Battle Bee
Rank: Master of the Master Sergeants, Extra Awesome Super Shooter Person.
HP: 1
Damage: I will ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ murder you.
Special Abilities:
-Extreme Role-Playing Skills: Can make a hilarious or depressing story out of anything.*
-The 'XD': Rarely, can use a special emoticon that inflicts Laughter to everyone nearby for 0.1 seconds.
-Anger Issues: If a Stupidity is performed, has a chance to gain the Frustrated status effect.
-Huge projects

After dealing a decisive blow to Illuminati, saving Obama from 3 skyscaper-sized bears with nothing but a pistol that fires bullet shells and jumping off the magical beanstalk, he decided to sit down and play video games.
That's it, really.

* = May depend.
Currently Offline
Comito 8 Feb, 2021 @ 5:43pm 
Hey Bee, if you can see this, I do miss you and hope things have been alright.
Cuirassier 3 Mar, 2020 @ 7:24am 
Blessings bro
{FU}TheForgeryTTV 27 Dec, 2019 @ 9:01pm 
RIP (add me again when you're back)
KylaTheNerb 5 Aug, 2017 @ 9:43pm 
Cuirassier 28 Jun, 2017 @ 12:59pm 
Not forgotten
Comito 30 Aug, 2016 @ 7:36am 