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1 person found this review helpful
2.9 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
This game was so good! It is unfortunate that it is no longer available for purchase. I am grateful that I found it and acquired it before it was unavailable. Perhaps the developer will reconsider someday. If they don't want to be making money from it anymore, then perhaps they will consider making it available for free, though I feel that it was worth full price.

I enjoyed this game quite a bit. It was comfortable and satisfying and felt good in both gameplay and story. Both were relatively short and sweet and somewhat simple and allowed for quick and intuitive understanding. The difficulty of the levels were well distributed and ranged from relatively easy to relatively difficult but not overly difficult. The mechanic of the visible area shrinking with each flame removed created an extra challenge that focused skills in memory and spatial cognition. The controls were simple, accurate, and appropriate. When I failed a level, I knew it was my skill issue and I knew what the mistake was and where.

The game ran smoothly with no glitches, lag, or stuttering of any kind. It was easy on my hardware and didn't even get its fans loud.

The visual style was simple and detailed at the same time while a bit spooky but sweet at the same time. The visuals and style set and supported the atmosphere of the mood in a light and appropriate way for the game. The audio style and music was also very appropriate with a sweet mix of light, forlorn, spooky, hope, and comfort. I even liked listening to it outside of the gameplay.

Overall, I would recommend this game to those who like moderate light challenges, a sweet or short story, simple games with twists, strategic path planning, spirit foxes or the spirit world, or short games. If you are one of these people, I recommend grabbing this game if you find it available sometime.

I would disrecommend this game to anyone that actively dislikes the above enough to inhibit their enjoyment of a game.
Posted 31 January.
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3.7 hrs on record
The game ran and played smooth and with no lag, stuttering, or freezing. I did not find any bugs or glitches. The bounds of the jigsaw pieces were accurate and I was able to pick up pieces that were under and behind a stack of other pieces when I wanted to.

The puzzles start out easier and simpler in the beginning and become more difficult and complex as the level numbers increased. I found the easier ones nice to relax while playing and the more difficult ones nicely engaging.

When doing the jigsaw puzzle part of the mazzle (maze puzzle), the jigsaw pieces had a little bit of a forgiveness in the placement on the board where they would snap into place. Not a big enough amount to make placing the pieces meaningless, just enough to be a quality of life feature so that you don't have to be pixel perfect on a relatively high resolution image. When doing the maze part of the mazzle, the planet (the ball the player controls) did not get stuck on corners when not taking corners perfectly and could still smoothly go around corners. I appreciate both of these quality of life features.

I very much liked the spacey theme and the color palette used. I also very much liked the music.

I enjoyed the mechanic of putting the maze together in the form of the jigsaw puzzle and then playing the maze. I found that quite clever and unique.

The only thing that might could be improved on in my personal opinion would be a volume slider or a range of volume percentages so that we could have more than just on or off, but I am capable of adjusting my computer sound volumes with ease, so it's not really that much of an issue for me.

Overall, I liked this game quite a bit and I think others that like mazes and jigsaw puzzles would probably like it as well.
I would recommend Mazzle to people that like mazes, jigsaw puzzles, combining puzzle elements, relaxing puzzles, inexpensive games, looking at colorful spacey pictures, or listening to the music.
I disrecommend this game to people that actively dislike any of the above, except the music because that can be turned off.
Posted 29 November, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Here is my review for the base game to refer to for base game thoughts:

For this DLC specifically:

-The DLC installed and integrated into the base game flawlessly.
-The content was easily found and accessed within the game.
-The content matched the content of the base game and didn't feel out of place at all.
-The DLC had a good variety of sizes, shapes, colors, and difficulty, also well mixed for refreshing gameplay that didn't cause burnout.
-There are a good amount of levels. I think it took me about 2-3 hours to complete all 50.
-It's a free addition! Awesome, thank you!

I recommend this DLC to everyone that owns the base game and liked playing it at all.
I disrecommend this DLC to anyone that did not at all enjoy the base game.

Overall, I enjoyed it very much and I think you will too if you enjoyed the base game.
Posted 13 November, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
7.4 hrs on record
I fell in love with this game when I played the demo during a Steam Next Fest a while back and waited eagerly until I could finally get the full game to play it. Usually I don't play games right when I get them, but this one I wanted to play so much that I didn't wait, and after 2 long play sessions (a total of 7.4 hours, Steam says), I have finished all of the levels in the base game and the free DLC. And I am very glad that I have the second game now to look forward to as well. :D

-The game ran smoothly on my computer and I did not experience any stuttering, lag, or glitches/bugs.
-I found the in-game settings to perfectly encompass my needs, but I don't usually have to change many settings in a game other than various volumes.
-The clicking of the hexagon tiles was appropriate and did not give me trouble when I clicked on edges.

What I liked
-The puzzles had a nice range of difficulty, sizes, and shapes and they were all mixed in with each other in a way that nicely prevented burnout and kept gameplay refreshing.
-I liked the layout, design, and colors.
-Whether I was breezing through an easy level or puzzling through a difficult level, I was enjoying it greatly.
-I liked the end of game/level set scene. It was nice and sweet and simple and effective at letting me know that I had reached the end of the set of levels I was working on in a fairly gentle way (as opposed to jolting or jarring).
-The easter eggs. ^w^ They were cute in design and effect.
-There is a help feature. Though I only used it once, I was very appreciative that it existed.
-Steam Achievements, even if Profile Features are Limited right now.
-That there is a free demo with free levels.

