back to Surviving Mars
Posted 8 December, 2020.
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A developer has responded on 21 Jun, 2021 @ 3:07pm (view response)
1 person found this review helpful
0.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Has promise yet very very buggy. Was unable to climb trees when I held space as instructed or when I was able to climb, climbed backwards. Quickly feel out of tree and broke my legs. Didnt want a basic fire, had the res for a fire pit, unable to retain basic fire in my inventory to then craft the pit. Unintuitive inventory controls meaning constant re opeining to hold your knife rather than the damn coconut, then dropping said coconut and having it vanish into the floor.
Maybe worth a purchase once theyve ironed out the bugs and made the game playable and enjoyable. In its current state I find it unplayable
Posted 21 November, 2020.
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1,049.0 hrs on record (8.8 hrs at review time)
Rust has the potential to be an amazing game. However the player base seams fully divided on this issue. Half want to support new players and keep the game alive. The other half are TOXIC GRIEFERS whos sole objective it to find fresh meat and kill them over and over again.
The in game community supports such behaviours as it is keeping with the game. I can respect that, but on the one hand a new player with 4 hrs experience can never hope to compete with a 4 year vet. The list of servers is huge, yet with little to no information on the differences between them. Zero support for new players setting out to learn the game and attempt to have fun. If there where clear hardcore servers war servers farming servers whatever then everyone could play to their own style. Yet in the current set up there appears nothing stopping a full clan populating a 'SOLO ONLY' server.

Great Potential yet, Unsupported. Unmodderated. Unplayable

I am unable to get a refund as Ive played too long. Ive enabled comments, by all means if im missing something, please tell me
Posted 30 October, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
21.9 hrs on record
The step up from easy to normal to hard is unforgiving in the extreme. Easy = take no damage breeze everything. Normal = Your units do no damage and every enemy has more squadrons than you. Good luck. Hard = Running out of fuel by the 3rd jump and dying in the first engagement every time.

Really enjoyed the story but found the lack of challenge irritating on easy. Unable to progress past the first system on normal.
New run once youve finished the story is not a new run itll restart you on the last chapter. See your mistake and back out and It will put your key officer into respawn for the next 5 run attempts.

First impressions where very good but the step up in difficulty and lack of friendly UI ruins this game. Get it on a sale dont pay full price.
Posted 25 August, 2020.
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4 people found this review helpful
734.5 hrs on record (486.6 hrs at review time)
I love it as you can see by the massive amount of hours played. HOWEVER its not finished will never be finished and is buggy as hell.
If your looking for a city builder and res management game then is good fun and mindless but there are better things out their for a tenner that might actually get finished. Honestly surprised Steam are still selling it
Posted 12 August, 2014.
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Showing 1-10 of 10 entries