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44.4 hrs on record (15.8 hrs at review time)
If you think Hitman 2 is just a 'slight face lift' improvement over the last game then you're dead wrong. The graphics, which already looked slick, are a lot more detailed now. The areas are absolutely gigantic, easily the biggest levels ever featured in a Hitman game and impressively full of realistic feeling NPCs. If anything they're almost too big - like an assassination marathon of sorts often involving three targets at a time. I'd personally like to see the occasional single target mission included in the storyline. The last game went with multiple targets in every mission which makes it feel not special anymore and Hitman 2 ups the ante with multiple three target missions. The storyline actually gets borderline interesting as Agent 47's origins take centre stage but I've never cared much for Hitman storylines and I'd almost be happier with the "story" being simply you are a guy being paid to kill people. All in all I think this game is being severely underrated and overlooked as a mere face lift when it is in fact a beast of a Hitman game with impressively ambitious level design which delivers an experience well beyond what was achieved in Hitman 2016. Speaking of Hitman 2016 you'll be able to revisit and play all those missions in Hitman 2 with the improved graphics and gameplay. Plus, with all the challenges and elusive targets to come it's well worth suiting up now and getting in on what will be looked back upon as the sleeper HIT of the year.
Posted 5 December, 2018.
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131.2 hrs on record (121.0 hrs at review time)
I've never completed a full campaign in TWWH2 and yet I've played it for 100+ hours and would count it amongst the very best strategy games of all time. There's a bit of a steep learning curve if you're brand new to the series so don't expect to immediately be good at it. If you own TWWH1 you'll have access to a massive campaign with the option to play as any faction from both games which adds significant value to owning both titles. Before I played this game I knew nothing at all about the Warhammer universe. If you're already a fan of Warhammer then buying this series is a no brainer. If you're not a fan of Warhammer - you're about to be! Amazing game.
Posted 3 December, 2018.
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132.6 hrs on record
Dark Souls 2 is solid and I played it a lot but if you've never played a Souls title I would definitely recommend 1 or 3 over 2. If you've already played 1 and 3 and you're craving more Souls then by all means play through DS2. It's a very strong title but noticeably easier and more accessible than 1 and 3 and also the level design feels more cookie cutter than the intricate world of 1 which is almost achieved again in 3 but lacking in 2.
Posted 3 December, 2018.
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203.0 hrs on record (160.5 hrs at review time)
This is one of the very best strategy games of all time. A high degree of customization and play style options will have you playing through its campaign multiple times. My one singular complaint about XCOM 2 is the poorly designed final mission. It's too bad that after so many hours of satisfyingly randomly generated maps we're saddled with an unimaginative final stage. Still, that doesn't stop me from strongly recommending this game and if you think you're hot ♥♥♥♥ try downloading the Long War mod to really test your skills!
Posted 3 December, 2018.
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235.4 hrs on record (192.7 hrs at review time)
Fallout 4 is a much different game than 3 or New Vegas. You won't quite get the depth of role playing found in previous titles yet it is a beast of a game in its own right, especially if you find the idea of building settlements appealing. I personally find the addition of a fully voiced protagonist to detract from the overall role playing experience and the main storyline of finding your lost son is tiresome and uninteresting. Even still I've sunk a lot of hours into this game building settlements and survival mode coupled with a lot of mods makes for a much more challenging and customizable experience. If you're turned off by the RPG lite elements of the game I'd recommend a heavily modded New Vegas play through but if you're willing to accept the shortcomings of Fallout 4 and building settlements appeals to you then have at it.
Posted 3 December, 2018.
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352.3 hrs on record (205.2 hrs at review time)
This is one of the best games I've ever played and my favourite game in the past several years. There's so much depth here in terms of character creation, amazing tactical combat and tons of decisions that genuinely effect the world around you making multiple play throughs extremely tempting. The second act of the game is refreshingly open ended giving the player an almost dizzying amount of choices and quests to complete. If you like RPGs it would be a SIN to never experience this one.
Posted 3 December, 2018.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries