[WHLCHR] 600% of 0.1
I have a friend whos name I rather not mention due to respect, lets call him Andrew..

So this "Andrew" is basically in a wheelchair (mentally). No need to feel sorry for him, it suits him perfectly.

"Andrew" is great with commands, almost like a Pet.

Use the keyword: 'enemy' and he will sit nice like a dog the entire ecounter, which makes him a great teammate when you need someone to blame.

Tbh he is the one to blame anyways, thats why I love him, my own little useless dog-friend. Thanks

*Dont bother leaving a comment if you aint allowing comments on yor profile. I will just remove yours anyways
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温柔耐心人皮话多御姐萝莉 各种制服都可以
-Ian- 11 Feb @ 6:59am 
cheating on soul survivor what an incel prick
✪OGYR4IK 10 Feb @ 12:09pm 
Ты скучный как старая бабка. Сиди дальше как крыса в кустах. Учи русский язык скоро пригодится
✪OGYR4IK 10 Feb @ 8:34am 
душнилы как немцы
GOD-BL4ckH3LL 8 Feb @ 3:46pm 
gg low KD walhacker xd
尸仨仁廾正卜'长升 26 Jan @ 11:44am 