Andy   United States
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Godziny gry
ℜ | Jared39 26 czerwca 2015 o 23:51 
12 things you're doing:
1. You're reading my comment
2. Now you're saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5. You're checking it now.
6. You're smiling.
7. You're still reading my comment.
8. You know all you have read is true.
10. You didnt notice that I skipped 9.
11. You're checking it now.
12. You didnt notice there are only 10 facts
Copy and paste to 1 profile. Tomorrow will be your best day ever, no matter what!
Korakine 17 czerwca 2015 o 18:38 
Not enough Chivalry :nonplussed_creep:
ℜ | Jared39 7 czerwca 2015 o 10:00 