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Haks1043/ttv 20 берез. о 7:20 
gg Masterpice in Katna this mf :D:huntbounty:
Bazinga 7 берез. о 0:49 
keep barking dog
sentokis 7 берез. о 0:43 
3v1 stay afk in bush and anyway die 6* 0 iq player
Master2382 6 берез. о 13:29 
definitely something is wrong with this player, especially reading below shock
Kloin 4 серп. 2024 о 10:42 
Söldner 4 серп. 2024 о 10:24 
gotta hand it to ya, there ain't many who can rope a steer or read the land like you do. Yer as solid as a rock and twice as dependable. When the chips are down, I know I can count on ya to pull us through.