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53.0 hrs on record (43.6 hrs at review time)
Its not a rage game.
Climbing mountains just aint easy.
But that just makes it better when youre on top.
Posted 7 October, 2024.
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28.8 hrs on record
I encourage anyone creatively inclined to experience this game.
Its a concept you wont really find anywhere else and the game still remains very charming.
The actual deck building and puzzle aspects are also well developed.
Posted 7 October, 2024.
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32.4 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Cant complain for the price point.
Looking forward to more
Posted 20 September, 2024.
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71.3 hrs on record (35.1 hrs at review time)
To be honest I think the game is a bit boring.
I dont really have a group to play with which is probably the issue.
But the game is still fine playing solo. Not bad enough to get a bad review.
Not good enough to get a good review.
The reason I am giving a good review is because I deeply respect how the devs handle the seasons now.
You can reselect and complete past seasons whenever you want to and still play them in public lobbies.
Its without a doubt one of the best most player friendly systems in any game I have ever seen.
Posted 25 July, 2024.
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1.6 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Good concept marred by terrible design decisions.
1. Poor visibility. Shrines for stat upgrades blend in and can often be overlooked. Enemies that dont glow like a christmas tree can also be hard to see or track. Combined with being blinded by the visuals on screen depending on your items.
2. Copying the room design from Binding of isaac was a terrible decision. As any habitual rythm player can tell you, if your flow gets interrupted you tend to mess up more. And here you have an interruption with every room transition.
3. The music isnt varied enough and you will get sick of it very quickly. Which honestly is a deadly sin for a rythm game.
4. The random stats/ item systems also copied from isaac go against the core appeal of the game. Because like this isnt doesnt matter how good or bad you are. Only your item drops matter. Can a better player do more with less sure. But this very much hampers the 'badass feeling' factor im sure the developers were going for.
Posted 16 February, 2024.
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50 people found this review helpful
139.0 hrs on record (136.0 hrs at review time)
This game is NOT suited to teach you programming.
I only recommend this game to people who have programmed before.

The language of choice is JavaScript. The tutorialisation is sub par.
For the first lets say about 50 hours you will be doing a lot of coding.
Learning how things work and then trying to improve your scripts with that.
However there will also be large sections where you will have to micromanage
certain systems manually which was such a pain that I almost quit.
While I strongly recommend writing your own code, if you are starting to struggle
you definitely should look up guides or code snippets for references.
When doing so take note that guides older than a few months can already be horribly outdated.

Now that you know a bit better what youre in for. Get hacking
Posted 14 November, 2023.
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46.7 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
More content and robuster than most Survivor-likes
Posted 25 August, 2023.
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0.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
A very blatant Vampire Survivors clone.
The additional systems which might have set it apart are shallow at best.
While the graphics are 'better' than those of VS, they have none of its charm.
Maybe at some point in the future this game could be turned around,
but frankly I doubt it will ever leave early access.
Posted 10 July, 2023.
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72.1 hrs on record (37.3 hrs at review time)
Its reputation is earned
Posted 7 January, 2023.
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281.1 hrs on record (137.8 hrs at review time)
Get it together with Iceborn when on Discount.
I would say it is essential to complete the experience.

The graphics for the Monster Hunter series is pretty great,
since it had been relegated to the console market previously.
The gameplay is familiar with a few additions that you might or
might not find annoying. If that is what you want ... you probably
already own this game.

If you hate unskippable cut scenes, bad characters and forced "stories",
you should definitely get the mod to skip them. I thought it would be
a bother so I did it much too late, but its really not that big an issue.
It wont inhibit your online play experience and the chance for getting
banned for it is virtually nonexistent.

The open world is a nice change of pace compared to the segmented
map designs of the console games. Though it has it's drawbacks,
such as the paths connecting the Areas being mostly empty.
Fighting a monster on them is ill advised as theres little room to move
and since the designers knew that, they even made the monsters run
towards an area fairly quickly if they are engaged in a path fight.
The problem with these paths is that theyre also fairly long, leading
you to having to run quite a distance. This is minimally remedied by
Iceborns raider riders, who are cumbersome to unlock and feel
terrible to even attempt to control. Best not to try to treat them as
more than a glorified taxi.

Another issue of the MH series that has persisted to this game is
its intense desire to take away control away from you.
Tremor resistance, Earplugs, Wind resistance, Mirewalker, Flinch free
All of these (and more) are skills you can equip to circumvent things
that take away control from you, such as Monsters roaring,
which if you dont know, gets you stuck in an animation,
interrupting any and all actions you were doing.
You will never get all of these to max and you shouldnt as you would
sacrifice more usefull skills. Meaning that there will always be a ton
of things that will take control away from you.
Its also very fun to get stuck in a heal loop where you get hit during
the atrociously long healing duration, only to try to heal and get hit
again. Of course theres skills to help with that too, but do you have
the skillslot space?

If these arnt turn offs for you, go ahead.
Posted 24 July, 2022.
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