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4 people found this review helpful
32.1 hrs on record (21.2 hrs at review time)
A breath-taking Open-world Survival game where the player's task is not just survive, but help Nature survive as well.


You are in the role of a young Druid, who find themselves in a barren desert, barely to clinging to life with a dire thirst. Eventually, they find a tree that's all dried up with, but a small puddle of water at it's roots that resisted the intensity of the sun. After drinking from the unnaturally cool water, you notice a faint glow next to it that was not like anything you seen before. The aura was coming from a ghostly figure on that ground, you pour some of water from the puddle on it, it's glow brighten and the figure sprang to life. It was a spirit of the tree that was moments from fading, but you revived it. In gratitude for it's revival, you have been appointed the tree's caretaker and been given the task of restoring grove around it to life.


The Gameplay is well made, it behaves like a survival game at first like gathering the bare necessities like food and water, which are scarce, but you'll find that unlike others that you will need sustain an ecosystem to ensure your long-term survival. Starting in a desert with nothing, but a small puddle of a spring, you have to find seeds and grow them to get more food, but also shelter from sun's intense rays. The water system is pretty impressive as you need to manage it's flow through digging trenches and hills to ensure that plants can get it, you'll need make sure there's a enough for you as well. Evenually, you can turn the desert into a flourishing paradise and the small spring can turn into rivers and lakes that stretch over the land.

Traveling can be a pain at first, but with a good supply of water and better means of getting about. It's no longer a concern.


It's a breath-taking Survival game with Nature as your ally, treat it well and it will help you live longer. The dev did great work with the game's systems, especially with the water system, which is normally difficult thing to code based on what others say. Props to them! A overall good experience with scenic bliss.
Posted 1 October, 2023. Last edited 1 October, 2023.
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75.3 hrs on record (26.0 hrs at review time)
8/10 - A Good Small-scale Colony builder with a sophisticated economy

This is a decent Town/colony builder, some might compare to Rimworld, Dwarf fortress, and others, though this game is different in multiple ways. Unlike the mention games, it doesn't show the world as your role is not that of a ruler, but a new Vassal appointed to a foothold for a growing kingdom, a similar start to Dwarf Fortress. Yet, this game has you focus more on families, not just the individuals, along with the Settlement's economy.

The game's economy is pretty fascinating, each of the said families specialize in certain resources like the typical farmers, lumberjacks, miners, to the more sophisticated Clergy and Artisans. You can appoint each family to land they can work, harvesting the bounty of land for you, eventually they pay a portion of it in tax, or you can take their money instead. The families have their own money which is needed to obtain resources from other families and caravans that they can't get themselves. So, you have make a production chain with this mind, you can't allow the families to go bankrupt as they will starve and potentially leave, they also can turn to crime and cause trouble for your people.

The game does give some control on these families like laying out their houses and work areas, what product they should prioritize making, and what they can buy and sell from the caravans, otherwise they are autonomous about their lives. The members of the families don't possess complex personalities like that of Rimworld and Dwarf fortress, but seeing how their economy work makes them feel more alive than other colony builders as you see them grab their coin and make their way to the market to purchase their necessities, get into a fight there, then get thrown into the dungeon for a few days. This game is decent, I recommend for those who like colony builders and economy-based games.
Posted 4 July, 2023.
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57.7 hrs on record (56.6 hrs at review time)
This is a good RPG, one that follows an almost typical hero tale to slay a dragon. I remember playing the original back when it released on PS3 almost a decade ago and it's dark arisen edition. This version brings back that nostalgia, save the fact the berserk crossover equipment was removed due to license issues, otherwise most of the experience is there. One I can gladly recommend.

The game's renown for it's pawn system alongside it's character creation, portions of your character's and pawns limbs affect their carrying weight, movement speed, stamina consumption, reach, and generally their weight. All accompanied by the Vocations (Classes), which fall under the Warrior, Rogue and Mage Archetypes of other RPGs along with hybrid versions that cross lines in between such as being a Knight carrying a Staff and Shield. There are decent bit of playstyles and party synergies to play around with. Pawns are your companions, who can be useful allies once they learn your playstyle and go about it with their class, though they have moments where they can be derpy such as hitting a explosive barrel alongside crates to get loot. Yet, they can be smart at fighting some monsters and execute tactics rather well with right abilities and equipment.

Combat is quite fun with all the vocations, mages have Wide area and support spells, rogue types have bows that can precisely hit weakpoints, Warrior types can take the punishment and deliver it, too.

The one downside to Dragon's dogma is it takes awhile to travel the map as it's pretty big and there are few ways of fast travel, Dark arisen fortunately remedy this with items you can get early on, saving time on trips that can span hours and putting more into slaying monsters.

Posted 30 June, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
31.2 hrs on record (28.9 hrs at review time)
This is a... pretty good game! I feel it's very underrated for a open-world game, brought about by Insomniac Games, no less. Unlike some other open-world games, it feels more lively considering the place is swarming with zombie-like creatures, bandits, and robots in a city. It doesn't have a very large world space, most of it taking place in sunset city, which offers a lot of means of traveling about horizontally and vertically, not by vehicle, but jumping, swinging, wall running, etc. There are bugs and some issues with this pc port like saves corrupting, but there's some guide to help with that.

Combat is pretty fun, there's a good number of weapons to choose from as you progress the game. One that allows you to shot bowling balls, others that allow you to deploy something that assists in combat, then there's one that freeze enemies in place, yet this only a handful of the game's arsenal. You can even add modifiers called amps, which give each weapons additional properties. There's even a system called Style, which encourages the player to creatively platform about the environment while fighting, doing so will activate some amps in combat to aid the player.

The game has good soundtrack accompanying the combat and traveling about, some pretty good rock and other genres of music. I found myself traveling throughout the world without really fast travelling all that much, just so I can listen to the tunes and fight some enemies on my way to a destination.

With all this, there's also some good references from various places in pop culture along with some humor. It's a game that doesn't take itself seriously, it's all fun and this is coming from someone who doesn't laugh at jokes that often, It did give me some good laughs. I do recommend this game, even there are problems with this pc port, which is easy to shrug off for the fun that can be had.
Posted 27 March, 2022. Last edited 27 March, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
42.2 hrs on record
This was a classic that I sadly didn't get to chance to play when it first came out on the snes, then the ps1, though got to play it's sequel Chrono Cross. Though finally got that chance with this copy and it doesn't seem as bad of a port as others make it out to be.

The story is one that I think many JRPGs could take inspiration from back in the day, as it gives each character motives within the plot and even give most of which their own story arcs. They are rather simple, yet pleasant to follow as each character have their reasons for traveling throughout time. Though I rather not spoil it for you, the reader.

When it comes down to the gameplay, it's what expect you would expect from a classic JRPG. You go about and explore your surroundings in hope of finding treasure, fighting the monsters for experience, and discover some hidden questlines as you talk to the locals of a village, maybe even tips that can help. The battle behaves similar to other JRPGs after it, though with some exceptions, like certain magic elements (Fire, Water, Lightning,etc) are bound to each character and each have their moment of being useful with certain enemies that are encountered. Yet, there is also a combo attack system, which not many JRPGs I know besides it's successor and another (sadly underrated) series called Suikoden, this system allows you combine some abilities together to do a powerful attack, these can be useful and sometimes overpowered with some characters.

Though despite being actually a mobile port of the game, it's quite enjoyable and doesn't have the bugs that some negative reviews talked about sometime ago. It has most of what the original game had along with updated content with some more recent versions for the DS, though lacks some of the cutscenes of that version and it's bestiary mechanic, yet those are small things. I would recommend this port of a timeless classic, it may have some issues due to being a mobile port, but it seems to behave like the original.
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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4 people found this review helpful
1,131.6 hrs on record (115.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Simplified version:
+ Co-op

+ Beautiful visuals

+ 4 classes to choose from, each with their own tools to help the team

+ Randomized map for every mission, making each one feel different

+ Good amount of options to customize the looks of your dwarves


- Can get repetitive after a while, though the randomized maps along with mutators refresh the experience each time.

- Some bugs, which is to be expected from Early Access, but are barely noticeable.

Besides these cons, the positives outweigh them. Game is being constantly improved and becoming better each month. I highly recommend supporting the game.

Detailed Version:

So far, this game has presented itself of being an potentially good game. It's pretty much an rough gem that hasn't yet been processed into a precious gem like a diamond. First off, The enviroments are vibrant and beautiful, also very interesting with procedural generation mechanic.

I love how this game incorporated the L4D-like co-op with mining and functional teamwork between classes. Like if one were to play an Scout, they can reach spots where others can't, though there can be limits to their grappling abilities of where they can go. Sometimes they would need an Engineer to place platforms where there is minerals, though they have no where to stand. Maybe you'll need alternate escape routes to drop pod, a driller could drill his way up to create an stairway up an steep wall, or maybe the gunner could place an zipline across that wide chasm.

Love how the game encourages teamwork between players with these classes and their gadgets, instead of running off acting like Rambo. Though the game does have an solo mode, the game is more fun and interesting with other people such as friends. One should never leave an dwarf behind the group, or things will get out of hand and dangerous.

Now, go with your mining brothers and sisters, then sing "I'm an dwarf and I'm diggin' a hole!" through the dark depths of the asteroid mines.

Edit: The developers of this game have been quite generous with their updates since the time I first post this review and the frequency of them are quite impressive. The gameplay has become better with each update and the elements to what makes each mission have more variety and along with a new mission type which allows you fix up gear from a failed mining team which is more combat heavy than one would expect, which is great!

The newer mutators and perk system will spice up each expedition in the dark depths, offering greater benefits or Challenges. You could encounter some mission with some that cause more of a specific enemy to spawn, sometimes even deadlier varients. Maybe it could have helium levels higher allowing you to run faster and your character yell with high-pitch voices. Definitely recommend after these recent updates.
Posted 13 March, 2018. Last edited 10 July, 2018.
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5 people found this review helpful
32.8 hrs on record (31.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Early Access rating: 8/10
Full Release rating: ?

Genres: God, City Builder

Gameplay: 8/10 Difficult and slightly complex, yet addicting god city builder

Music: 9/10 Nostalgia inducing Soundtrack

UI: 7/10 a bit complicated at first, though gets the job done in the end

Art: 8/10 Detailed and Vibrant Classical 2D

I have to say, this game is one of those kind of God games that I like and it reminds me of games such as the Black & White series. Though there are differences that set it apart from that series, like you don't get a pet creature to help with your deity work and the maps you play on are persistent if playing the world map mode. The game does have that survival colony gameplay, where you must manage your settlement's economy while also setting up defenses to fend off monsters, though there are a bit of factors besides creatures that can destroy your settlement like random disasters, shortages of essential items like food and water, also there are some diseases your people can catch that prove to be fatal.

I'm fond of the details that go into the people who reside in your settlement, they live out their own lives from day to day where they will interact with each other through talking, they will go to their houses to sleep and eat, they can have pet dogs, they can even get married and have kids, who would one day be better than them. As a god in the game, it makes me get attached to their lives and the homes that I help guide them to make, not like the typical mindless robots that only consume food and work all day that you need to micromanage in other games. They do tasks whenever they wish and can.

As a God, you can help your people with various of powers, such as encouraging crystals, food, and trees to grow instantly, or you can conjure materials out of thin air. Some powers can be used to protect your people such as summon golems to help them with daily tasks, or cast healing on them, though there are spells that can harm them and monsters alike such as meteors or lightning. Yet, all of your powers need juice that can be gained by all living things, though the population of your believers determine how much you can store away.

