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Senaste recensioner av Old Man Writr

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36.2 timmar totalt (16.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I bought this game because of the art style alone, and found myself thoroughly enjoying the gameplay elements, as well!

For such a seemingly-small game, there's an awful lot of depth involved. Massive Monster should be proud of what they've created.
Upplagd 13 augusti 2022.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
53.8 timmar totalt (3.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
For a game that's only in Early Access, it's already more fun than Jurassic World Evolution. Definitely in need of some polish, but by no means does it feel like an unfinished game.
Upplagd 2 maj 2022.
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42.3 timmar totalt (17.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Here's the thing: I really want to give this game a good review. The core gameplay is incredibly fun, smooth, and overall one of the best Halo games in a long time.

Unfortunately, there's also so much bogging it down: deliberate monetization of content that has been standard since 2001, a progression system that does not feel rewarding even after several tweaks by devs, and no Forge or custom games browser at the start. It's taken away many aspects of the Halo series that fans have come to enjoy and expect.

This could've been a crowning achievement, but instead it feels like a desperate cash-grab.
Upplagd 5 december 2021.
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20.5 timmar totalt
This game is a work of art.
Upplagd 23 maj 2021.
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30.5 timmar totalt (25.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Seems sus
Upplagd 23 maj 2021.
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23.8 timmar totalt
Is this game the best zoo simulator? No - you can tell that there's a lot of content and concepts that were scrapped in order to rush this out.

Is it still fun to play? Absolutely.

If you like dinosaurs, and wished you could run your own Jurassic Park-esque theme park, then this game will provide you with hours of entertainment.
Upplagd 23 maj 2021.
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11 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
6.8 timmar totalt
The game was dead on arrival - pretty much within a week of launch, it became nigh impossible to find a game. Heck, you can't even download the game off Steam anymore, so that should tell you all you need to know.
Upplagd 28 februari 2021.
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178.7 timmar totalt (21.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
This game is genuinely terrifying and fun to play.

Upplagd 7 november 2020. Senast ändrad 27 november 2020.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
79.8 timmar totalt (2.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This game is amazing.

Awesome bits: Where to even start? The story is well-written, engaging, and is told in a way that actually keeps you wanting more. The graphics are phenomenal (although Steam seems to be off about what machines can handle - it keeps telling me mine are below specs and i've been running everything on High quality no issues). The gameplay is top-notch: combat is fun and exciting, there's so much to explore, and ultimately how you tackle problems is left up to you. There's a reason people hyped this game when it was released back in 2017, and it's because it is seriously amazing.

Less-awesome bits: The game's release has been problematic. I've only crashed once within 2 hours of gameplay, but many others have been suffering from frequent crashes. Word is that a patch is already being worked on to fix this issue, but it does seem like something that could've been handled in advance.

Overall, I give this game a 9/10. There are some issues right now, and so I understand if people want to hold off purchasing. But if you're looking for a game that offers an engaging story and fun gameplay, look no further.
Upplagd 7 augusti 2020.
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585.5 timmar totalt (30.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
It's Halo. On the computer.

Need I say more?
Upplagd 8 december 2019.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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