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Recent reviews by Saul Badman

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34.9 hrs on record
Honestly a good addition to the series. It had its bugs, such as not being able to play in fullscreen mode, defaulting to my old graphics card, etc... But it was all round a well-made game and fun to play.

While on sale for 24 dollars, definitely worth getting.
Posted 2 February, 2024.
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5.1 hrs on record
Smooth, polished mechanics, scary monster. Good game
Posted 18 June, 2023.
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736.5 hrs on record (586.5 hrs at review time)
A seriously good f**king game
Posted 12 May, 2022.
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10.4 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
i love this game. super immersive, interesting story
Posted 6 April, 2021.
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204.6 hrs on record (162.8 hrs at review time)
Gud Game.
Posted 28 April, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
14.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
They ruined the game. The mechanics that made it unique and fun were removed, like classes, the ability to have multiple weapons (YES YOU CAN ONLY HAVE ONE GUN), and they literally cloned mei and reaper abilities from overwatch. They also disabled solo and duo. AND, they essentially cloned Fortnite's battle pass system. It is almost copy and paste.
Posted 9 September, 2018.
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706.7 hrs on record (675.4 hrs at review time)
Raiding is heavily skewed towards the raider, giving you one of two options basically for raid defense:
1: Farm for literally hundreds of hours to get turrets and ammo and hopefully be able to tank someones dinos
2: Hide yo' wife, hide yo' kids.

Unfortunately, many of us don't have the time to farm that much for defenses, and there are a limited number of hidden places on the map, many of which will already be taken.

Dino AI is absolute trash, the game is laggy as ♥♥♥♥ for no reason (both fps and internet), building without mods is cancerous as hell, and in general you can lose everything you farmed for in a few minutes if someone with more stuff gets bored.

There is some fun to be had in single-player/PVE for the casual player, but in general, PVP requires too much time for most people. You literally have to play this game like a full time job to be competetive.

In general, I would say it is definitely not worth 60$, and probably not even 30$. The fact that the devs are releasing more DLC, deciding to fully release their game, creating a new game, and refusing to fix any of the glitchy AI or polish their game is sad. It took the devs over a year to give us a halfway decent GUI which was still pretty crappy. Repeatedly adding new content when the old content hardly works is not a good tactic.
Posted 17 July, 2018.
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14 people found this review helpful
1.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Terrible moderators, mediocre gameplay.
Posted 22 April, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
1,197.3 hrs on record (10.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Quite simply, an amazing game. I am pleased to finally see it on steam and I am sure the developers will continue to make this game even more amazing as time goes on.
Posted 27 February, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
117.2 hrs on record (4.4 hrs at review time)
Terraria is love, terraria is life
Posted 24 December, 2014.
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