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Recent reviews by Mordecai

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4 people found this review helpful
281.0 hrs on record (8.5 hrs at review time)
Simple yet innovative. Dice re-roll mechanic is powerful and gives you a lot of options. Feels like it'd be more busted, but they've struck a good balance to make battles engaging. Not too easy, satisfying challenge.

Storybook art/animations are charming, cute and funny. Music is mellow and easygoing.

I'd call this one an instant classic, would recommend to any card game fiends out there. Excited to see how the game might be updated and improved upon over time. As it is now, it's already pretty fun and worth your time.
Posted 2 December, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
6.3 hrs on record
High quality and original game.
Like a rhythm game mixed with a stylish beat-em-up.
Colorful art direction and smooth animation.
Feels like a decent challenge compared to other action games.
Good performance and a really fun soundtrack.
Posted 24 November, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
99.1 hrs on record
Fun, simple, challenging card/tactics game.
Cute sprite work and quality music production.
Good for short and long stints, with variable difficulty options.
Definitely a well-made game that's easy to pick up and play.
Posted 29 November, 2022.
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58.9 hrs on record (30.5 hrs at review time)
Posted 30 November, 2021.
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25 people found this review helpful
1,547.8 hrs on record (198.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
An outstanding game with plenty of playable characters and cards. Chrono Ark's mechanics are a merging of RPG and CG gameplay that set it apart from other CGs on Steam. Rather than an emphasis on "deck-building," there's a greater focus on team composition and character personalization. Clean UI design and arrangement really feeds into the game's immersion, making it feel less like playing with cards and more like battling in a cinematic, turn-based JRPG fashion.

The "less-is-more" approach to game design adds a lot of weight to player decisions (battle encounter order, inventory management, money/experience utilization, picking abilities) and keeps even early battles intense and engaging. Chrono Ark is so satisfyingly challenging, with a game balance showcasing impactful roguelike choices, rather than parading around with a "you will die" difficulty. All-in-all, a thoroughly enjoyable game loop awaits for leisurely breaks and dedicated long runs alike. The experiences are equal parts rewarding and humbling for those that come to appreciate the game and all its nuances.

Chrono Ark's presentation really pulls it all together. Sprites and portraits are polished, backgrounds aren't noisy, after effects are plentiful and the color scheme is easy on the eyes. Character design (for enemy/boss types as well as player characters) is varied and interesting, instilling personality and breathing life into the game's universe. On top of the great art design is the music they arranged for the game (menu, hub, stages, encounters). The music alone builds up and maintains the game's atmosphere and helps to pull me in and keep me wanting to play another round. In short, the game is a treat of sight and sound.

I'm always looking forward to more updates. The developers are doing an excellent job; definitely a Labor of Love.
Posted 28 November, 2020. Last edited 29 November, 2020.
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4 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
854.9 hrs on record (234.5 hrs at review time)
Wholeheartedly recommend this game to Dragon Ball and fighting game fans alike. Fantastic visuals, with simple- yet nuanced- gameplay that caters to casual and competitive players alike. Overall, I have enjoyed the online experience. Matchmaking doesn't take too long and frame delay (for me at least) has often been negligible. Top-tiers are prevalent in Ranked, but for the most part, the entire roster is viable in capable/dedicated hands. Sadly, ragequits are frequent and there isn't any meaningful penalty for them, but at least you get a lot of screenshot trophies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

With regards to the single-player offline experience: AI difficulty is similar to that of ArcSys's Guilty Gear games, where the CPU's damage/meter gain (among other things) is substantially increased. Whether that kind of a challenge is worth tackling is really up to the player, I suppose. The story mode is not the greatest, to say the least, but as a fan you may at least appreciate a lot of the character interactions throughout the campaign.

All-in-all, the game is incredible. It's fun, fast-paced and stylish, with a great attention to detail in characters' movesets and dialogue (intros, mid-fight, and victory screens). Online is easy to jump into, and the game still has plenty of players in Ranked and Casual. For absolutely gravely seriously competitive players, the frequency of ragequits may honestly ruin Ranked play, so keep that in mind. If you're in it for single-player/offline only, I believe the quality/production value of the game alone will give you your money's worth. If you're a fighting game enthusiast, DBFZ is a must for your library.
Posted 29 June, 2019. Last edited 29 November, 2019.
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7 people found this review helpful
4.3 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Outstanding game, great/unique visuals and animations, haunting sound design and overall should appeal to Asian horror fans. Plays similarly to games like Lone Survivor and The Coma, with running, hiding, and puzzle-solving making up the core gameplay. It has jump-scares, but relies more on its dark atmosphere to pull the player into a constant feeling of insecurity and unease. It does horror well, but it isn't so terrifying that it couldn't be completed by the more timid gamer/not-so avid horror fan.
Posted 26 February, 2019.
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5 people found this review helpful
3.6 hrs on record
A polished and eerie experience with minimalist controls and satisyfing puzzle design. As dark and morbid as its predecessor, but with 3D graphics and a more cinematic direction. Much of the beauty of INSIDE comes from it's world-building and voiceless storytelling. A lot is conveyed to the player, and there's a lot to contemplate and make sense of even after the credits roll. The game is brief so I recommend it to most anyone who has the time for and interest in it.
TL;DR: Short, linear, light puzzles, dark atmosphere, meaningful and memorable
Posted 27 November, 2017.
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292.2 hrs on record (212.8 hrs at review time)
I don't know, after the 250 260th hour, it starts to get a little repetitive...
Posted 30 April, 2015. Last edited 29 November, 2016.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries