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6.2 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
In the ocean of scuffed ass horror games, this is a pure GEM that stands out PROUD! This is a fully polished, fully voice acted immersive and versatile physiological experience that's worthy every penny. As I said, there are a ton of immersive elements, minigames and game elements, to the point that you'll never know what awaits you the next corner.

Although, this review wouldn't be fair without some criticism:
  • The game had a huge potential on building on the background story. Who made MiSide? How/why have you ended up in the game, why's Mita sentient? etc... none of these ideas are explored/expanded in any way. It's a complete cliffhanger.
  • After buying the game, the achievements weren't available until the next day, and they don't unlock retroactively, therefore I missed some of the unmissable early achievements despite beating the game.
  • There are no saves, so if you quit, you'll have to continue from the beginning of the chapter. Although, the chapters are not that long, and the game makes it clear, when you've unlocked a new chapter.
Posted 26 December, 2024. Last edited 26 December, 2024.
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14 people found this review helpful
26.4 hrs on record (26.4 hrs at review time)
TL;DR This is a mostly well polished RTT game that easily lives up to the Mimimi standard. Although, the performance is not the best and there are occasional glitches, still, if you've enjoyed the Mimimi games, you'll definitely have a blast with this one. It took me 26h to 100% the game.

The Good
  • There are 6 playable characters each with mostly unique skills along with some of the classic ones.
  • The levels are sufficiently large and complex. On the 1st playthrough some levels can easily take 1.5-2h.
  • Runs smoothly, no stutters
  • Fastest quick save/load that I've seen in a video game.
The Bad
  • There's no swimming, running makes no sound, there's no footprint mechanic, day/night does not affect visibility.
  • Throwing bodies off ledges is maddeningly finicky.
  • Challenges are rather boring as all missions have the same 5 challenges. The only interesting one is the "don't use x skill", which is different for each mission.
  • Some levels have a disruptor, which disables skills in the vicinity, unless you shut it down. This cool, but in most cases the switch is guarded so well, that in order to interact with it you'll have to eliminate all guards in that area. At which point, there's no reason to shut down the disruptor anymore.
  • The game is rather easy, even on hard.
  • Despite the game offering pretty cool and unique skills, I've found very few opportunities to actually use some of them, due to the enemy placement.
  • Although the game runs smoothly, as in no stuttering, it's unreasonably demanding on the hardware.
  • Glitches:
  • Had one game breaking glitch where I couldn't deselect anyone, I had to restart the game.
  • A character entering a door teleported to a random location, this happened twice.
  • Sometimes after a quickload, effects that were used prior to loading, stay on the ground.
  • Rarely, some enemies break and stop patrolling.
  • BGM related bugs: On one level it feels like there are 2 tracks playing at the same time, sometimes it gets unreasonably loud or quiet and on some levels the music just gives up and stops completely for the rest of the map.
  • Not a glitch but 2 of the BGM choices are rather questionable. One of them is the cringiest German rap I've heard, it's completely out of place. The other is a minimal techno BGM, which sounds like something you would listen to while doing fitness, and this plays on the finale!
  • The unreasonably loud Devolver intro, which sounds like microwaving a modem.
Posted 9 September, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
2.9 hrs on record
This is a poorly made Grimrock copy full of bugs, nonsensical puzzles, confusing English translation with bad grammar and typos. If you're looking for a Grimrock-like to sate your hunger, trust me, this won't cut it.
Posted 22 August, 2024.
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21 people found this review helpful
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1.6 hrs on record
The audio design of this game is terrible, it's eerily, maddeningly quiet. There's an insanely repetitive meditational BGM going on infinite loop. It just goes on forever regardless of what's happening, whether you're exploring or fighting, the BGM is the same constant loop. Apart from that, there's barely any sound effects. You don't even have footstep sounds, nor do the enemies. In fact the only sound enemies make is the grunting when you hit them, otherwise they're entirely silent. And NPCs make absolutely ZERO sound. It's as if you were talking to cardboard cutouts. After 1,5 hours, it felt like I was watching a muted gameplay footage, while there was a yoga ambiance playing from a different source unrelated to the gameplay.
Posted 22 August, 2024.
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7 people found this review helpful
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12.1 hrs on record
This game starts out simple then quickly turns into an ADHD chore simulator. Still, for the fairly low price it can be fun for a day or two. The gameplay is not too complex, quickly becomes repetitive and the customization is rather lacking. You can only decide where to place the tables and decoration, but you can't change the general layout, or the floor, walls, windows and doors. It took me a mere 12h to max out my tavern and get all achievements, after which there was no reason to keep playing.
Posted 18 August, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
20.5 hrs on record (19.9 hrs at review time)
This is a very simple and minimalistic dungeon crawler, that's nonetheless enjoyable, just don't expect any kind of depth here. The story is basically a bunch of prisoners (your party) are thrown into a dungeon, find the exit to earn your freedom. There's no NPCs or dialogues. There's 3 classes: fighter, rogue, mage, each with several weapon specifications. Some skills make no sense. For example the Missile Skill (bow/crossbow) adds bonus dexterity, however DEX only increases your MELEE accuracy, so it's completely useless for a ranged class. The combat is as simple as it gets: click on your weapon to attack and sidestep to avoid damage. Skills are used at random, while attacking. Magic is a bit more interesting, because you have to manually dial the runes to cast spells, so it requires a bit more input. Facetanking enemies is pretty much impossible because they attack too often or deal too much damage. On hard difficulty my fighter in full heavy would still die in a matter of seconds if not for constant sidestepping. Each character has 2 active slots (left and right hand) but apart from that, there's no hotbar. So to use a potion you have to open the inventory and click on the consumable. Or if you run out of arrows and wanna switch to a different weapon, you have to manually swap the items around, which can get quite tricky during combat. There's carry weight and hunger meter, which defines your movement speed and HP/Mana regen respectively. The levels are very convoluted and full of puzzles and secret rooms, but luckily there's an autocomplete map, which even allows you to leave notes. There's only 3 tile sets, 1 of which is used on the final 2 levels. There's no quick travel, although backtracking is not required, unless you wanna get a missed secret or treasure. Unfortunately, there's no UI scaling, so the HUD gets pretty small above 1080p.
Posted 4 August, 2024. Last edited 4 August, 2024.
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0.1 hrs on record
WTF is this crap even? 🤣
Posted 17 July, 2024.
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32 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
  • Around 25-50h of content depending on how much you explore
  • Tons of new weapons, spells, spirit ashes, armor sets etc.
  • A fair amount of legacy and regular dungeons
  • Some really spectacular and well designed bosses
  • Jaw-dropping scenery with a verticality unseen in the base game
  • Reasonable difficulty (for the most part), expected from a Fromsoft DLC
  • They added a bit of QoL stuff, which is unusual of Fromsoft, but definitely a good direction
  • More Elden Ring

