The Rat
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Aspect 31. srp. v 13.41 
WaifuAlexa 28. srp. v 10.01 
LeGM 24. srp. v 16.18 
This absolute rat stewart 2000 mf, goes into the dust2 long smoke backstabbing 3, his stench reaches across the whole map
WORT WORT WORT WORT 8. srp. v 21.30 
-rep what the ♥♥♥♥ are these walls you little boy
WORT WORT WORT WORT 6. čvn. v 20.57 
- rep nice walls not sure how you double dink with a mac 10 from site to pit on dust 2
WORT WORT WORT WORT 6. čvn. v 20.56 