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Dusty 3 Aug, 2019 @ 4:27pm 
Steam blocks Finnish swears
Dusty 3 Aug, 2019 @ 4:26pm 
Perkele saatana
Dusty 2 Aug, 2019 @ 8:12am 
+rep nice pussikalja
syntheticnebula 4 Oct, 2016 @ 9:46am 
suomni helvetti kalja
syntheticnebula 4 Oct, 2016 @ 9:46am 
Dusty 7 Sep, 2016 @ 2:13pm 
I hate finns. I don't conisder myself a finn, I'm actually finnish for real, well almost. I will be when I live in Finland though. Right now I'm studying finnish, finnish history and I'm following Sauna, the way of the fin,. This is why I hate finns that know 5 words in finnish and use them all the time, VITTU PERKELE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I'm actually trying to become Finnish for real unlike all these faker finns. **** YOU FINNS