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331.9 hrs on record (308.6 hrs at review time)
Pretty good game, a LOT of the negative reviews are due to server issues upon release. The server issues have been fixed now though, so I'd very much recommend the game. Gameplay is really fun; you play either as a counselor trying to survive Jason's rampage (or possibly even stop it) or you play as Jason trying to stop all the counselors from escaping. Lots of different perks for counselors to use to customize your playstyle, and of course the different counselors have different stats that affect gameplay as well. Jasons don't have perks, but instead just has innate strengths and weaknesses. There are some bugs, but they aren't gamebreaking as far as I know.

Community is really hit or miss. Half the people you play with will be very pleasant and will give you a GREAT time. The other half will probably make you feel like punching a baby. People tend to be overly defensive of the game or they tend to just constantly ♥♥♥♥ on the game in an unreasonable manner in the forums. Way more fun with friends, if you can get them to buy it.

Despite the wonderful gameplay, content is lacking for the price tag. I would either wait until it goes on sale or until more content is added, unless you're REALLY interested in the game. Now content is planned though; they are apparently going to add a single-player mode this summer. Other than that though, new maps really need to be added.

The game has a fairly high skill cap. Expect to get stomped on at first. So many people ♥♥♥♥♥ about how poorly designed some game mechanics are because they have "no counterplay" etc. They're just terrible at the game, lol. For example, everyone complaining about Jason using an ability called shift and then grabbing. You can juke it, you can jump into a window, you can use firecrackers, you can time a swing to stun Jason right out of shift. Etc. People whine about the difficulty a lot. Don't buy this game expecting to survive half the time from the very start. You will not. Once you get real good at the game, maybe.

Overall, it's a fun game, but don't expect to win much at first. A bit pricey, might be better to wait.

Edit: Lmao I would rewrite it but at this point just don't bother, I don't really know what else to say. The devs have butchered the game to hell.
Posted 13 June, 2017. Last edited 21 November, 2018.
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5,071.0 hrs on record (253.6 hrs at review time)
I posted a positive review when I had 253 hours, and I've now reached >3k hours years later, and I think despite all my patience, this game has managed to mess up so hard that after 3-4 years, I am finally out of patience. So why is this review negative?

Well, you can look at the trends and see that the game is now "Mixed" on it's reviews with the most recent patch. That is partially why I'm switching my review, but it's not the entire thing. Just to start on that note though, I haven't played this game in perhaps about a month, came back to this patch, and...wow. It is an absolute mess. It's buggy, there is an EXTREME desync issue at the moment that is causing hits to connect even when the killer looks very distant, the animations are very wonky, and...plenty of other things. So if you are planning on playing the game it really isn't the time.

But let me give a rundown of why my review is negative now. Some points are directed to the most recent patch, and others aren't.

1. Developers do not listen
I'm not even going to touch on balance. I used to just excuse it by saying the devs are perhaps not that good at their own game, it's fine. This IS related to the most recent patch. The UI update and clunky animations got such an insane amount of criticism, but was still released. Why? Fix it, change it, do SOMETHING. But no, not a single change. What was even the point of allowing players to join a beta to test it? They didn't listen to any feedback at all. Then they add a bunch of things that NO ONE has asked for. They have redone the flashlight-animation so many times, for no reason. And that's something that has actually affected gameplay; people get caught off-guard because suddenly, you have to aim the light differently. Why are they ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around with such a trivial thing that was perfectly fine before? I have absolutely no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ clue. There's plenty of more examples, but the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that this patch was that has led to the game being review-bombed should be enough for you.

2. Repetition
I have told my friends for the longest time, DbD isn't really a good game in my opinion. It's a game with tons of potential. But now that I'm writing this years later, This game is a game that has been in a state of "has potential to be good" for YEARS. There's been some good updates, but so many more bad updates. Events are stale and boring, and somehow got even worse throughout the years, to the point that they had to apologize for their ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Halloween event. A ♥♥♥♥♥♥ HALLOWEEN EVENT, IN A HORROR GAME. The game is overly grindy at this point, there has been a content drought...the last content drop was an unfinished chapter (some of the perks just didn't work and the changes to the killer that they said would come out, didn't come with the final product). Even the cosmetics are becoming super repetitive and uncreative. I used to LOVE the games skins, but they're all extremely samey now. The core gameplay has not changed, a new objective has never been added, there has never been a new game mode.

3. Community, and how they affect gameplay
This is my BIGGEST complaint, and will probably be the largest part of the review.
I never thought that criticizing the COMMUNITY would be the worst offender in a negative review of a game, but here I am. The problem is, community actually affects gameplay here.

