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5 people found this review helpful
8.6 hrs on record
Updated and re-released in 2017 by Double Fine Productions, Full Throttle was initially released in 1995, developed by LucasArts. This game is a point and click adventure game with some driving action segments. This remastered version allows the choice of graphics, commentary tracks on specific moments throughout the game and concept art that is unlocked as progress is achieved in game.

Unlike other classical re-releases of LucasArts games, Full Throttle doesn’t include a hint button, but it does allow the highlight of interactable objects in each scene. Another thing that may differentiate this from other LucasArts games is its theme, that can be more aggressive than the monkey island games, for example, considering the heavy use of weapons throughout the game.

In a futuristic and slightly dystopian setting, you control Ben the leader of the Polecats, a motorcycle gang. While riding, the gang encounters a hovering limousine and in it the president of a traditional motorcycle manufacturer and the vice-president. Unkown to Ben, stumbling into this limousine thrust him into an investigation that will have immeasurable consequences.

Explore a vast highway, fight enemy gangs and investigate a conspiracy while using your motorcycle, items, and weapons available. The contrast of traditional motorcycles and hovering vehicles makes for a striking visual style, alongside the beautifully drawn character portraits and sceneries.

Full Throttle is an amazing adventure game, one that may present a higher difficulty for some timed puzzles, but still very much enjoyable and highly recommended.

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Posted 15 February, 2024. Last edited 23 May, 2024.
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113.7 hrs on record
Planescape: Torment, initially released in 1999 and developed by Black Isle Studios, later re-released in 2017 by Beamdog is a role-playing adventure game. The game is presented in an isometric view, where the player controls a crew of up to 6 characters at a time by simply clicking on the desired destination, object to interact, or character to talk.

The enhanced version presents a few additions, on the “alter senses” tab in the main menu, where they are marked with an asterisk. From gameplay adjustments to sound, many aspects can be tuned to better suit each player experience.

Starting the game, and after company logos, an introductory cutscene is presented, one that shows the main protagonist of the story, Nameless one, being pushed on a slab in a dark structure. Strange visions flash before your eyes, disconnected at first, as the Nameless one regains consciousness.

Gaining control of the game the player is introduced to a floating skull named Morte, and another crucial factor of the game, there are but a few spoken lines and the majority of the game is presented by text. Although it may be strange today a game not being fully voiced, there is an immersion that can be presented to the player as the characters are introduced but the interpretations of the lines are made by the player. Another possibility is the storage limitations of the initial release and the amount of dialog present in the game. Regardless of the way they are presented, all the spoken dialog is well acted and the dialog, alongside the great amount of lore presented create an intriguing universe ready to be explored.

Another mechanic presented soon after the start of the game is the choice of action. Different from most role-playing games, conflict can be almost completely avoided, which leads to interesting situations and character interactions. These interactions are, in fact, what really differentiate this game from most others. Each crew member you can encounter has development arches directly connected to the Nameless one and the player choices do influence the outcome of every situation.

As traditional role-playing games, there are character classes with specific equipment, but there aren’t many choices on this aspect, that is compared to other games.

An important part of the game, spread throughout all the interactions is the rediscovery of the character. In the beginning of the story, the Nameless one wakes up from death with no memory other than words recorded onto his skin, but as the player progresses through the story much can be learned from the setting of the game, the forgotten past of the Nameless one, and what he can become.

With its unique nature, this game is truly a classic that I highly recommend. Allow yourself to be immersed in the beautifully designed maps, seek all the forgotten memories and secrets hidden in Planescape: Torment.

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Posted 12 February, 2024. Last edited 23 May, 2024.
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21.6 hrs on record (10.5 hrs at review time)
Back for another pirate adventure, Guybrush Threepwood will sail different island searching for the Big Whoop, visiting islands, meeting new characters and coming face to face with old enemies.

Developed initially in 1991 by LucasArts, and rereleased as a special edition in 2010, Monkey Island 2: Special Edition is a classic point and click adventure game. Developed using the SCUMM engine, the game controls just like the first game, with just as charming graphics and an improved sound system it’s easy to be immersed in the game’s universe.

The special edition comes with updated graphics that can be easily switched with the “F1” key, presenting the original graphics in all their glory. This system of having both graphics was presented in the first remastered game, and it’s a nice addition to experience the game as it was in a modern package.

Today, music in games, along with sound effects and voice acting may be overlooked, but when this game was initially introduced, sounds were impressive and with the use of iMUSE, as described in the commentary track, allowed for a continuous use of music and transition that made every scene unique.

Like the previous remastered Monkey Island game, the hint system makes a return. With initially cryptic hints that get progressively more direct, it allows a frustration free experience without the need of an external help. On the same point, with the great writing presented in the game, exploration with different dialog options is never punished with arbitrary dead ends, like all LucasArts games.

