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170.5 hrs on record (140.6 hrs at review time)
Pretty good game tbh
Posted 22 November, 2023.
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44.7 hrs on record (17.1 hrs at review time)
This game is amazing. Early into the game I bumped into some guards which the first time absolutely destroyed me, especially a pesky summoned dog.

Did some exploring, found some amazing gloves of teleportation, some better weapons, equipment and returned for round two.

First thing I did? Teleported the dog on top of a rangers tower which requires a ladder to climb up to. The dog was no more as it whimpered in shame muahaha. Was able to successfully deal with the rest of the goons with some planning and prepping.

17h into the game and it's 10/10 for me

The initial start up is challenging, but with some thinking and exploration, it is achievable and satisfying.

Posted 15 July, 2023.
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130.4 hrs on record (38.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Fun game
Posted 20 June, 2023.
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102.1 hrs on record (13.6 hrs at review time)
The best game to be tacticool af with your friend/s.

Currently the most satisfying sneaky game I've ever played.
Posted 22 November, 2018.
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152.7 hrs on record (35.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The words to describe this software are "Fantastic, beautiful, smooth, knowledgable and easy."


Wallpaper Engine is the new hot thing and it is amazing and something that I dreamed of for a very long time. What Wallapaper Engine is, is genius. It allows you to bring life into your Desktop with fantasticly created live moving wallpapers. Yes. "Live" "moving" "wallpapers".

What can it do?

This is going to be a relitively short review which with my case usually isn't going to happen, but we'll see. This isn't something like me to do but there's not much to say about this software it's that GOOD. Upon purchasing and opening wallpaper you'll be greated by a simplistic tutorial screen which tells you the basics about WE (Wallpaper Engine). After you complete short introduction you will be left looking at the screen with multiple default live wallpapers you can select. All you have to do is double click to automatically select and apply the new wallpaper. Or you can single click and on the right you'll be greated by a menu which allows you to slightly customize some wallpapers like changing the colors that are displayed. Or some user created wallpapers may or may not have sound, personally I like to mute the sound from the wallpaper, some people like to have it playing. And leading on from "user created wallpapers"..

Yes. You can create your own personal wallpapers and share them on to the Steam Workshop, using their own wallpaper editor allowing you to create a live wallpaper in many different ways. Meaning you can also browse thousands of user created wallpapers and install them with ease of simply pressing the "Subscribe" button. You can either browse the workshop directly from WE or from Steam Workshop. I like to browse directly from WE just because I have my filters there already set. The most common created wallpapers are favored by most but not everyone like me, i'm speaking about wallpapers which are really Weabo-ish or anime (however you want to call it) I find those wallpapers weird however that's why they have introduced filters which eliminates the problem for me and many others!

Can I run it?

Now i'll speak about something that a few things people may worry about. And that's if their hardware is capable to handle it. My answer to your question if your pc can handle it is "Yes. Your PC has very high chance of operating well with WE." I say this because at first I thought that WE will work bad on my ancient PC and that my CPU will explode, however that's not the issue. It does not lag my PC what so ever. And trust me when I say I have an ancient pc. All the specs I have are very old.

Now if you know for sure that your pc won't run it, there is still a chance that it will run it because there are a few options you can enable or disable. Those are: Optional to run in 32/64bit (Big difference) or if you want the live wallpaper to be running whilst you have a game fullscreen (this means the wallpaper pauses once something is in fullscreen so your games performance isn't affected. It also has a few other options but those 2 that I said make it more friendly for your PC.

For those interested. My PC specs are: CPU~ Intel Duo E6850 3GHz 2 cores | GPU~ Asus GTX 660 | RAM~ 8GB DDR2

I recommend for people with lower amounts of RAM to maybe stick with the 32bit version as WE uses up RAM rather than CPU. For me WE uses 3.5% of my CPU and 78MB of RAM. So as you can see, that's almost nothing.


Installing wallpapers from WE is even more great if you have a fast internet connection as most wallpaper size varies (highest download for a wallpaper I downloaded was 500MB, lowest 800KB)

Multiple monitors

Also an answer for those with multiple monitor setups. Yes, Wallpaper Engine does work with multiple monitor setups and from what I saw, oh my god it looks even more awesome.

Personal Recommendation

1. Must get.
2. Recommended purchase.
3. Recommended purchase during sale.
4. Not recommended unless heavily discounted.
5. Not recommended.

