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8 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
The base game is fine, the DLC is extremely frustrating. Bosses are overpowered and unfair.
Unless you farm scadutree fragments, most enemies can two shot you.
Posted 2 January.
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1.5 hrs on record
Game doesn't save your progress. Once you die, you restart from the beginning.
Posted 25 October, 2024.
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58.7 hrs on record (19.4 hrs at review time)
3.5 years and even the tutorial is still bugged.. pathetic.
I played the game at release, it was a bug fest, so put it on the shelf until they, hopefully, fix it. Now I thought about starting a fresh new game, but it is still bugged, can't even finish the tutorial.
Posted 26 May, 2024.
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10 people found this review helpful
16.5 hrs on record
Don't let the cute looking visuals fool you, this game is very hard and frustrating.
This is another example that proves that graphics aren't everything. Gameplay is what matters most.
The graphics look good, the story is light and interesting, the music is great, but the crushing difficulty broke everything for me. I tried to get through the game to see how the story ends, but the extremely difficult gameplay made me rage quit at every session.
The developers were really creative in making the enemies really annoying, designing insta-death traps everywhere, weird platforming mechanics and other ♥♥♥♥. I give them that.

Controls are a big issue as well. The character always moves a bit further than you intend, the movement acceleration is weird (I can't find the correct words to describe this). You can easily get stun locked to death or get snapped to a death trap, which feels really cheap. I'm not new to this kind of games and not a newbie gamer. This game has serious issues with controlling movement, which is a crucial aspect of the game. I could swear I can make all jumps and platforming with much more ease if it was any other game of the same genre. I like a good challenge, not cheap artificial so-called difficulty.

Most of the skills you unlock feel useless. I'm already past half of the game, unlocked half of the skill tree points, and they only have very little to non-existing effect on the gameplay.

FYI The game doesn't have auto-save. You save manually anytime and almost anywhere as long as you have a power cell left. So save often.. if you still decided to play the game...

I didn't want to win a medal or get a world record, I just wanted a good game to enjoy and relax, and have a good time. This game clearly doesn't offer that. I would rather play Dark souls than this game. At least Dark souls is fair, Ori isn't.
I'm glad I didn't buy the second game (Ori and the will of the wisps). What a waste of time and money.. and what a disappointment.
Posted 3 August, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.9 hrs on record
Too hard to the point it is unplayable.
Posted 20 July, 2023.
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4.6 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
I have no idea what this game was doing in my library for 2.5 years. I was an idiot not to play it until now.
It's a great rhythm game, very fun. I really like that you can select your own music files and play along.
Posted 1 June, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
21.6 hrs on record
This game is a hot pile of rubbish.
Whoever designed gunfights is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ MFing prick, because EVERY ♥♥♥♥♥♥ fight is a pure ♥♥♥♥♥♥ frustration.. and this is on NORMAL difficulty.
Story gets boring fast, the whole gameplay is either a climbing simulator (and a bad one at that) or a frustrating gunfight.
Vehicle controls are ♥♥♥♥.
It seems they didn't improve anything from the previous Uncharted games mechanics wise. Everything feels the same.
Alright, that's it, I'm done with this ♥♥♥♥, I won't finish this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game. Go ♥♥♥♥ yourselves Naughty dog.
The only positive thing about the game is that graphics look good.
Posted 11 November, 2022.
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462.4 hrs on record (10.1 hrs at review time)
Elden ring is a great game, the beginning is a bit rough and the first main boss is very hard that it drove me off the game in frustration for a while, but after that I got into it.
There is much more content compared to the previous soulsborne games, many bosses, mini-bosses, side quests, secrets, weapons, rings, magic spells, items, etc.

The world is really huge it is easy to stray from your goal and just go exploring. The environment is gorgeous, character models are very well made, weather and particle effects are top notch.
It is an open world game, unlike the previous titles, which is new to this genre. You won't run out of things to do or places to explore.
Just a piece of advice. If you got into a new area and noticed that enemies are extremely hard and you are not dealing enough damage, please take the hint that you are not supposed to be here yet. Leave this area for now until you have progressed a bit and upgraded your character stats and weapons, otherwise you are just torturing yourself for no reason.

There are many weapons, melee and ranged, with different effects and move sets, that suit every taste. Magic, of course, has a big role. It is split into 2 categories. There are so many spells. It is fun to use in general.

Co-op is fun, but network is unstable. I got disconnected from my friend several times. I hope they fix these issues soon.

It is the latest and one of the best games From software has made so far. For me it is the game of the year hands down. It is definitely worth your time and effort if you are into this genre. It is not an easy game or a walk in the park, even for veterans of the souls games, but this is a part of its charm.

Game is running well for me. I get stable 60 fps at 1080p, on Maximum gfx settings, with rare occasions of brief stuttering.
I'm running a core i7 8700K, GTX 1080, 1 TB SSD (Samsung 970 EVO), 32 GB RAM.
Posted 26 February, 2022. Last edited 28 November, 2022.
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6 people found this review helpful
11.3 hrs on record
This game sucks balls.. hard.

* Pros:
- Graphics are good, though not great.
- The "harden" mechanic is interesting.

* Cons:
- Story: There is no story, no lore, no purpose, no nothing. You (a strange humanoid being) wake up in the middle of nowhere, get warped to a godforsaken maze-like land, inhabit some peaceful corpses laying around minding their own business, fight some enemies and bosses, getting lost most of the time while doing so, collect some useless ♥♥♥♥, until you get to the credits.
- Scripting, or 'lore': It feels like whoever wrote it was heavily drunk, because nothing makes sense, neither the scattered notes nor the character's 'memories' (or whatever they are) make any sense or add to a bigger plot. They are just random sentences.
- Level design: The map is very confusing. You need an iron memory to remember where each place is and how to get there.
- Combat: Sluggish, slow and lacking. At some points you feel you are fighting in slow motion (no, not "Matrix" style). Animations are so-so.
- Sounds and voices are bad. Some enemies make really weird noises when they die (yes, even for a game like this). Audio levels of many attacks, enemies etc needs serious adjustments.
- Voice overs: each time I hear someone speaking, I feel like the voice actor either is in urgent need to go to the bathroom or has a serious stomach ache.
- Skill trees: There is no "leveling up" in this game, yes you can't upgrade the basics like HP and stamina. Instead you unlock "abilities" for each "shell" (playable character) you use. Each skill requires both "Tar" (XP) and "Glimpses". You get Tar from beating enemies which is okay, glimpses on the other hand are very hard to come by, and many abilities require ridiculous amounts of them, as if the game is forcing you to farm for them, I don't really know, which is dumb considering that most abilities are useless. You also need to invest points in each shell (character) individually, I believe the game wants you to select a shell and stick with it (or rather get stuck with it) for the entirety of the game.

* Neutral:
- Weapons are limited: There are like 5-7 weapons in the game. I haven't beaten the game, so I don't know for sure.
- The harden mechanic could be better implemented, but that is just my opinion.
- Most items in the game require you to use them first to know their effects. Description of an item is not displayed until you use this item, and the more you use it, the more you reveal of its description.
- Who in their right mind would drink tar in order to level up or get anything ? What a weird name for XP and currency.

After 10+ hours into the game, I lost interest. Not because the game is "hard". I'm used to this kind of games, I have beaten other games of this genre like Dark souls 1 & 3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Nioh 1 & 2, actually I'm not stuck at a point or a boss in this game. I just stopped. For me, fighting is not fun and is very slow to my taste. I don't know why I'm fighting in this game or what I'm trying to achieve. I have no urge to go on.
Honestly, I didn't have high hopes for this game, I only needed a distraction with something new until Elden ring comes out, and I thought this game would be it, but it failed to be even that.
Posted 22 August, 2021.
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1,372.2 hrs on record (298.3 hrs at review time)
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ time wasting frustrating addicting piece of ♥♥♥♥.
Posted 7 July, 2021. Last edited 4 October, 2021.
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