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Recent reviews by Tsundown

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2 people found this review helpful
0.7 hrs on record
This game captures everything I loved about classic COD Zombies, but adds a fun new twist to things, by letting you build your own barricades. It feels super smooth and polished, and has a solid gameplay loop. Highly recommend, especially if you are a fan of zombies or just shooters in general!
Posted 2 November, 2024.
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6.8 hrs on record
It's a fun game with friends, but I strongly disagree with the recent changes regarding creating and linking a Sony PlayStation Account. If you don't want games to continue requiring 3rd party logins, you have to make your voice known.
Posted 4 May, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
2.2 hrs on record
This game makes me want to go and get my own pitchfork and steal my neighbors pumpkins. 10/10 would most definitely buy and play again.

In all seriousness, this game has a super unique mechanic of using / throwing your pitchfork, and being able to stand on it like its a platform. It is a game that is simple, challenging, unique, and fun all bundled together in a smol indie game. Definitely worth the buy, and I had a great time playing it!
Posted 3 January, 2024.
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13 people found this review helpful
2.8 hrs on record
I am recommending this game, because I want indie games to succeed and I want to encourage dev's everywhere. However, I think this game needs to address quite a few things before I could actually feel good about really recommending that you spend your money here.

This game looks awesome, I love the 3d and 2d mix. I really enjoy the different settings and all the fun enemies and classes. There is a fun gameplay loop in this game, it just needs to be brought out and polished up.

There are quite a few bugs, that could easily be fixed. There are certain dialogue errors and typos that make the game feel rushed. There are some strange levels and quests that just feel lazily and quickly thrown in. As another great review here said, I WANT to like this game.

There is a lot of good here, but there is also a lot that needs polishing and fixing. I would consider this game an early access game, but not a game ready to be released by any means. If you are okay with that, I would purchase it, but it looks like there is no guarantee that any updates will come out.

As an indie game developer myself, I would suggest a few quick things that would make this game feel more rewarding and fun.
1. Make the characters unlockable, as well as some of the scenarios.
2. Make the current unlocks much cheaper, you want your players to be experiencing new content on each playthrough.
3. I would make a story mode, and an endless mode for each area. Once you play through the story of one area, it loses all replay value because the maps don't change and the quests don't either, and the positions of collectibles also dont.
4. I would polish up some of the graphics, having a thin black outline around everything, and strange transparency makes the game look not as good, also you could make readability a little better by taking off blood splats during explosions that don't hurt the player.
5. I would pay someone $80 to make some catchier music during some of the more repetitive areas (labyrinth)
6. I would work on the storytelling just a bit more, and some of the enemies do seem strange and like they don't really fit.
7. Like others have said, fix the UI. Please.
8. Instead of responding to every review with "Thanks for playing our game!!" , actually address the comments and tell people what you plan on doing. It comes across as you not caring / not taking the time to read these.

I wan't others to give your game a chance, I don't want it to be flooded with negative reviews or have a bad review score, but I expect you to address issues with this game. If you don't, I will probably change my review to be negative.
Posted 26 April, 2023.
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A developer has responded on 26 Apr, 2023 @ 6:14pm (view response)
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3.1 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
This game is pretty good for its price, it does have some glitches here and there, a couple of spikes that don't do damage. And tail hits only affecting things devs want them to affect is a little frustrating, considering some enemies it doesn't even do a thing. Other than a couple janky parts its pretty well made and I love the Pixel Graphics, however, the hanging climbing icicle in world 3 level 4 towards the end is not climbable. I don't know if my game bugged, but I spent a hour trying to climb it and it wont let me. Its a jump off a bugs head to grab the icicle and I can pretty much say 100% that it just doesn't work. Even recorded some proof of it, I'd love to see the rest of the game! Please look into that bug and patch it if possible!
Posted 7 October, 2020.
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11.8 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
This is a fun action packed indie game that has a lot of replayability and fun roguelike elements. The game features a ton of playable characters, each feeling different and unique from one another!

The game itself is a sidescrolling bullet hell platformer that is actually quite addicting. The gameplay is somewhat smooth and it leaves you wanting to always just play one more round. The graphics are visually good and all fit together nicely. I know that with the constant updates and support from the devs the game will only become more fun as it is more polished.

I would highly reccommend buying this game when it is on sale, it scratches my itch for a new gungeon or binding of isaac type game. Thanks for updating the game!
Posted 25 January, 2017. Last edited 21 February, 2017.
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178.7 hrs on record (69.3 hrs at review time)
Hero Siege Review

This game is a great indie game that im glad I got my hands on. The graphics are beatiful to look at, while the gameplay is very similar (kiting and grinding mobs) The different classes and various abilities are a breath of fresh air that make this game very enjoyable. The game is very fun for those of you who enjoy hack and slash games or diablo like games, as it becomes apparent in the game that it was going for a diablo esq feel. Not a ton of lore and it kind of just throws you in both feet first but once you get a feel for the game its awesome :)
The game can be played for a short time and it will feel worth it or you can invest multiple hours into it and get to late game where you can even summon a raid boss to truly test your skills.
Graphics 8/10
Gameplay 7/10
Story 2/10
Overall Feel 8/10
The game does have its fair share of bugs but it has dedicated devs who are constantly putting out patches and the bugs dont impact the game too severly. For example certain moves can get your character stuck.
Those of you who are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about the new patch, yall need to sit down and listen up
First off, they added in inventory which is a GREAT addition. While the overall system is a little difficult to navigate it is no problem once you figure it out, the inventory is a great addition to this game.
Secondly they added in mana, and I don't understand why adding in mana ruined this game for so many people. Like reviewers are complaining that since they added in mana its just a crap diablo clone..... uhhhh what? Its only mana the game is still the same game and while it is inspired by diablo it is not a clone in the slightest. The mana is strange right when you log in to a new character but the new gear has mana stats on it so go spend 5 minutes getting gear and quit complaining cuz as of right now the mana does not really mean a thing.
On top of all of this they added in new enemies, sounds, and fixed multiple bugs and exploits.
If you honestly think the new update ruined the game then you probably did not like the game in the first place.
If your complaining about losing your lvl 70 character or whatever than I agree that does suck, but it takes literally 6 hours to hit lvl 100 and only 10 to hit max level. So get over it.
Posted 28 October, 2015. Last edited 28 October, 2015.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries