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10.1 hrs on record
OKay, so I only made it to the Water Plant section of the game, and forgot to save for a while a frog jumped on the balcony and one shoted me. Needless to say I quit, deleted my save, and deleted it fro my steam. Now as for the amount I played the game isn't bad its not the best Residnet Evil game on the market sure but it is actually a really fun and not to mention beautiufl game considering it's a remaster. Combat is a little janky and confusing if you aren't used to Classic Resident Evil controls like i was, but after completing the train and research facility you will for sure have the controls down by then.

The story is for all purposes a Resident Evil story based I believe before the firsat game, you play as Rebecca Chambers to investigate a train crash. Evwentually you find the dossier on a convict named Billy Coen. I want go any further as I don't want to spoil anything. Sadly I won't be coming back to the game as I said earlier the incident with a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ one shot frog gave me enough rage to say "♥♥♥♥ THIS" and instantly loose all motivation to reply all the way from the begining of the facotry level just to get back to where I was. Sadly this game focus on the old and outdated "Save Station" layout not to mention the game penalizes your end game rating if you saved to much. This game would have been better had they included an option to turn on autosave checkpoints.

Again this game wasn't bad but nfortunatley again I will not be playing it to it's end I'll just watch someone on youtube play it while I wait for Stteam to refund my purchase on the game. To those out there who actually wanna play this or is your a Resident Evil fan I recomend this title as it's a good game regardless of its difficulty (At some points... ♥♥♥♥ you Pyro Tyrant) I just simply coudln't complete it cause I wasn't gona waste my time playing through so much story. All in all I give this game a very solid...

7/10 - This rating means that It's worth your money and time just not mine.

P.S. Sorry for any mistakes, I'm not good with english.
Posted 19 November, 2017. Last edited 19 November, 2017.
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182.2 hrs on record (113.6 hrs at review time)
Fast Level Up, Rewarding Quests, Encourages Teamwork, and provides a free and fair playing field as all the actual money spent is used for xp boosts and cosmetics. The story is fantastic if all eit a little anime tropey. The Classes are each unique with there own backstories and the constant addition of classes adds a sense of replayability that most MMO's these days seem to ignore and focus on micro transactions a Pay to WIn. Dungeons are fair and challenging and gove you loot tha makes you feel you actually accomplished a great feet this game also has "unique" features such as interchangable mounts, multiple charecters, etc..

This game does have it's from the constant populations of servers causing ocasional game crahes on certain computers to a sometimes toxic community (but this is a rare occurance, I'v been playng since 2008 and have only had to block 2 peole. When I found this game was on Steam I quicly redownloaded it.) and sometimes creepy community (Again every major MMO has that group of people so this really isn't a con persay as it doesn't hinder gameplay just the social aspect of Tera.) The last con is the amount of Loli and Elin themed things in this game. WHile this doesn't effect normal people as we have learned to ignore it as it in reality poses no real issue.

All in all I would give Tera an all round 8.5/10 and will highly recomend you download it if you want a fun and fair MMO to play with friends.

P.S. Apologies for any grammer or spelling mistakes my english isn't the best.
Posted 8 November, 2017.
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0.3 hrs on record
Where to Begin.

Disclaimer: "This game is a mod of the half life games (I assume the half life 2 icon loads up when it runs) so I shouldn't excpet to much but HL mods in the past have suprised me (i.e Cry of Fear, Afraid of Monsters, and Nightmare House 1 and 2) but there is having high hopes and being disapointed then there is "Double Action: Boogaloo" this game is terrible which is sad because the concept is good and ripe for using in other games but they just didn't try and to make my point I'll jump staright into the Pros and Cons.

Let's start with the negative aspcts of this "MMO" (and i use that phrase loosely)

  • Dead Community and Heaps of Empty Servers.
  • Game Crashes out the ass
  • The Gameplay itself was sluggish and terrible
  • The Game is Extreamley unbalanced
  • Weapons and charecters are bad and just ripped from opther games in the engine (I.e L4D, The Hidden, Counter Strike, etc...) I know this is a mod and models are limited but that didn't stop Cry of Fear or Afraid of Monsters from trying there best.
  • Finally, throughout all the previous cons this one sticks out the most: No instentive to keep playing. No rewards, no level ups, no crates. There is nothing to keep you playng as a reward.

    Now even throughout this onslaught of ♥♥♥♥ I did manage to find a few Pros to this game:

  • Unique Gamplay Mechanics (In theory the idea of slowing down time and diving into a kill all wanted style is badass and a welcome new additon to the other cookie cutter MMOs)
  • It's clear SOME effort was put into the game (Not Much Though)
  • Free to Play.

    In conclusion; Despite this games unique gameplay and sense of freedom it still falls victim to the cons mking this game unplayable and rage inducing. It hurts to give this game a negative review cause there was SO MUCH potential in the creation but the creator or creators just didn't apply themselves enugh (or fell victim to time or budget constraints.

    All in all in an industry where most AAA shooters and Multiplyer Games copying the same formula time after time, unique games like this are a welcome respite. However, this game just couldn't hold up and instead fell victim to it's cons but i also think this game is a window into what time, money, passion, and a dedicated team
Posted 14 February, 2017. Last edited 14 February, 2017.
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65.2 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
Great Game
Posted 31 January, 2015.
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