Half a Briton, half an Irish, always English   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
I'm a Hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm one wretched Englishman. Routed Ol' Boney at Waterloo, were a Dragoon on a dun, a Redcoat 'avin fun.
A Cavalier, timeless, through and through...

Adorned in coat of crimson
I kept old French at bay
Riding rings around 'im
In the British Caval'ray

Them forty shillings on the drum
I took them all and raised me gun
To list and fight those foes that day
Over them hills an' far away

Good King George commands and we obey
We all serve him well and we'll 'ave our pay
With such shillings we'll buy much drink to disway
The harsh thoughts that come after battle's mad fray.

In a time of deceit
Telling the truth
Is a revolutionary act.

-George Orwell

Deo Vindice, screw the 'Deep State' corrupt and entrenched politicians who are ruining the western world, may a vengeful God judge you honestly for your failures. Our elected representatives refuse to represent us, remember government only exists by the consent of the governed. That's on you. They for decades have ignored their constituents, said one thing and done another, not allowed but actively encouraged unchecked mass migration. Hotels set up to house migrants on the taxpayer's dime, given best treatment and even an allowance of money, while homeless native brits lie on the streets. You see it's because for years most people have given up voting because they've realised all parties are the same, so now the established governments of socialist and globalist politicians are importing voters. Bought on the promise of citizenship, a wage and free accommodation, like all empires it buys it's people with promises of providing for them. For decades they have used corporate media, acting like a state run propaganda machine, to silence dissent and pin blame on those calling out corruption in government. Labelling anyone on the other side "far right" or a "Nazi". Such terms have lost their meaning by how arbitrarily they are applied.

When they weaponize the media and the justice system to silence dissent, when they label critical speech as dangerous or mis/dis-informational, they are not public servants. But enemies of the people, democratic states are acting like old empires. I say no more propaganda, I say no more imported voters, bribed with benefits packets and free accommodation who are unvetted and unchecked. I don't want to see more terror attacks and common crimes committed by people wrongly let into our countries without being checked by governments who don't care about us. I no longer want to see the native peoples of Britannia be ethnically and culturally replaced by outsiders anymore. I no longer want to see grooming gangs, knife attacks, and hikes in the murder rates because of all this.

They call them refugees, refugees are those fleeing war and it's the women and children first by rights. Yet all these coming over here are men, military aged males, from a culture far removed from our own. Who come here with the idea they are free to do as they wish as this is a land of "non believers" and lesser peoples, I am tired of being treated like a foreigner in my own country because 'my' government and every institution of it favours those from outside it's own nations' borders. Traitors

"How the little piglets squealed, when they heard how the old boar suffered"

I'll say I'm English, since the 'Britons' don't truly exist anymore, but we've 'ad enuff change and the Viking Danes and the Normans were the last. We keep our culture, we keep our ways, Saxons not slaves.

✠︎ ~Ængland für der Anglos, Ausländer Raus~ ✠︎

We will be a minority in our own homeland by 2066

If we allow it...

:GBRflag: -Rule Britannia- :GBRflag:
Зараз не в мережі
Вітрина вибраних ілюстрацій
Charge of the Caval'ray
27 2
Вітрина вибраних ілюстрацій
"Heart of Oak"
99 5 1
Вітрина творчих робіт
- Rebel's Lament -
Captain Wulf from the fair land of Britannia
That about me is all you'll ever know
A shadow in the trees, a rustle in the breeze
A long toothed nightmare coming after you

Born under tall oak trees of Old England
But to Rebel Southern States I belong
Nobly fighting for freedom of self governance
Five hundred thousand rebels can't be wrong

Upon creation of this nation we were promised
States to have their rights and liberty
That in this land they are sovereign, that this union was expressly volun'try

It is said so in the declaration
That if a government is indeed
An enemy of the good people
That they should abolish it if they need

It is up to each State to decide
Otherwise this house will be forever in divide
An executive order is an insult, the folks of each state choose the result

A Rebel up against the Fed's no traitor
A loveless union cannot bend us to her will
Cannot command the soldiers who now hate her
Nor demand the trust of her generals

So we raised high the Bonny Blue
There in spring of 62'
Raking ranks of bloody Yanks
In Chattanooga