I will not call anything toxic if it actually helps the player win the game. The amount of people in this game who will legitimately throw their chances of what is considered a "win condition" JUST to ruin your game is absolutely absurd. The god-awful Us vs. Them mentality present in the community manages to lead to awful interactions with other players of the game. If you caught me after just playing the game, I'd feel enticed to drop a hundred anecdotes here, but it'll just be pointless and perhaps I'd come off as just someone who is salty, so let me just give context, and then sum up the majority of what your experience will be on the game.

I have 3k hours on this game, where I have played plenty of killer, and plenty of survivor. I've mained one side over the other at various points, but, for most of my experience, I was a 50/50 player. I don't ever teabag the killer, I almost never BM, I do my best not to camp.

Despite this, and no matter how "righteously" you play, you will be flamed, you will be blamed, you will be accused of BMing, you will be targeted throughout multiple matches, and the player will still not be banned.
"But that's just par for the course for any online multiplayer game!"
It is, but DbD is a game where another player can heavily affect your gaming experience. Not just flame you or say mean things until you mute them. This is more true for the survivor side, because a killer has s degree of control of your experience where they can legitimately lock you out of gameplay until you die. Yes, I'm referring to camping, and, survivors have other ways to be obnoxious, but the problem with survivors usually goes to entitlement regarding post-match flaming.
"But wait, that's not a META thing to do. Other survivors can just escape. Killers can close chat. Whatever."
That's the whole ass problem. When you play Dead by Daylight, the goal of the majority of players at this point is to RUIN YOUR EXPERIENCE, not play the game, not achieve the "win condition" of ranking up. Whatever. People will go absolutely out of their way just to ruin someone else's experience, even at the expense of their own. And while camping is an example specific to killers, there are plenty of survivor squads that intentionally make a game as unfun for a killer as possible, for no clear reason outside of being ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. You can see it in the players. You go to DbD player's profiles and they have "salt mines" and post about how they intentionally want to ruin another person's experience, because they think it makes them look tough when it just looks edgy. You go on the subreddit, and there are so many memes about "haha, thinking I will go home to play DbD and have fun, and then not having fun!!!" It's just sad. So many people just play to ♥♥♥♥ over other people. And it's largely because of this silly "Us vs. Them" mentality. It's a dumb ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game, and this community acts like it's a civil war.


As a conclusion, I have so much more to say on how this game has managed to run me out of my patience, which has persisted for 4 YEARS. I haven't played in a month or so, and when I came back, I had a miserable experience. Then I heard about the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that was the most recent patch, and realized plenty of others were also having a miserable experience, and I realized the above three points should be a good enough reason to not purchase the game, among plenty of other things, but I'm getting tired of writing this review. I can't lie and say I'll never come back to the game; I might, maybe a good patch will come by, who knows. But I really recommend that if you are planning to buy the game, DO NOT. It is not worth it. I've given the game the benefit of the doubt for so long, and genuinely care about it and want it to succeed...but I simply cannot recommend it anymore :/
Posted 11 May, 2017. Last edited 18 February, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
362.2 hrs on record (265.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is one of the most fun multiplayer horror experiences you will have. Don't be fooled by the early access tag; the game is very much playable and has a decent amount of content for its price. In White Noise 2, you either play as an investigator looking for evidence about a mysterious creature and eventually end up trying to banish it to another dimension, or you will play as the creature hunting the investigators down and stopping them no matter what it takes. For both investigators and creatures, you have a variety of customization options that will affect gameplay; all of which is unlocked just through playing the game normally; no need to grind really. It's super fun with friends and I highly recommend this game to really anyone. It isn't too difficult to learn how to play. The devs are constantly updating the game and very active on the forums and most experienced players are kind and will be willing to help you learn how to play if you do have some difficulties. But of course, like any game, there are pros and cons. Here is my list of pros and cons.

-Constantly updated
-Devs are very active on forums and are willing to listen to suggestions
-Don't need a fancy PC to play
-Can be played single player, coop, or pvp
-Compared to a lot of other pvp horror games, White Noise 2 is overall better balanced imo
-Different creatures and investigators to play, all with unique skins, flashlights/idols, stats, and traits
-Pretty creepy atmosphere

