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42 people found this review helpful
658.7 hrs on record (657.4 hrs at review time)
Long overdue update: The bots are gone completely. A comment mentioned that CS2 has the bot problem, i'm not 100% sure if it's gone there. Played Deadlock. I like it, but it delivers a VASTLY different experience from TF2. Will write more when I can. I wish I could leave a mixed review so badly.

On a personal note, i feel that the situation isn't merely a problem with valve's treatment of tf2, but also extends to their other projects.

I have a slightly different opinion on the situation than most, but it's undeniable how bad the neglect for tf2 is. Furthermore, I feel this neglect can and has spread to other projects. I don't believe Alyx ever got completed mod support despite its current state (as valve never fully released the Source2 SDK to the public.) I fear that this neglect tf2 is experiencing may spread to their other games, too.

I don't believe Valve to be malicious, but instead believe them to be disorganized. Their inability to properly and consistently communicate and how the company was structured (Valve uses a flat organization. Source: Wikipedia [en.wikipedia.org]) lead me to personally believe that they're struggling to keep themselves focused on what they need to do. (Even with recent changes. Again, Source: Wikipedia [en.wikipedia.org]).

I fear Valve may end up stagnating and failing to produce anything of value in the future. Nonetheless keeping old titles like this one functional.

This isn't even touching on stuff like bot owners doxxing people or swatting them. (Which is still REALLY BAD like how did this get so bad??? Valve why???) I'm more concerned with presenting some sort of reason as to why this has happened.

I'm not just here for TF2, at this point i'm here for everything Valve has made. If this problem of neglect spreads, I don't think this company will recover, and many wonderful things it's made may risk being damaged, too.

Don't just #FixTf2, please, #FixValve. Listen to us. Organize yourselves. Use the lessons you've learnt from this game to better yourselves and your future projects. I freaking beg of you. You can still make good games, I have faith in that, but please, listen to us. This neglect is horrid, even if it's from negligence.

Sign the petition, too. I'll try to link it but it's easy to find.


Please #FixTf2 and #FixValve. Don't give up. We can do this.

(Expect this to be rewritten at some point since i wrote this at 12:26 AM. Send some comments to help me update this review as some info I have may be vastly out of date, and please try to remain civil in the comments. I'd rather this remain constructive.)
Posted 6 June, 2024. Last edited 15 October, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
They actually managed to pull off a "I'm sorry" for SB.

Ruin takes a lot of concepts from SB, improves upon them in a way that actually feels fun, and has a story that actually made me give a crap and want more instead of just going "PLEASE JUST KILL CASSIDY FOR GOD'S SAKE!"

If you're stuck with the original game, play this DLC. If you don't have the original, i'd advise to wait for it to go on sale before buying it, even if SB is now at $40.

Steel Wool, if you're reading this, you've earned my respect, and for once I eagerly await the (hopefully) next DLC continuing the story of these characters. I want more of Cassie and Roxy's stories. Also, you scared me with thinking i was going to be playing as Cassidy lol.
Posted 27 July, 2023. Last edited 27 July, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
21.0 hrs on record (12.6 hrs at review time)
Don't buy this game. Ever.

Seriously, I can't list the amount of flaws that this game has.

I'll make a video myself later, but for now, here's a list:

-Numerous bugs which actively can frick you over and/or completely ruin your experience, from minor to major.
-Multiple things that probably should have been reconsidered or redeveloped (Mainly Fazcam and Fazblaster, those two are effectively game skippers.)
-lots of obviously cut things that actively impact game experience
-horrid performance, even in low graphics settings.

Do yourself a favor and don't buy this game yet.

Edit: Slight grammar corrections and the fact that apparently Steel Wool has said the game is in a state they deem acceptable. I advise not buying this game period.
Posted 27 December, 2021. Last edited 1 December, 2022.
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10 people found this review helpful
176.8 hrs on record (135.8 hrs at review time)
Vanilla is quite nice, but the mods give the game a good amount of favor!
I honestly enjoy the mix of a strategy and shooter game. The game itself is also well executed. This is definitely a good one.
Posted 8 November, 2019. Last edited 9 November, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
4 people found this review funny
23.6 hrs on record (14.2 hrs at review time)
Wait i have this game?
Posted 28 August, 2018.
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4.4 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
"WARNING: your conection is faulty, move speed penalty applied"
Overall, good game.
Posted 4 February, 2017. Last edited 4 February, 2017.
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13.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Fun stuff mate, also, per my old review, I WAS RIGHT!
Posted 29 December, 2016. Last edited 3 January, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
6.8 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
This is extreamly cool and scary, I like how Baby gives you tips (Im on night/shift 3 btw) This is very interesting and i realy like the break time parts at home. (Cool tv show and lore from what i know) Also tip (and spoiler i guess) When the cover door starts to open, quickly grab the same spot that you used to pull the door closed. This will happen 2-3 times if im correct. also listen to the voice (i know its baby, message me if you want to know how. Anyways, overall great game! Im still playing the game so i might make some edits. If you are a FNaF Fan, Get this game. it is a big change from 1-4.

EDIT: night 4 is tough as nails the springlocks just keep geting bad too early, still a good game and i know there was an update and there is an easier fix, just make the springlocks go down slower arround 1-2 seconds

RATEING EDIT: i asume 8.7 out of 10? there are things that should be made diffrently. like as i said night 4. its still a good game (if you ask me one of the best out of the series) so yeah.
Posted 7 October, 2016. Last edited 11 October, 2016.
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110.6 hrs on record (97.1 hrs at review time)
10 OUT OF 10
though in overall respect this is a very good game
No joke
the characters the humor everything
Posted 15 November, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
57.7 hrs on record (9.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
That is my review in a nutshell
Posted 12 April, 2015. Last edited 26 May, 2015.
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