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1 person found this review helpful
105.9 hrs on record (74.2 hrs at review time)
TLDR: Solid 10 if you liked the first game, if you come from more generic RPG'S this game might be abit harder but I still think its a solid 9.
This series began as a labour of love as a kickstarter game and now it has evolved into a AA series, the funding clearly shows, every gripe I had about the first has been addressed however to begin with the negatives, there are times in the main story where I did not bother with stealth, lock-picking etc and I felt punished due to stealth segments where because I was basically beginning level in those skills I had to use cheats however on the other side during one such quest without using cheats and relying on my sword and armour I was able to win a 1 v 12 through using the terrain to force a 2v1 fight and master striking them. But there are certain quests where has I known I would have spent more time levelling stealth etc.
The combat again the negatives, the locking system can be annoying, when switching angles u can look to far away resulting in being unable to dodge/block as you untarget the enemy, this appears in outnumbered fights predominately however the positives are simply they took what was a great but clunky system, and made it work, essentially they took this rough system of a stone and sanded it down till it is smooth as silk, the master strike reword is great turning defence into offence much better represents these techniques, however I believe polearms should have been given some form of master strike.
Archery is massively improved it is now easy to aim, crossbows are amazing and the early gunpowder weapons are fun however I wish they had a bigger morale penalty, they are funny, I have shot at a group with scattershot for it to miss all which made me laugh.
Alchemy has been improved and streamlined and the new system of blacksmithing is super entertaining and rewarding, doing so it makes you able to craft the best weapons and maintenance likewise grants amazing buffs. I wish there was even more to forging and a form of weapon customisation but in its current state it is fun.
Overall the game is long and entertaining and I would highly recommend it had and still has me completely addicted, reminding me alot of the witcher, it feels like a labour of love and shows the world is alive and vibrant, returning and new characters are fleshed out, sad, anger, lust and adventure is the world of KCD, this is a game that has become more than a game but a piece of art on par with books, movies etc and I look forward to all dlcs and future games.
fortes fortuna adiuvat
Posted 10 February.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.1 hrs on record
It has some interesting concepts but god daym it feels like a free to play mobile game at times with all the pop ups and ui design, maybe I am biased my first pc game was the original rome total war and this just feels extremely boring in comparison the ai is dead, every seige battle I have done so far the ai uses the same exact formation and does nothing. Id suggest medieval 2 or the rome 1 remaster but if u want specifcly the three kingdoms story why not just grab it on sale not worth full price in my opinion
Posted 21 January.
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21.2 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
super fun game with friends, Am very surprised this game is free, this game does exactly what it shows in a superb way and with friends it is very fun to beat each other with brooms whilst our ai does the real work or to dog pile shoplifters.
Posted 8 December, 2024.
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7 people found this review helpful
1.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Sadly in its current state I cant recomend it, was hoping for a warlord britania cross with valheim base building and while it feels like that it is so buggy and rough at the moment that I just cant I really want to like it but I just find myself done with this game after multiple restarts, crashes I will hopefully rebuy later down the development line.
Posted 26 November, 2024.
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25.8 hrs on record (21.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Bought in 2018 and played abit and shelved it waiting for updates well here we are 6 years later and this game is a massive dissapointment for me, better than the isle but suffering from a lack of dinosaurs maybe half a dozen new dinosaurs is not enough in a 6 year development. No from me and a regretful purchase
Posted 27 October, 2024.
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5 people found this review helpful
15.5 hrs on record (15.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Owned for a fair few years and can it be fun yes but at the same time, lack of dinosaurs maybe 14ish all together after multiple years of development is an utter laugh, lack of objectives besides grow and no ability to play through single player relying on a very niche community that can be rather toxic nah, skip
Posted 23 October, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
47.1 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
Do you want a game which is half arsed war thunder with inf well look no more with brain dead teammates, brain dead ai where one team abandons the sole defensive objective whilst the rest mindlsy charge into the enemy all equiped with smgs because they paid for them whilst you are stuck with a slow bolt action because you have yet to pay for some bs automatic weapons and call this fun is worse than a mobile game, go play battlefield or red dragon etc plenty of better games than this steaming pile of dinosaur doo doo
PS am farily certain the positive reviews I am seeing for this game are simple bots, very little detail besides its free, gameplay fun and graphics are amazing. To which yes the game is free but so is porn and the old elder scrolls games both of which will be more fun, secondly gameplay yes it is fun when you have a team of players and not a team of ai who dont just run around mindlessy whilst the enemy team all seem to be super competent running around with smgs whilst you are stuck with a bolt action and lastly graphics amazing really this game looks on par with an early ps4 or xbox one game its average at best maybe bethesda level at worst
Posted 5 August, 2024. Last edited 5 August, 2024.
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6 people found this review helpful
59.7 hrs on record
For me I do not bother much with the base game but the Whiskey and Lemons DLC is a ten out of ten the graphics of this game are a 7 at best but the game-play more than makes up for it, being able to make your character starting with a single division working your way up with that starter division fighting with you throughout the civil war, I found it very fun and sun over 50 hours just playing that mode. As a brit with no interest in american history this game got me into the history of america and its civil war so if that is not an statement to how fun this game can be I do not know what is. However due to the clunkyness at times of certain mechanics I would advise waiting for a sale as the base game and dlc bring it close to 60 pounds which I do not believe is what this game is worth I would place it closer to 30-40 but that is a personal opinion.
Posted 20 July, 2024.
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47 people found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
Game runs smoothly, controls are a little confusing when coming from Skate. Overall I still prefer skate 3 and sadly I think I will be going back to skate, the gameplay and customization from Skate just feel better but that is a personal opinion, but personally im going to recommend learning how to use an emulator and perhaps keep an eye on this for the future but as of right now Ima give it a meh
Posted 21 May, 2024.
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58.3 hrs on record (51.0 hrs at review time)
Ah yes sony we will not make people connect a psn account but we are going to block game sales in 177 countries that are not able to make a PSN account.
Suspiciously seems like sony are going to attempt the same mistake and so my negative review returns and my interest in this game is dying :D.
Sony pull the stick out and let the devs do there thing before you ruin a smash hit
Posted 3 May, 2024. Last edited 11 May, 2024.
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