-This used to be a pro, but then the game got released and the playerbase has grown. The community is kind of ~eh~ now. It's still better than the other assymetrical horror game communities, but it isn't quite as ~amazing~ as it used to be. There are a lot of passive aggressive people, and most low level players I've seen have no idea what they're doing because they didn't read the tutorials, and then they rage quit after dying because they don't know what they're doing. As you can see from like half the negative reviews (which have a bunch of people with almost no time spent on the game, though some are fair), a lot of them don't read the tutorials, play the game, instantly die, find it boring, refund, and then drop a negative review. PLEASE READ THE TUTORIALS. There are a lot of intricate mechanics that are important. You are not going to enjoy the game if you have absolutely no idea what you're doing. I see a lot of low level players just stare at the creature. NOT A GOOD IDEA. Many players you meet will also be incredibly stubborn. There was some dude who I got into an argument with about the existence of a mechanic within the game. Eventually I sent him the patch notes confirming it's existence. He ended up just blocking and ignoring me. There's quite a plethora of rage quitters. So community isn't very aggressive and won't send you threats or racism or anything, but don't expect to feel incredibly welcome upon starting the game.

-Community is small; although you can usually find a game to play, you might not be playing in your level range and you may have trouble finding games if you come online at the wrong times
-Although the atmosphere is quite scary, the actual monsters could be scarier
-Paywall for gameplay affecting content; I'm not very critical of paid DLC with gameplay affecting content because I get that people need to make money and it's fairly cheap for White Noise 2, but it is still something to note within WN2. The contents fairly half-and-half between what's strong and what's not, so I wouldn't quite call the game P2W: the content in the base game are plenty viable enough, if not more viable than some of the DLC characters/items. It's still not very grindy for what is in the base game, though.

That's my list for pros and cons. Overall, it is a very good game, especially considering its price. I hope that you do experience it, and that you enjoy it if you do.

I would recommend you be wary of the negative reviews. Some of them are fair criticism. Some of them are about the games low playerbase, but are not applicable as of release because the playerbase is much larger now. And some of them just show that the reviewer flat out didn't read the how to play section and don't understand basic game mechanics, such as stunning the monster and sanity management. There IS A HOW TO PLAY SECTION THAT EXPLAINS THESE MECHANICS. Please read this before you decide to play, lose, and then leave a bad review.

Being very fun and with lots of replayability without grinding, and fairly well optimized graphics-wise, I have to give this game a 10/10.

Edit: I updated the review a bit, because between the expansion of the community, numerous changes in the gameplay, etc, it deserves a bit an update; ex. not everything is unlockable within the base game anymore, as there is DLC. I'd maybe score the game down to a 9/10 probably.
Posted 6 February, 2017. Last edited 8 August, 2017.
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51.0 hrs on record (47.6 hrs at review time)
There are few games where you get to play as the innocents who are fighting the war themselves, but this game really gives you some insight on what people must go through. It's definitely a fun game imo; it takes skill and can be difficult (or am i just bad lol), there is a lot of replayability, interesting characters, etc. I find This War of Mine far more emotionally crushing than a lot of other games that are considered emotional as well, and I think it deserves some credit there. The atmosphere is gloomy and dark. Your actions also matter and affect the characters. It's really cool to see a game that takes war through a new perspective. I'd say it's a pretty fun survival/management game with some strategy involved. Every action you take impacts the game, for better or for worse. Characters are also very interesting and respond differently to different situations. The game is fairly simple but still satisfying. Would recommend this game to anyone.

Update: There was an anniversary update recently; it doesn't add a whole lot; it mainly just adds a few locations to scavenge in but I still recommend the game.
Posted 29 June, 2016. Last edited 23 November, 2016.
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11 people found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record
Its a game that could've been good, had potential,probably a good start, and a great idea. It ruined however by stupid controls (if the developers had looked at the controls or played the game for 5 seconds it wouldve been obvious), which is my biggest problem. the game crashes a lot but eventually it gets going. but i just cant play a game where the controls just make it hard. im ok with hard games, ok games, and easy games. i like games with all different kinds of difficulties. i am not ok when a game is hard because the controls are just badly though out. not to mention the games buggy and pretty repetitive too...i didnt really see anything new happening. also i really hate that medkits simply stop bleeding instead of healing. its not the fact that i think the game NEEDS healing because if the controls werent so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ horrid the game wouldnt be super hard. but i feel like the description was misleading for it...besides this long wall of text about medkits and controls that make me want to punch my laptop, the game is buggy and the gameplay gets repetitive (partially because of the controls...again srly) but it has potential. hopefully they decide to make inprovements. for now ive refunded the game because i just played a better game that i bought for less @_@
Posted 3 August, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
7.0 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
This games fun for a while and its a great idea. Its fun to play an interesting coop campaign third person shooter. At the same time gameplay gets repetitive after a while, especially when the maps are huge and its a giant maze, and eventually you or your teammate or both get lost and have no idea wtf to do. Additionly the game has a bit too much grinding which adds to it getting repetitive. could be better, but pretty good anyway XD more fun with friends on voice chat than online, try to find someone to play with to cancel out the repetitive part.
Posted 28 October, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
11.0 hrs on record (7.6 hrs at review time)
Disgusting game. If you want thoughts of suicide and questions about your existence, go for it. But this game is uterly horrible and ruined like many nexon games. Nexon simply failed at making a half decent fps games. Lets look at some key aspects of the game though! :^D

