Sami   Kemi, Lapland, Finland
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Switch friendcode: SW-3140-2172-1750 Tag : Renya#2956
Currently In-Game
About me
Real Life
age: 28
gender: Male
Birthday: October 3rd

Gaming Life
:challenge: I play a lot of games any genre is fine with me, even if I would suck on that game, and even if I would hate it, I would still try to play atleast 2-5h of it to see if I chance my opinion. But most of the games that I love to play are JRPG, Hack and Slash, TPS, Survival Horror or Action :remedy:

Music Life
I really don't care what language they sing on song, cause I myself think that the music is itself a own language. Most of genre I listen is Rock, pop, metal, dance and so on, almost anything. :d4_wink:

Favorite anime/manga series
Lain, Monster ,Berserk, JoJo, Gintama, Magus Bride, Assassination Classroom, Re:Zero , BTOOOM!, Higurashi, Umineko, Danganronpa, Overlord, Noragami, Chainsaw Man

OS: Windows 10 64bit
Processor: Intel Core i7-6700K, 4.0GHz
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
Memory: 16Gt (2 x 8Gt) DDR4 2666MHz
Drive 1: Samsung SSD 750 EVO 500GB
Drive 2: Seagate 2TB Barracuda, SATA III, 7200RPM, 64MB
Salien Stats
Level Reached
Bosses Fought

Experience Earned
Screenshot Showcase
Disgaea 5 Complete
Review Showcase
5,641 Hours played
Final Fantasy XIV is my favorite MMORPG all time. It's even so good that they had to stop selling it for now as it go congested.

I have a lot of great and some bad memories of this game but thanks to FF, I have got few of great friends who I am still talking with.

TLDR: + Dungeons/trials/raids
+ Gold Saucer (Gambling)
+ Expansions
+ Gets updates frequently
+ housing
+ No p2w
+ Community
+ Able to level all classes on 1 character
+ Glamour

- Base game can feel boring and slow
- Some elitists/mentors start to rage after 1st wipe
- Make one mistake and suddenly every player knows about it

Community is great tho there are some elitists/mentors (not all) that starts to rage quit if team wipes on 1st time, like it makes you feel like that you aren't allowed to die at all in this game.

It's not like you can know every mechanics to all dungeons/raids/trials in your first time, sure you could watch guides what to do but I feel like that would ruin the surprises and fun of doing something for the first time.

What makes FF14 even more great game is that you can level all classes on your first character and you don't always have to go battles as there are crafting/fishing etc classes so you can chat with people at same time or rp or just relax and listen music while doing that.

This is one of the fewest mmos too where every expansion makes the game even better.

One thing most people might hate is that you are forced to do main story quests to be able to go into expansions, unlock new dungeons/trials/raids, max level your classes and some classes are locked too until you have done enough main story quests.

Base game can feel really slow but I promise that it's all worth in the end when you get to expansions.

When you hit to expansions it's like you are starting the whole new game.

On the community side there are people that rp, help other people when asked questions.

But there are also people that might take some things way too seriously, like I was telling one person that "I love his glamour" later on his wife whispered me to leave her husband alone, and I was like "??? okayy"

Apparently you aren't allowed to say if you like someone's glamour as it's "flirting"?

Glamour is mechanic that let's you use any kinda gear for your character without changing stats also the true end game.

OST in FF14 is masterpiece

This game also have Gold Saucer (people who have played FF7 might know it), it's where you can play different kinda minigames and gamble, one of my favorite places to spend time and relax.

You can also get home (tho usually the warding plots are full) for yourself or get home to your clan/Free Company.

I also had fun on one raid where I kept dying like 10 times and I want to thank those people that they didn't start to rage but instead they were doing /slap to me which made it even more fun and we finished that raid in the end.
Recent Activity
4.3 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
69 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
5,641 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
Crowlett 9 Dec, 2024 @ 10:14am 
+rep he let me borrow his bugatti
Абдул Всех 5х30 21 Oct, 2024 @ 6:53am 
Signed by Abdula:d2brewmaster::steamsalty:
Seth 17 Nov, 2023 @ 8:29am 
Super cool guy >:3
Titan Bugi 2 Feb, 2023 @ 3:30pm 
Po dobrej grze na Compie dodałem ją do znajomych, ponieważ brzmiała jak mężczyzna. Rozmawialiśmy przez kilka miesięcy i zaprzyjaźniliśmy się. Dużo śmiechu, dużo dobrych gier, a co najważniejsze, solidna zagranica.
Zaprosiłem go do domu, żeby zrobił bootcamp sias. Powiedział, że przyjedzie, dlatego nie mogłem się doczekać spotkania z nim w prawdziwym życiu.
Kiedy wrócił do mnie do domu, agresywnie popchnął mnie do ściany i zaczął gryźć mnie w ucho, czując, jak jego twardy kutas wali mi w nogę. Uderzyłem go, zaczął płakać i uciekł. Okazuje się, że był gejem, nie wierz temu facetowi.
Neonite 18 Oct, 2022 @ 6:04am 
Wait, wait, wait... howd youw howses... uhm... OwO Y-YOU'WE A GIWL GAMER?!?1 O_O Nyot t-to be a fweak, b-b-but.. just when I *notices buldge* t-t-thought you couwdn't get mowe attwactive.. you stawted pwaying v-v-video games. Nyicewy donye, m'wady. You've just become ÚwÚ evewy man's dweam woman. If you had missed a coupwe befowe, nyow you c-can be suwe you've got us aww "dwoowing" lol.
Liso 17 Oct, 2022 @ 6:21pm 
Wait, wait, wait... howd youw howses... uhm... OwO Y-YOU'WE A GIWL GAMER?!?1 O_O Nyot t-to be a fweak, b-b-but.. just when I *notices buldge* t-t-thought you couwdn't get mowe attwactive.. you stawted pwaying v-v-video games. Nyicewy donye, m'wady. You've just become ÚwÚ evewy man's dweam woman. If you had missed a coupwe befowe, nyow you c-can be suwe you've got us aww "dwoowing" lol.