fun time hippie
daniel bowen   United States
im a hardcore gamer. i play pc mostly. xbox 360.ps2. the games i play the most recently are warframe. brutal doom V20(no not the new doom a revamped version of the originals) just got into system shock 2. risk of rain is an awesome time waster haha. the elder scrolls series, and the fallout series.,minecraft(havnt played much in the last year), battlezone,star wars battlefront 2,rachet deadlocked, borderlands 1-2, left 4 dead 2, killing floor, garrys mod, the half life series, diablo 2, gears of wars 1-3, bioshock series, dead space,1-2,the hitman Bm-ABsolution., kingdom hearts 2, timesplitters 2, and recently i'v been playing warframe and borderlands 2/pre-sequal.
if you want to add me in warframe my ign is funtimehippie
my favoire music genre is metal and rock. favorite band is system of a down.
enjoy anime. favorite series dragonball z(abriged), hellsing ultimate(abriged) one piece and bleach, and msg iron blooded orphans
and if your wondering about my profile pic its mikazuki from MSG iron-blooded orphans
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