Another one of the things that pleases me about the game is the music, it's a nice and relaxing soundtrack that reminds me of classic games from the 90's. It's a good thing to listen to while meteorites are crushing my beloved people and an army of skeletons scratching away at my gates.

If your seeking an game where you can play as a god-like being that tries to guide it's people to salvation in a cruel and harsh world, then this is your game.
Posted 1 March, 2018. Last edited 24 August, 2018.
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12 people found this review helpful
0.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I remember trying this game in the past, when it was in the form of a Action RPG. Though now, it has the appearance of a city building RTS-like game, one with many problems at the moment. The grammer isn't the main factor here, but more of the game's mechanics and camera controls.

The game seems to introduce you to a small, yet poor town that you gain control over since your father fell ill. Though this town has quite abit of problems. The events that occur can be quite inconsistent with the things that they change, varying from some thieves stealing small amount of 10 coins to a raid where a insane amount of my food supply is stolen that is 5000 pieces of food! The game luckily doesn't seem to be affected by the food loss at all, or else the 100 people that migrate to my town at the worst of times wouldn't have anything eat. I'm surprised that people would even move to a town that is under siege by 5 bandits and suffering a harsh famine.

When managing your town, you overlook your town with a slow camera that rotates slowly. You mostly plot down things like houses, farms and lumber mills, but nothing of much interest yet happens with town building. The only thing you will need from the town is gold, something that isn't hard to gain as you get a ton of people migrating to your rundown town. Gold can be used to heal and revive your hero, who is the only one protecting the town and he is your only way to get rid of the bandits. Though it seems the bridge doesn't like him and will make him glitch out to where he dash past the bandits, then do 360s or run to the corner of the map where I can't get him. This makes it impossible to achieve the first objective at the moment.

Even though the game maybe bad in it's current state, it's better than what it was before. It has more of a foundation that can be built upon if this is what the developer wants to become a true game. He could fix the events to become more meaningful and balanced (like the thieves would take more gold if law/order gets lower, bandits could raid your base for 500 food instead of 5000 and the amount they take increases based on your town's value and law points) increases so it wouldn't be as harsh, along with the hero's bridge glitch. It will be long road that it must go down, a road that depends on the developer's determination and effort, will he improve it or destroy it? I will update my review later down the line as it's progresses and improve. Maybe one day I will change my review to a positive.
Posted 20 May, 2017. Last edited 20 May, 2017.
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4 people found this review helpful
702.5 hrs on record (109.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Rimworld is a game where you can make your own stories. These stories go down branches that you and Ai Storyteller lay down for your colonists, watch and guide them into making an thriving community.

The game has a good concept of how you control the fate of individuals who have been stranded on a suppose deserted planet, you can make the experience into that of a story. It's amazing how things go, sometimes you can make flourishing trade outposts, though the story tellers won't always allow that. They will sometimes go out of their way to make your colonists' lives to be a living hell. Raiders will loot, raze and slaughter those of your colony. Packs of beast run in through your colony and maul your loved characters to bare bone. Dormant machines will wake and vaporize intruders who trespass in their ancient bases. All of this for the sake of story.

One can survive these odds at times if they prepare well, stock up on food and forge new weapons to arm your colonists. Though all doesn't need to be bloodshed, there are storytellers who provide you more times of peace and a calmer setting for stories. While others will seek to make it an living hell like dear Randy, he is such a sadist. Though you, the player have control of the outcome, based on all that you do and how you do it.

You can make tales of adventure, drama, love, and tragedy through most of your actions. The outcomes are based on your decisions and planning, building bases, managing the supplies, and maintaining relations with other factions is up to you. Tired of some elements? Download some mods and spice up the atmosphere of your story further. As it can be a story of many things, it's your story.
Posted 10 March, 2017. Last edited 10 March, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.5 hrs on record
This game is quite interesting and Unique. Best give it a try.
Posted 25 July, 2016.
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