  • Some regions are really barren with few points of interest
  • A lot of the areas are way too dark, almost pitch black. This wasn't an issue in the base game, so they clearly messed up the lighting in those areas.
  • Whilst the level design is visually top notch, in terms of exploration it's unnecessarily convoluted. Oh, you want to get down to that valley, obviously you have to go the the other side of the map and enter a cave that's not even visible on the map and follow the underpass, which also doesn't show on the map. The best way to sum up the level design: "How the ♥♥♥♥ do I get down there??"
  • A lot of the new items are craftables requiring exceedingly rare materials. Wanna try this new cool consumable added by the DLC, well you can craft like 5, after that you'll have to farm the material with a 2% droprate
  • Still no way to buy/farm Ancient Smithing Stones, which would be justified even more so due to the dozens of new weapons
  • Dozens of nonsensical loot, like the Furlcalling Finger Remedy. It's one thing that no one ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ uses this item, but by the time you get to the DLC you'll be able to craft like 50 of this. And the low tier Smithing Stones? You can buy unlimited amounts in the base game. But thank you Kindly Miyazaki for the Somber Smithing Stone [1]
  • The immeasurable difficulty spike for the final boss is questionable
  • The game still needs a lot more QoL improvements and fixes. Just a name a few:
  1. There's still no way to switch between 1-handing and 2-handing while riding Torrent (switching a weapon reverts you back to 1-handing).
  2. The "switch action" prompt takes priority over switching weapons. Meaning, if you stand on a message and bloodstain, you literally can't switch weapons.
  3. "Somewhere, a heavy door has opened"
Posted 9 July, 2024. Last edited 9 July, 2024.
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2.6 hrs on record
A super cute game... or is it?
Posted 2 June, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
9.6 hrs on record
For a price of completely free, it's pretty good!
Posted 2 June, 2024.
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