*Hacks! You can really show your skill by beating hackers. If you can :D hack shield wont do ♥♥♥♥ so you can have fun by flying in this game if you want too ^.^ not to mention at least 30% of the community uses some kind of hacking, whether its just annoying or completely game breaking :D Yay for aimbot users and flyhackers and w/e the ♥♥♥♥ people use in this game :D

*To attempt (you will probably fail) to beat at least some hackers, it seems you'll need to spend some money because guess what? With every single bullet in the start guns, you can kill 1-3 zombies, showing their strength. But if you buy ♥♥♥♥ using ur money because u have nothing else to use it on, you can kill a zombie in 2 shots :D

*Yay for specs! you buy these and you can run faster than ten people sprinting combined ^.^ Yay! They cant shoot you unless they are using aimbot! :D (But really basically if you have a good spec and you get shot while moving around and ducking and dodging and they hit you, they are either extremely lucky but they are probably aim botting so yay!

*♥♥♥♥♥♥ community makes it great for people who like raging. By playing this you risk getting kicked beause you get a double kill without hacking! :D

Theres even more ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ crappy ♥♥♥♥ in this game but im too lazy to say them. But glitches, bugs, horrid animations, douchebags in community, little kids who think swearing makes them badass, plain basic gameplay, and the bad gameplay compared to other fps games (or just games in general :D) make this one of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ games ive played. GG nexon, pls continue to make p2w games ( and this isnt just the regular p2w game. It takes about half a clip from a starter weapon to kill someone, but with a weapon you bought you can kill them in about 5. no srly ive been shot by an assault rifle and taken 40 damage. idk if headshot or something but thats pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥, headshot or not.) and being greedy and refusing to make a decent game without hackers until you go bankrupt or something -.-
Posted 11 June, 2014.
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4 people found this review helpful
2.3 hrs on record
Its a good, tactical, action packed game. Too bad its so pay2win...

Ok sorry that wasnt very descriptive. But the gameplay is just so much fun. However it is extremely hard to play against someone whos used real money. Possible? Yes. But unless you are very skilled and have practices a LOT at this game, it is going to be very boring when you get wrecked everytime the guy with the buyable with real money only equipment kills you. Hopefully you have people on your team that also have good weapons, in this way they can take care of the people who have bought equipment. But if not you're screwed.
Posted 21 May, 2014. Last edited 21 May, 2014.
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0.1 hrs on record
The story of a fly, nothing spectacular. A regular day of a fly. We think flies are annoying, but this game will change your mind. 3 seconds to download, 5-6 minutes to play. "Why download it then?" Because this game will touch you. It's sad and might make you cry at the end. Don't expect to be having adrenaline rushes while playing this. Its almost nothing, but it is a huge something. It makes you appreciate the small tiny things in life and to think about everything you could've done.

Strongly recommend. Great game, even if it only lasts 5 minutes.
Posted 20 April, 2014.
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109.3 hrs on record (59.0 hrs at review time)
A really amazing game by valve. One of my favorite games, its really fun and engaging. Although it doesnt really have the feel of "Zombie Apocalypse Survivor with other people" it gives you a "♥♥♥♥ you im a badass survivor that shoots ♥♥♥♥ for fun" kinda feeling. The variety of guns and weapons in this game is great and the gameplay is fast paced and epic. Theres never the "oh no i have no stamina" or "no im out of ammo!" or "crap im infected!" feeling in this game, which can be viewed as good thing or a bad thing depending on what you're looking for. However even with a huge ammo supply and no stamina crisis the game is difficult enough that you will need to be strategic about your approach while running around with an ak-47 shooting thousands of zombies. And trust me when I say this, you WILL need to think and work together with your teammates while running around with that ak47. This game will not let you win alone. In some cases like a hunter zombie jumping on you, there is absolutely nothing you can do unless your teammates are there for you. This is great for both fps gamers and zombie lovers. I would recommend anyone who likes either to buy this game immediately. For those who dont like those 2 genres, just but it once its on sale. I got l4d2 for christmas and i have loved it ever since. l4d2 was probably the first zombie game/fps shooter that i played consistenly. I would recommend this to any friend without hesitation.
Posted 17 April, 2014.
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