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1 person found this review helpful
186.5 hrs on record (31.5 hrs at review time)
Colonial Nations.

Well, Colonial Nations are still in use, and did not see a way to stop that from happening. I really do not get how they force me to give away my hard earned territory to form a new nation when I did not want to do that. If I chose to, ok, but don't force me to do something I do not wish to do. Why would I play the/a game for the ai?
Posted 10 December, 2017. Last edited 11 May, 2019.
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381.9 hrs on record (125.7 hrs at review time)
If you are into grand strategy this game will be up your alley. I could go on about it but I will just mention one single thing that I and all who enjoy this type of game must and will want to know. There are a LOT of buildings you cannot destroy.

In a game where one of the ways of winning and my prefered way, is taking over territory (planets, in this case) planets with limited useable areas, someone had the idea of adding the Indistructable trait to MANY buildings, some of which are next to useless, buildings that you aquire early on, so you tend to want to use them, knowing or thinking that you will replace them later on, only to come find out that you can't because they are indestructible. On top of that, when you take over a planet, you come to find out the stupid Ai built many of these buildings on said planet, basicly making the planet next to useless. (Found me a decent size planet in the front lines, only to come find out the Ai built, cities, tech buildings, and other useless buildings all mixed in said planet, making it useless as a front line planet and/or as a specific resource planet)

Others may find this makes the game more of a challenge, as for myself, I see it as handcuffs. Especially in a game where no such restrictions should be implemented. I do hope they change this, for at this moment, this kills the game for me. I could go more into detail but I just left the game and not in the best of moods.

Well, after some help from a dev, and a lot of searching, found a way to change this issue. The game files can be changed, changed in a huge way, to the extent that you can actually change a lot of the game to your liking, and especially these indestructable buildings. Was truly suprised and glad to find that, since now I can truly enjoy this game as much as I did GalCiv 2. The issue above still remains until you change it yourself but, the point is that you can, thanks to the devs for that.

As for the game itself, it is truly a fun game, if you are into grand strategy you will enjoy this game, from designing your own race to your own ships. Watching my ships trading fire with the Ai is truly enjoyable. The Ai is still a bit slow, even at high difficulty but still able to suprise you at times. I do recommend it since it is so much fun, and there is a lot you can do and see in it, inspite the whole indestructable building issue. Glad also to see that the devs are still committed to the game; that, is something you don't see as often as you/we would like.
Posted 6 November, 2017. Last edited 24 November, 2017.
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166.2 hrs on record (100.6 hrs at review time)
Well, for my third review it will be Eador. Eador is truly a fun game if you enjoy this type of gameplay. You not only get to recruit many different types of troops but are able to build up your own Castle/City while also go exploring, treasure hunting, do missions (missions that each of your heroes can aquire individually) and also build up the provinces you aquire. There is a campaign but on a time limit, which if you are like me and enjoy exploring and building up your heroes/territory, it can be problem. But, you can also play a custom map, which is what I truly enjoy.

All that aside, I do NOT, recommend this game. Though the game itself is truly fun, there are more than a few bugs, some just annoying while another, makes the game unplayable. Just look up Eador Access Violation. When I first bought the game, it played great but after a few updates, this issue came up. I was still able to play it for a while, just had to reload every other turn so as to not get that Access Violation stop the game for me, tried messing around with everything in the options area, and though one thing did stop that from happening, (can't recall what it was) it only worked that one single gameplay which eventually it came up after 10 or so turns. So, fell back to just reloading every other turn, which seemed to work, but now, Access Violation on my very first turn. Which, after trying to get around that several times, here I am writing my third review. If, and I do mean, if, they ever get around to fixing this issue, I would recommend this game, becuase it is fun, but for now, STAY AWAY. I was even going to buy their newest one, Eador Imperium, but changed my mind when I chose to play this one first in preparation for Imperium. Glad, I did. It stayed in my wishlist but no longer. I won't be buying Imperum, and will keep an eye out for this company becuase I won't be buying anymore of their games again.

I turly do miss the days when you bought something and it worked liked it was supposed to. But, that was ages ago.
Posted 3 April, 2017.
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15 people found this review helpful
140.0 hrs on record (124.1 hrs at review time)
You know, I really am ticked right now. I truly enjoy the game, been hooked on it for the past three days, and I truly enjoy the first one, but I have never run into so many bugs and crashes from a game before. I do this, crash. I do that, crash. I'm not one to be writing reviews, ever, but this game truly has made me mad and disappointed. I enjoy it, I truly do, but the crashes are out of hand, and the editor!! I love making maps, I have made many from HOMM to Kohan and I have never been so frustrated with a game as I have been and am with this game. I want to play it, but after it crashed on me over 25 times in the past hour (NOT KIDDING) I truly regret ever buying this game, and that is truly sad becuase it's truly a fun game.

As of 7/29/16, the game is more playable now, only crashed on me a few times when last I played. Though I have noticed that around turn 150-200 the computer seems to stop playing. Which if you are like me and try to get everything you can out of the game, all troops, near perfect economy and so on, it is a huge let down when you are the only one playing. As for the editor, tried it, crashed on me a bit too much so didn't go back. The game is still fun but up to a point. I still don't recommend it, but if it is on sale and you want a game to play quick and just to win it, then go ahead and get it. But to build a grand army,empire, or to simply truly enjoy everything the game has to offer at once or in every play-through, forget it.

Well, 9/11/18, came back to the game after a few years, enjoyed it like crazy, but, once again, the crashes are way out of hand. Kept on playing inspite of them, but once again I reached my limit. It is truly a fun a game, but unless you can stand the constant crashing, I would highly recommend you stay far, far, away from this game. I regret ever buying it. In the past two days it must of crashed on me around 100 times, and that, sadly, is no joke.
Posted 5 January, 2016. Last edited 11 September, 2018.
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57 people found this review helpful
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38.0 hrs on record (34.2 hrs at review time)
This is my first and only review I've ever made about anything, but this game truly deserves one. Yes, it is hard to learn to play it, there are so many different things you can do that you will basically use your entire keyboard to organize it all. But if you ever wanted to travel the stars, seek out distant planets, interact with different species, have a fleet of ships at your command, (ships that you yourself can fly) build stations in space, and/or build a galactic empire, hijack ships with trained marines, become a merchant/trader, a pirate, war hero, or simply not be known, watch entire fleets trading fire, use a turret while the ship attacks another, fire a barrage of missles at targets, destroy entire space stations, watch an assortment of people/NPCs live their lives all around you, fly thru asteroid fields, or just blow them up, then this is the game for you.

There is a lot I could say about this game, but in short, it's like nothing I have ever played, and I have been gaming for most of my life. I go on to speak about a few things on X3 Terran Conflict, but to be honest, there is just so much to say about this game, that it would take a heck of a lot of space. But here are a few bits, hope they help.

Nearly every ship in the game you yourself can pilot, from tiny fighters to large warships. You can travel the stars in on a large well defended ship, and then take out a fighter in your bay for a quick spin around the sector. The game itself is beautiful, from the stars to the ships down to the stations. It is all a sight to see.

I've played many space games in my time, but none come close to X3. It does have missions you can take on but at your leisure, it is essentially an open ended game; do what you want, when you want. It will take time to learn everything, but little by little you will pick it all up. You will start slow, no money, a poor ship, and lost in the sea of space, but in no time, you will have the money to improve your ship and its armament, and ofcourse you could always come across a abandoned ship in space.

The sad thing about Terran Conflict is that, dog fights are out of the question. All ships have some or the best weapons in the game so you are stuck flying a larger ship with better defenses. Not that you can't use a fighter class, it's just that you will die often, so make sure to save often. For this reason I would recommend you start with X3 Reunion. While dog fights in Terran Conflict are almost suicide, in Reunion they are a must; while also being fun. I myself played Reunion first and learned the basics thru that game, and that made Terran Conflict much easier to learn. Terran Conflict is just a much faster paced game.

I highly recommend this game to all space lovers, for I never felt closer to space than I have while playing this game. The mechanics are hard to learn but great once you get the hang of it. The visuals are a sight to see, and the ability to almost do anything you want is great. As I told a friend once, you could be flying to a far off place, while out of no where your trade ship is being attacked, while one of your stations is also being attacked, while your sector is being invaded, while your patrol fleet is being ambushed, all in a split second. It is truly something.

These few points and explanations do not do it justice, only playing it will.
Posted 9 May, 2015.
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