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148.4 hrs on record (148.3 hrs at review time)
Have you ever completed a game that took so much time in your life, for such a short period of time. And then, when it's over, you feel like there's nothing else afterwards? That's KCDII in a nutshell

In almost every single facet, KCDII is superior to the first game. The combat feels more fluid and refined. Every set piece and story is immensely well crafted, rivaling the AAA gaming greats that usually dominant. The world you can explore is massive, yet it doesn't feel empty, there's always something around the corner.

Warhorse can honestly set a precedent with this one. The first game was incredible, but this game is just an experience. Sure, it has it's fair share of bugs, but all mostly minor and fixable or avoidable. The game looks incredible and more importantly, runs very well on launch, something you don't see nowadays.

It was good to join Henry of Skalitz again on a medieval adventure. And despite having no mages or sorcery, the experience was nothing but magical.
Posted 26 February.
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343.9 hrs on record (331.5 hrs at review time)
Ready or Not has a fair share of issues. It's still a fantastic game.

SWAT 4's spiritual successor for me hits all the right notes. We waited a lot ass time for a good law enforcement themed tactical shooter, and we finally got it. It's got that messed up urban decay atmosphere, good gunplay and teamwork potential, and fantastic replayability.

RoN isn't perfect of course. The AI has the most insane auto-aim I've ever seen. It's impressive to see how accurate a drug dealer is from fifty meters using a Glock with a switch. It's immensely frustrating, especially when sometimes the SWAT team AI fails to live up to expectation. Some maps are a bit too large for a five man team, and of course small bugs and glitches.

But this game is fantastic. I'm not blind to it's issues, but it's got a lot of love behind it and a dedicated community. Mod support is a plus as well.

If you liked SWAT, I'd recommend.
Posted 11 December, 2024.
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138.6 hrs on record (14.4 hrs at review time)
So far I have played every entry in this series. And I have been satisfied with every single one so far.

Isonzo keeps a lot of the core gameplay elements from Verdun and Tanneburg, but keeps it fresh by adding a lot of new ones and a lot more polish. This game is definitely the most polished in the series by far, and I've been playing Verdun since it's first iteration. Animations, sounds, and other aspects have come a long way.

The WW1 games has a small, but very dedicated community, and I can always find full lobbies in each game. The teamwork makes for a fun experience, combined with solid gunplay. Yes there is some inherent jankyness, but it's still a small team, and they have improved a LOT since Verdun first came out.

Not without it's flaws. But Isonzo is still a fantastic game in my book.
Posted 1 July, 2024.
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39.2 hrs on record (22.9 hrs at review time)
If FEAR and Doom had a baby.

That's it, that's all I have to say.

Okay jokes aside, Trepang2 is a pretty solid shooter. And honestly it's impressive to see what such a small team accomplished. I mean there's literally more voice actors in the credits that developers. I've had little to no bugs or crashes in the game so far, and it's visually impressive.

Gameplay wise, Trepang is super fast paced like a old school boomer shooter, but has the slow motion mechanics of games like FEAR, which is the games spiritual predecessor. And like it's predecessor, the AI is solid. Enemies will shoot at your last known position, suppress you, and try to flank you. They'll also respond to various situations, like the player taking a hostage or squad members being killed. The game offers a few boss fights that are simple but entertaining at least. There's only a handful of weapons, but all of them are satisfying to use.

My only gripe with the game at the moment is the main campaign story mode. It feels like a lot of really good ideas kinda just, jumbled together quickly into a single narrative. The second I start to understand it, it throws a curve ball and I lose the plot rather quickly. It's by no means bad, and all the characters are spectacularly voice acted. But, it just seems kinda, nonsensical to me. It's not a very long campaign, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Overall, it's a super fun game. Good music, good combat, kinda lackluster campaign. But I recommend.
Posted 26 June, 2023. Last edited 26 June, 2023.
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111.4 hrs on record (109.7 hrs at review time)
Wasted opportunity after wasted opportunity. That's how you can best sum up WW3.

It was promising at launch when it came out, especially when Battlefield V left a horrible taste in everyone's mouth. That itch for a modern large scale arcade FPS was ripe for the taking. But everything came unraveled by awful server quality and mediocre at best gameplay. So the game dead pretty quick.

Then they "relaunched" the game as a free to play. Except it's still the same broken game we got all those years ago, just with some "improved" animations. The servers still suck, gunplay is mediocre, the vehicles are broken, and nobody plays it anymore.

Just let it die.
Posted 28 February, 2023. Last edited 8 July, 2023.
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42.6 hrs on record (10.3 hrs at review time)
So far I'm really enjoying Regiments. It does have it's issues, but I think the positives outweigh the negatives.

Regiments feels like a weird combo between Wargame: Red Dragon and Steel Division 2. You have the Cold War setting of Wargame, combined with the escalation/phase gameplay of Steel Division. As the battle progresses, you gain access to task forces that compliment your initially deployed forces. It helps escalate the battle from a minor skirmish in the beginning to a full fledged battle in the end.

So far it's only singleplayer, including a skirmish mode and the operations mode, which acts as the story of Regiments. I'm only on the second operation but so far it's decently challenging, I feel like the AI has an unfair advantage at times, but that's typical of an RTS honestly. The AI feels smarter than Wargames though, I'll give it that.

Overall, Regiments is a solid 8/10 experience. 9/10 if you add multiplayer to the mix. Hope they continue to support the game!
Posted 18 August, 2022.
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30.6 hrs on record
Pretty much abandonware at this point. Not even worth writing a long-winded review. In hindsight, I should have seen this coming considering it's the PUBG developers.

Posted 7 August, 2022.
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74.1 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I fell through the floor.
Posted 22 February, 2022.
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3.2 hrs on record
Honestly, probably one of more boring games I've played.

GTFO is most certainly a hard game, when things are actually happening. But for the most part I feel like me and my friends are walking around in the dark looking for things. All the while a very terrible narrator destroys my eardrums with his horrible voice acting.

Gameplay wise, it's pretty much like most other co-op shooters. You complete a series of objectives and at some points hold out against a wave of enemies. All the while using completely inadequate melee weapons and guns. The pacing of the game is honestly terrible, and the wave segments are horrendous. The game is hard yes, but for all the wrong reasons.

As for positives though, the atmosphere is absolutely amazing. Sound effects are nice, really good use of lighting and volumetric fog. Outfits and cosmetics look pretty good as well.

Tbh. there's like a hundred other better co-op games out there. This one is just boring.
Posted 21 December, 2021. Last edited 21 December, 2021.
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37.3 hrs on record (11.0 hrs at review time)
Easy to learn, difficult to master. Pretty much the gist of the Ultimate X series of games.

Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail does a fantastic job of depicting a rather underrepresented era in historical real time strategy games. So it already gets a thumbs up from me for filling that niche. Like the other games in this series, there's an incredible attention to detail that you just don't get in other titles. The sound of cannons roaring as ships of the line duke it out against one another, or watching your infantry charge an enemy emplacement with bayonets. It's immensely satisfying!

Despite being a single-player game, I do feel there's a lot of challenge that comes from the games AI opponents. They try to position themselves advantageously, and attempt to exploit any disadvantages you have. Of course you'll still have moments where you steam roll the enemy, but there are plenty of times I've had close battles.

As for issues, I think some of the path-finding in land battles leaves much to be desired. In the campaign I feel like the enemy scaling might be a tad ridiculous at points, but not terrible.

Overall, pretty good game, highly recommend.
Posted 7 September, 2021. Last edited 4 December, 2021.
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