If you have any questions about Wallpaper Engine just ask in the comments and i'll reply as quickly as possible. I purchased this product without hesitation after seeing just 1 wallpaper on Imgur. This software is truly amazing.


Here is a video from Sodapoppins stream, he shows off a few workshop wallpapers.
Posted 24 February, 2017. Last edited 22 November, 2017.
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17.5 hrs on record (16.3 hrs at review time)
Highly Recommended
17.5 hrs on record

This game is simply fantastic.

After first hearing of this game I wasn't all that excited about it so I ignored it. However now, a few years after release I think to myself how foolish I was underestimating this game and it's potential.

So I will talk about this game a bit without spoiling it for you guys.

So you're playing as the character Wei who is a undercover agent trying to end the Triad activity in his home town (Hong Kong) as he gets into the Triad gang he slowly makes his way into the hierarchy whilst still being undercover gaining their trust etc. In the game there are numerous occasions where you have to beat the hell out of a bunch of Triad members from different gangs whilst helping your gang and helping the police. As you play the more difficult things get for you and you get into even more struggle.

The thing about this game which makes it so damn fun, is how it's a game where instead of using your common guns like you do in (For example: Grand Theft Auto Series) you actually mostly use Wei's insane martial art skills which you get better in the more you play as you are able to unlock different fighting techniques. So the game focuses more about fighting than guns which may sound weak and boring, in my opinion it's a lot more fun than your typical "Go there, shoot him, chase him, shoot him and drive back" type of game. And I'm not even saying gun fights are bad in this, they're actually also a crap tonn of fun when there's a gun fight as you don't expect it at all when it happens and then it's just badass! Two rival triad gangs batteling against eachother. So, it's not all just fists and kicks. It's a mix between guns and fighting. (approx. 80% fighting 20% shooting)

And you don't just have to do those undercover missions because there are also side jobs which involve you either racing, busting drug deals, leading investigations about different cases and also missions which involve you helping the public allowing you to buy more things throughout the map. Also there's approx 16 hours of main mission gameplay (I might have played a few side jobs in those 16 hours. I'm still doing most of the side jobs and after going to play the 2 DLC's) so as you can see you can have a lot of fun for a long time. Also there's a few collectable items scattered around the map if you're into treasure hunting.

Also my favorite thing about this game is: In most areas around the map you can use the enviroment to your advantage. For example: You can throw someone in head first into a branch cutter.

These are now my ratings out of 10:

-Story: 7/10
-Graphics: 6.5/10
-Entertainment: 8.5/10
-Difficulty (10 being hardest): 6/10


1. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ great fighting.
2. Very immersive and interesting story.
3. Funny a lot of the times (if you have a sick humour like me :D)
4. Good graphics.
5. A big variety of different cars.
6. Clothing customization (You can be dressed as some kind of golden statue and that gives you 60% melee defense.)
7. Fun side jobs.


1. You can't keep the weapons/guns you picked up either from the map or during a mission.
2. Fighting is too easy. (It's still really fun beating the sh!t out of others)
3. You can't start a havoc in the city like you can in GTA with guns and mass murder, instead you are forced to run around town drop kicking everyone which is always still fun.

(Those are the legit 3 things I can think of which I didn't really like about the game)

11/10 would drop an engine block on a guys face.

Personal Recommendation

1. Must get.
2. Recommended purchase.
3. Recommended purchase during sale.
4. Not recommended unless heavily discounted.
5. Not recommended.
Posted 10 June, 2016. Last edited 18 September, 2016.
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9 people found this review helpful
81.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Recommendation: Not Recommended.

81.9 hrs on record


So I will begin with the description of the game Robocraft, it's purpose and what you do in it.

Brief Description

So... Robocraft is a multiplayer game in which 2 teams must battle it out until the final survivor from 1 team. What makes this game unique? Well you don't battle with cars or any other things, instead you battle with your personal created Robot. This Robot you create will matter highly how you create it if you want to survive long in the battlefield. How it works: You start off with a few tier 1 blocks as you do in the game, you build your basic first time robot and go into battle in order to get some credits. After a bit of grinding you have enough money to buy more things to add onto your robot like guns, wheels, rocket boosters, more blocks (blocks are classed as armor so the more and better you setup your robot the more hits it can take) and so as you keep adding things to your robot, you reach a robot reputation level if I remember correctly and once you pass a required robot reputation you tier up and unlock higher tier guns, blocks, wheels, boosters and at later game, wings, shields, propellers, helium tanks etc..