Both sides full of pride
All carnage did they abide
Battle kept on crying
Till night's gloom came

Upon the morning's sorrow call
the dead rose, soon to fall
standing weary in the ranks
To attention

Boldly following the flag
Carrying musket, cap and bag
marching on into northern
Cannon fire

A Rebel so far from home
though hardly all alone
All around all hearts
Have one desire

To fight for hearth and home
To fight for their land, their own
In the end every man on that field's all the same

Except for the reason that brought them there
With shouts and cries, bringing weapons to bear
A question of governance, how the country is handled
Driven men to frustration, to battle, damnation
Left on the field with body a' mangled.

Regardless the cause we all shouldered our rifles
We thought this endeavour would be but a trifle
In the end it was a bloody long civil war
Full o' blood and politics an' nuthin' much mo'

We took a toll upon the ranks of the bluecoats.
Dragged a many of their dogs beneath the mud.
Sang songs of our glory days, of all the raids and Chevauches.
Bunch of barefoot tarheels out for blood.

Just a hapless band of poor red dirt farmers.
Jim, Bob, James and Jack without a dime.
With nothing left to lose.
Except their life in a noose.
They signed along and marched along quick time.

Too poor to afford a modern musket.
Too poor to afford leather boots.
Just enough spare change for a blanket.
Stole some smokes and some bourbon for a hoot.

They say we all support folks like Davis.
That we all war to keep on them chains.
Them plantation monopolies drove me out of my business.
Dreams of a farm are now in the grave.

I wont fight for what made us all poor.
That ain't my mission in this civil war.
For I got a golden opportunity, to rid the land o' the free.
Of the corrupt, untrusted Federale.

So go on and git Uncle Sam.
Go on and get while you can.
Revolution's come back to the colonies.
To weed out your tyranny.
We don't need no Nanny State 'no mam'.

We never did rally up for no rich slaver.
Never did support their cries nor complains.
All men are made free, here down in Dixie.
This ain't no free state if they're still in chains. (Like Cleburne said)

I dont care if you don't see em all as equal.
It is said that God made them all that way.
I'm just here to end tyrant's lives.
And any bloody ignorant in my way.

I'll be a rebel now and on until the end.
Even when my breath and bones are gone.
But my withered memory, that will never fade away.
:confedflag: Remembered unsurrendered till the end. :confedflag:

Oh wayyy down south in the land o' cotton.
Them old times sure ain't forgotten.
You tyrants still ain' forgiven.
An' Hank lives on in our hearts forever.

Вітрина знімків екрана
Red Dead Redemption 2
Where is the horse and the rider?
Where is the horn that was blowing?
Where is the helm and the hauberk?
And the long fair hair that was flowing?
Where are the ranks of brave riders?
Who off to war they were going?
And where are the people to cheer them?
With words of encouragement were showing.

Orcs and Uruks have raided our lands
Laid many a village to waste.
Taken wives, children, fathers and all.
Plundering our hearths with haste.

Where are our days of glory?
Oh how long ago forgotten.
The future was bright all the while that we hoped
Now hindsight has shown it all rotten.

Where is the glorious sun that was shining?
That over the Golden Hall was glowing?
Swept away by the cruel winds of fate and time
That ever do go on blowing.

Where is the old Alliance?
Of the great kingdoms of men.
Where was Gondor when they surrounded us all?
When we lost our beloved kinsmen.

They have all passed like rain on the mountain
Like wind in the meadow.
The sun has gone down in the West they say
That all has fallen to shadow.

Though one thing's time has not yet come to pass
To all danger and fate it will ever outlast
T'is the spirit of us free 'folk of the Mark'
The mighty, brave, bold. Eorlingas.
Вітрина творчих робіт
112 9
Остання активність
Wulf 25 жовт. о 13:02 
Cheers me dears.
Dilarius 25 жовт. о 12:51 
76561199650137941 25 серп. о 11:37 
idiocracy the movie 21 серп. о 17:59 
rep +
Wulf 30 лип. о 14:04 
:steamthumbsup: Danke
lorginn 30 лип. о 12:32 
God bless you :ambition: