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Recent reviews by Actually Sviine c:

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760.0 hrs on record (743.7 hrs at review time)
Number go up, you get happy
Posted 30 January.
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74.2 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
Microsoft store version [Works]
Steam version on windows 10 [Does not work]
Steam version on linux(arch with proton experimental) [Works]

Posted 16 December, 2023.
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14.9 hrs on record
Game is good but short

Fantastic graphics, port works very well on PC with minimal stutter and 0 chrashes during my playtime. The story picks up well after "into the nexus" and not only do we dwell deeper into interdimensional travel, we get to play ratchet's version of himself in the other universe where they build a similar friendship bond as ratchet & clank has.

Happy to see the return of infinite hp & ammo for gold bolt collectors

Game is very short, without a guide i finished the game and all achievements in 14 hours, the achievements were laughably easy and i would have liked to see a couple more for the endgame, like finishing challenge mode, or getting all weapons to level 5 and/or 10

The gold bolts were not hidden, most of the spots felt like lazy put ins and posted no real challenge to get, i remember spending countless hours exploring every single corner of a map in the r&c 2 and 3 to find all the gold bolts, hide them better please, there are always guides for those who doesnt like exploring.

the infamous RYNO, the most OP blaster in the game paired w infinite ammo gold bolt is always so much fun, and i was happy to see hunting for infobots again for the RYNO, but please dont make it free, in the first game you had to grind 1.5m bolts for the ryno, and with bolt multipliers from the armour suits, i was quite dissapointed when i finally got the last infobot and expecting to play at least 500k, found out it was free.

I loved the game and the story, i hope insomnialc is ready to put more r&c games on steam, like the original trilogy and even the 2016 reboot of the original game. id would have liked to see more planets, and a extended story, and a real insentive to play challenge mode outside the first 10 minutes to pick up the last 2 weapons
Posted 10 August, 2023.
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47.2 hrs on record (15.1 hrs at review time)
But what if we risked our rains
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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11.1 hrs on record (8.0 hrs at review time)
Good game, very nostalgic
Posted 3 March, 2020.
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2.1 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
Solid game, fun if you like the franchise
Posted 21 November, 2018.
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36.2 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
Still in laggy bugginess mode whether your rig state so maybe wait a couple months before purchase for the best experience
Posted 25 October, 2015.
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0.2 hrs on record
why do they still make these games, theyre oinly getting further into the future and its getting worse, i may be good for live tournaments butt not for gaming overall

(friends review) - Relaunch mw3 with new maps and features and i buy the ♥♥♥♥. !
Posted 29 August, 2015.
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182.6 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
Better than Fifa and PES
Posted 24 July, 2015.
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129.5 hrs on record (48.5 hrs at review time)
A must to play if you want the full experience of a open world racing game who does it better than need for speed payback
Posted 31 December, 2014. Last edited 24 November, 2017.
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