So doesn't sound too bad right now does it? Multiplayer game with custom created robots which can fly, hover or drive whilst fighting with guns, destroying other robots. But... At the beginning you couldn't notice a lot of P2W factors fbut there were some minor ones which didn't make a lot of difference, the one feature which many people would pay for are, custom created robots created by the developing team for different tiers. However after a few months things have started going slightly uphill with the amount of p2w things being released. So much that you can tell that the developers must be in a struggle. Here's where they went REALLY wrong.

What They Did Wrong

This is an honest review, and I honestly will tell you to stay away from this garbage. Don't get me wrong, the game USED to be good, it USED too. Now it's a terrible game and that's as kindly as I will go. What's wrong with it you ask? Well they started bringing out absolute TERRIBLE and useless updates, I never saw worse updates for a game than that. It first started with an all of a sudden Level boost for every single player for no reason which meant that all those players that spent a lot of time trying to reach the max level (100) wasted their time when they could have reached lvl 60 and have their level boosted till like lvl 85.

Then they brought out a new game mode, that game mode was so stupid that if you was not level 80+ you was wasting your time playing, this is because you was playing against over tiered enemies whilst you could be a hugely lower level. Another thing, they made it so that you pay to win different colored blocks for your robot.. Yes, blocks that have a different color. You have to pay real money for that now... Oh and I just found out that they added a way for you to open crates to get super cool legendary weapons for no reason. Yeah, this game was good it had good level progression, fair match making due to different tiered robots get tiered with similar tiers making it a fair match. Now that doesn't exist and it all depends on how much money you got in your bank accouunt.

I recommend you stay away from this game, It's annoying to say this because I would have kept playing this game if not for these updates. But hey, the game is free so if you're not conviced by this review, you can see it for yourself as the game is free.

Overall Ratings

Uniqueness: 8.5/10
Entertainement: 6.5/10
Graphics: 5/10
Difficulty: Varied
Enjoyable: Meh
Pay to Win level: 9000/10

Personal Recommendation

1. Must get.
2. Recommended purchase.
3. Recommended purchase during sale.
4. Not recommended unless heavily discounted.
5. Not recommended.
Posted 6 May, 2016. Last edited 18 September, 2016.
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17.4 hrs on record (12.2 hrs at review time)

12.2 hrs on record

How I experience L4D2

90% of the times I don't even know what's happening. With all the Workshop things I have like "SUPRISE MO ♥♥♥♥A" every time an explosion goes off, "Nyan cat sound when weapon shots." "Teletuby zombies." "Lightsabers" you name it, and it's most likely in the workshop. However when I know 10% of the times what is happening I'm enjoying everything. Like teamwork, screaming with my friends and laughter. There should be no times whilst playing this where you're angry.

Further more, I highly recommend you play this with friends for MAXIMUM SATISFACTION! Because that's what makes the game so enjoable whilst the opposite with the bots. No friends. Not so much fun.

What to expect from L4D2

Mainly don't expect a good story because well... It's basically not here. It is in a sense but the main focus of the game is getting from Safehouse A to Safehouse B whilst surviving massive unreal amounts of zombie hordes running at you like it's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Black Friday!

The game is fun to play with your buddies when bored and to spend some good time having a giggle. There's also not just regular Co Op campaign where you do chapters and that's it. There's actually a few different game modes you and your friends can play with 1 game mode being this: 2 teams, 1 team are survivors and team number 2 are the special infected zombies. And like you know the survivors must get to the safehouse whilst other player zombies try to stop them.

Personal Recommendation

1. Must get.
2. Recommended purchase.
3. Recommended purchase during sale.
4. Not recommended unless heavily discounted.
5. Not recommended.

Quick message: If you don't have anyone to play it with yet, if you go to the Left 4 Dead 2 Steam Discussions you'll find someone to play with you real quick ;) Also... DO NOT purchase Left 4 Dead 1 if you're expecting a different experience because all the campaign missions in L4D1 are in L4D2.
Posted 16 April, 2016. Last edited 18 September, 2016.
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6.0 hrs on record
I dont like it. Maybe you will like it. I dont like MOBA's. If you like MOBA's you might like this game. Do you like history? I like history, if you like history download the game. It's free. Kinda cool but not my style. Personally this game is similar to LoL. I dont like LoL. So I dont like this game. Can I recommend this game to you? Yes, if you like MOBA's you will like this. It's free. Just download it and see if you like it. Bye.
Posted 16 April, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
202.5 hrs on record (80.0 hrs at review time)
Ah, how can I begin this review for this truely fantastic game. Okay, at first when I found out about this game I was like "eh, mhm, dunno seems like it will get boring after a few hours." Well all I will say is screw that. This game is simply amazing. I dont have a lot of hours but that will change soon, for the past 3 or 4 days me and my friend have been playing this all day every day. You may think i'm just exaggerating this but trust me, this is as addictive as sniffing glue, yes... It's on that level. Well I heard it's addictive... Whatever, why is this game great?


So Terraria essentially is a 2D, survival, adventure game that includes a HUGE collection of crafting recipes within the game. Just that may sound boring and because it's 2D, Minecraft (Which people see similar to Terraria except it's 3D alternatively think Minecraft is better) I will prove to you that it's not, just keep on reading and i'll prove it to you.

So in Terraria there's survival, when surviving you must be careful of the sheer amount of different mobs which come in different varieties ranging with different attacks and abilities to make them a lot more unique.. As you progress getting better and better items so do the mobs progress, gaining additional damage and health. You are forced to explore the map in Terraria in order to get better gear and there are many ways of getting better gear. Your main objective in Terraria is to prepare for the 15+ enemy bosses which in no means are easy if you're not prepared. In fact, there's a lot of time you must put into preparing for a boss battle making it more fun and interesting.

To put it short, in Terraria there's a lot of things you must achieve before doing something else. The crafting is so advanced for a game looking so simple is mind boggling, you'd think i'd be simple but there were MANY time if there were no wiki I'd be lost and in massive struggle. What Terraria has compared to Minecraft is insane, there's I believe a lot more work to accomplish in Terraria than in Minecraft and I know this because I been playing Minecraft for approximately 5 years (I'd play usually for the whole day with my friend because our PC's couldn't run any other game.)

What I think of the game

In my opinion Terraria has a lot to offer including the many joyful hours filled with panic and laughter. There's a lot of progress for you to do in order to beat bosses, including the mass of different equipment required to beat a boss. This equipment can even determine what kind of character you're playing. You can vary and play as ranged, gun fighter, knight, mage etc classes and the best thing? You don't have to pick a specific class and stick to it, you can switch whenever you like!

Another thing I love about this game is the community. I know. You don't hear this often however the Terraria community is actually very friendly, helpful and full of fun. You might not agree with what I so far expressed and you're finding it boring, but that could be because you're playing alone. And there's a solution to this: Go to the Terraria discussion, and there will be people happy to play with you and have a almost forever lasting and magical adventure with you. In the first 5 hours of me posting something on Terraria discussions I got 6 friend requests of people asking me if I would be willing to play with them, funny thing is. I didn't even ask for someone to play with me, that shows that people would love to join you.


In my opinion the price is perfect for what you get just like in my last review on Blockstorm, actually it's even of a better deal. You pay £7.99 (approx 8.14 euro and $9.09 USD) and you receive what feels like a never ending adventure of fun. If you're tight on money you can purchase this game for super cheap sale which at that point you SHOULD buy this game.

Pros & Cons


- Hundreds of hours working to get the best loot possible meaning almost never ending adventure.
- Large variety of enemies making it more alluring when you encounter a creepy or interesting looking enemy.
- Extensive amount of weaponry, clothing, armory, mounts etc to create diversity between other adventures you play with.
- Bosses are a huge part of this game and there's a collection of them all varying in different sick and sinister looks and making them more difficult is their attacks changing during battle making it almost impossible to kill a boss the first time you fight.
- Pretty graphics, effects and art style.
- Massive amount of advanced crafting recipes which if you're a new player you'll most likely have to use the wiki a lot to get informed how to do something.
- You can download mods... Just when you thought everything is over, THERE'S MORE! DOES IT EVER END!?


- I don't know. Maybe it's kinda annoying that you must use a wiki to find out how to do something. That's about the only con I can think of after 5 minutes of thinking.

If by now you're not conviced how awesome this game is, maybe it's just not your type of game sadly. But even if you think this is not your type of game I still highly recommend it just because of how there always is something for you to do and the game is a fantastic adventure from the beginning till the end (if there even is an end to this beauty of a game!)

Personal Recommendation

1. Must get.
2. Recommended purchase
3. Recommended purchase during sale.
4. Not recommended unless heavily discounted.
5. Not recommended.
Posted 16 April, 2016. Last edited 22 November, 2017.
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