Another function added into this game is the ability to highlight all interactable objects in the scene, while pressing both mouse buttons at the same time. The game is divided into 4 chapters, with 5 different main locations and specific themes and puzzles.

Searching for new treasures Guybrush sees himself in Scabb Island and after an unfortunate encounter with Largo LaGrande, LeChuck is brought back to almost living and seeks revenge.

LucasArts games are considered classics for all the best reasons, and recommending this game is an easy task.

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Posted 16 December, 2023. Last edited 23 May, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
11.3 hrs on record
Books can transport anyone to new realities, like doors into fantastical lands beyond imagination. As the time of writing, Myst is over 30 years old, released in 1993, developed by Cyan Worlds, with the realMyst: Masterpiece Edition released in 2014. This is a classical adventure game, with minimal inventory management, no direct interaction with other characters and yet with a compelling story that is the foundation for sequels and inspiration for books that acted as a prequel to the events presented in the game.

When comparing the original version to this one, the graphics have been upgraded and a new movement system was implemented, but all the puzzles and content are kept. At any point you can choose between the “classic myst” that uses a point a click interface for movement as well as a “free roam” that uses a more modern control scheme with mouse look and keyboard movement.

You control an unnamed silent character, no better way to immerse the player in the story, that is transported to the dock of myst island. With no other way but to explore the island, a note with instructions and several structures than can be examined.

As the player explores and solves a few puzzles on the main hub “ages” are accessible, each with distinct themes and mechanics. While exploring pages can be found and used in to unravel the mysteries of Myst.

As an adventure game, the fact that the main character lacks an inventory is rather unique. There are no threats in the whole game, so exploration is a relaxed journey, although some puzzles can be a bit frustrating. Fortunately, a hint system is present on the main menu.

This version of Myst combines the classical content of the original game in a convenient and easy to play package.
Posted 12 December, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
14.9 hrs on record (6.0 hrs at review time)
Initially released as an early access game in 2020, with its full release on October 2023 World of Horror was developed by panstasz. The game is combination of point and click, investigative rogue like with a turn-based combat system. It may sound like a lot, and initially it can be, but once you get used to the inventory and actions menu everything flows wonderfully well.


In a seaside town, strange and unexplainable events plague the sanity of the population, and it is up to you to face them and solve these unspoken mysteries. Witness strange cultists, horrifying decaying bodies, and all kinds of monstrosities trying to stop your investigation and, ultimately, your life. In the combat section you can select from actions such as looking for improvised weapons to praying, all lead to different effects, some may be only useful towards some enemies, and running is always a possibility.


On each part of the city different actions can be done to progress the investigations, where some only require talking, while others may require specific actions or items. The random nature of the game allows for different runs. Choosing the difficulty and character you will play may also significantly change the experience of the game, so experimenting is important to fully enjoy the game.

Another striking feature of this game is its graphics. With limited colors and a very particular graphical style, all you can find in the game is memorable and impactful, complemented by a thematically fitting soundtrack.

With so many elements combined to create a unique experience, World of Horror is an impressive game that I highly recommend, especially if you want to let yourself be immersed in a great demonstration of how limitations create a greater thing than the simple sum of its parts.

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Posted 11 November, 2023. Last edited 23 May, 2024.
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15 people found this review helpful
16.8 hrs on record (16.5 hrs at review time)
Initially developed in 1990 for many different platforms by LucasArts and re-released in 2009, The Secret of Monkey Island is a point and click adventure game.


On this “new” version, you can choose between the original graphics, with the original interface with verbs and inventory in the lower part of the screen, and the enhanced graphics version with voice acting and a more streamlined interface with the mouse icon showing what actions your character can take. It’s interesting to see the original graphics in comparison to the updated version and appreciate both in the same package.

In the game you control Guybrush Threepwood, a pirate on the making, arriving on Mêlée Island. As the game progresses, you explore the island, meeting new characters, and developing new skills to become a mighty pirate.

The game is divided into 4 segments where you start to unravel the mysteries surrounding Monkey Island. A main staple of this series is the heavy use of language-based puzzles, you will face several puzzles that are play on words.

As other LucasArts games, exploration is not only necessary as it is encouraged with references to other games like Sam and Max and Loom, no answer is wrong and there are no dead ends (except one) and if you find yourself stuck in some puzzle the game has a hint system where you are initially guided to the answer or, eventually, the answer is given to you.



One thing that is hardly discussed is how “easy” it is to play this game. Sure, some puzzles may take some effort to understand and complete but considering the base mechanic of pointing and clicking, and the (almost complete) lack of restrictive time sensitive puzzles, you can sit back and be immersed in this game.

This game is considered a classic for all the right reasons and can be an amazing introduction to adventure games. Recommending this game is easy and it’s worth a revisit.

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Posted 28 September, 2023. Last edited 23 May, 2024.
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6 people found this review helpful
5.8 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
Necrodome is a first-person vehicular combat game produced by Raven Software and now published by SNEG. In this post-apocalyptic game, you control a car/tank with a turret and by using different weapons you shoot your way on 30 arenas where your basic goal is to retrieve a flag.

Although a mostly car like vehicle, it controls like a tank. While in the turret, you can move it but lose control of the car part. Driving around in the “car” mode, the turret targets the closest target automatically.

The game has little use of the mouse, mostly on the menus, but considering the nature of the game it doesn’t feel necessary, although targeting while using the turret would be easier.

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Posted 27 September, 2023. Last edited 23 May, 2024.
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182.3 hrs on record (112.9 hrs at review time)
How to describe something that is increasingly complex, satisfying and frustrating at the same time? Factorio was developed by Wube Software initially in 2012, released as an early access game on Steam in 2016 with its full release in 2020. Updates are frequently done by the developers every Friday (as the time of writing).

There are a few ways to describe Factorio, maybe using descriptions as top down, open world, base building, and automation focused may be a starting point, but with the freedom presented by the game to create as sprawling bases or as optimized as possible, train railroads from far mining stations, walls and gates to protect your factory, and vehicles to quickly move around, this game offers a lot and describing it is a challenge on itself.

The main “objective” of the game is to escape an alien planet, protecting yourself from the fauna that gets progressively more aggressive as you increase pollution levels with your factory. But again, with the freedom presented, describing anything in this game as an objective is complicated, it’s more of a general direction. To achieve this, the player has the greatest tool, creativity, to overcome all the obstacles the game throws at the player.

With a plethora of technologies to be discovered and used, it is up to the player to mine the basic components and create the necessary items to progress and grow. The beginning stages of the game may be more involved as mechanics are learned, but the optimization poses a challenge as players try to fulfill ever increasing necessity of basic items for more complex formulas and items.

Another pleasing feature of this game is its graphics. Simple to identify all the buildings and enemies, yet complex enough to stand out, there are points that trying to create the most visually appealing factory can be an “objective” on itself.

The game counts with mod support in game, with organized lists that can modify almost every aspect of the game to better suit every playstyle, it also supports multiplayer where players can either play cooperatively or competitively. In the menus many things can be customized, from graphic modes with color filters, to controls, and even interface items that can be turned on or off.

This game has a lot to offer, so recommending it is an easy task.

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Posted 25 November, 2020. Last edited 26 May, 2024.
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52.1 hrs on record (42.1 hrs at review time)
A polished, rewarding and time consuming city building game. Almost like a lava lamp, once you start watching it, you can't stop.
Posted 26 November, 2019.
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40.4 hrs on record
Developed by Hopoo Games, released in 2020 with a DLC released in 2023, Risk of Rain 2 is a third-person roguelike shooter, marking a radical style switch from the first game. With a new dimension, the already fast action becomes a frenetic race to find the teleporter and survive the onslaught of enemies and bosses.

To aid the player in this quest items are randomly spread throughout the different environments that are gradually transform whatever character chosen in the start of the run into a survivor. Speaking of characters, there are 14, each with different initial abilities, allowing for wildly different playstyles.

Another layer of growing complexity is the items available. From attack speed to shields, all can be modified with the items presented in chests, pods and even dropping after killing bosses, similar to the first game. Playing with different characters and item combinations ease the learning experience showing optimal combinations.

The multiplayer is also another great point of this game. Like many other games, playing with friends is a lot of fun, but there are also public games that you can join. This part of the game also demonstrates another important aspect of the characters, learning how to use the items to enhance each character’s particularities and the possible combinations with other characters.

The game follows a pattern. You land in an alien planet, look for items, shrines, and eventually the teleporter, which after activation, a boss will spawn. After killing that boss, and waiting for the teleporter to fully charge, you are transported to another place. Secrets can sometimes be found in some maps, so exploration is vital. In addition to all previously mentioned aspects, the game also has alternative game modes, where special challenges are present once you feel ready.

The soundtrack is another thing that deserves a special place, it complements the outlandish alien vistas incredibly well, creating an impressive mixture of relaxed tones and anticipation for all the battles you’ll have in the game.

Considering a new style, still reminiscent of the first game, all the collectables, challenges, and fun this game provides, I highly recommend Risk of Rain 2.

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Posted 28 June, 2019. Last edited 4 June, 2024.
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