What took me out of my immersion
-Sometimes the transition between levels felt a little slow to let me start clicking. It kept me mindful to give it a second or two to finish, so it may not be a bad thing. xD This mostly didn't start to be an issue until I got to the last levels of each set and is more of a me thing, but if you like to speed through puzzles at great velocity, it could be pertinent to know that you need to give it two to three seconds between levels before you start clicking again.
-There was one puzzle that I thought I had solved because all of the lines and knots were contiguous and fully within the border, but the level did not end so I knew I had something not correct. It took going back and forth between the solution and what I had several times and lengthy staring before I finally figured out what was different (I am not so great at spot the difference games). xD This only took me out of immersion this one time as I decided that if it happened again, it would be like getting two puzzles in one level. xD I don't remember that specifically happening again in any other levels, but I did do some similar tile pairs swapping a few times as there is only one true solution to each puzzle.
-For help, I would have preferred a subtle hint first or a few strengths of hint where the strongest hint could be the image of the solution, but if there can be only one help for each puzzle, it is probably best for it to be the image of the solution so that it is all encompassing of all help needs.

-I recommend Puzzle - Lines And Knots to anyone that likes puzzle puzzles, tile swapping puzzles, relaxing/casual puzzles, lines of various shapes or sizes or colors, simple mechanics games, and anyone that even thinks they may enjoy it.
-I disrecommend the game to anyone that can't tolerate any of the above or that gets easily frustrated to a high enough degree with puzzles that have just one true solution that they will not have any fun. I disrecommend the game to anyone that gives this Store Page a good look and thinks this is definitely not the game for them.
However, if someone gives this Store Page a good look and thinks this game is knot for them, I would probably recommend the game to them. Depending on how many of the above categories they fit into.

Overall, I am a big lover of puzzles of most kinds, and if you are too, I think you will enjoy this game.
Posted 13 November, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.6 hrs on record
This game wouldn't run on my previous computer (had to change to keep using Steam anyway) but it does on my current computer. It runs smoothly and I didn't have any visual, audio, or other bugs/errors that I know of.

The visual style is very appealing, which is great in a searching game. I especially liked the coloring book feel to it. The contrast was a little overwhelming for me at its default, but altering the settings put it in a great contrast for me and I was impressed how well the settings helped it to be just right for me.

The audio was peaceful and appropriate and cute and I enjoyed it.

Cats. Plus, the cats all have individual names and personalities and I love that! That was a very gleeful surprise for me.

There was a wide variety in challenge level for all of the cats and I appreciated that. I still haven't found them all, but that makes me even more excited to play it again. The pace I found cats in was enjoyable to me.

Being able to zoom in and out was helpful for clicking on tiny cats, though I didn't have a lot of trouble with that as the bounding area of the cursor seemed to be highly accurate, and appreciating the small details in the picture.

I recommend this game to anyone that likes search and find games, free games, casual or relaxing games, cute games, "quick" games (depending on how fast you find a bunch of cats), or cats.

I disrecommend this game to anyone that gets upset if they can't find all of the cats quickly and won't find them quickly enough, or hates any of the things listed above.

Overall, I think it is a good game for most anyone to at least try out. I enjoyed it a lot.
Posted 27 November, 2023.
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9 people found this review helpful
104.8 hrs on record (20.9 hrs at review time)
I haven't gotten all the way through this game yet, but I find myself actively wanting to play it and for long periods at a time sometimes. It is simple and relaxing yet complex and active if you want it to be and any level of either in between. Some resources have a finite amount collectible per in-game day and others have no limit so you can gather as much as you want and all day and all night if you want, once you have the tools to do so. I love a game that allows you to sleep but doesn't force you to, especially when sleeping can allow you to skip some time. Hokko Life even allows you to choose how long and when you want to sleep. Double thumbs up for that already. The game runs smoothly even on my computer and only lags a tiny bit for a tiny time when something spawns near me. Players with more optimal computer situations may not experience that. Which leads me to my extreme relief and enjoyment that Hokko Life allows you to rebind every single action in the game to whatever you want or need. I also like that I am able to interact and utilize tiles along edges because I like to maximize my workspace and I think it is aesthetically pleasing to be able to plant flowers and trees et cetera along edges. I did find a couple of tiles that had problems: one I planted a tree in an extreme corner that I couldn't chop when it grew and the other I felled a tree to discover I couldn't replace it (mostly only a problem because I loved that tree there) : but if you push any boundaries in life, you are bound to find them. :) Also, I like and appreciate that this game is very forgiving if you get yourself stuck, in location or knowing what to do next. If you place an item on top of yourself, you can generally wiggle out of it and if not, it is quick and easy to move any moveable objects. If you don't know what to do next, speaking to the NPCs will generally get you on track -but they aren't pushy if you don't want to do that- or there is a section of the backpack that lists tasks available. If you are literally lost and don't know where to go, there is a simplified map in your backpack once you unlock it. Crafting items, gathering resources, propagating plants, and building are some of my favorite things to do so I already love this game And there is still much for me to do. If you like any of those things or just like a peaceful place to relax while watching butterflies or moths flutter around the trees/flowers/beach/inside your house, then I recommend this game for you. ^_^
Posted 28 November, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
3.3 hrs on record
As I was playing the first time, contemplating the game as a whole and its pieces while I was pulling the sword out of the stone, I was thinking what a nice and intriguing little challenge it was and how I would most likely give it a nice Recommend, citing its enjoyable graphics, simple yet challenging gameplay, and relatively smooth operating. An hour or so later, still dragging the sword tooth and nail from its constraints, I was beyond long ready for it to be over and thinking how it was not how I was expecting and there was no way I could recommend this game to anyone, from the sheer physical damage to the player alone. By the time another hour had passed, determined to pry that sword from the cold dead hands of that stone, I had decided that I could recommend this game to an extremely narrow percentage of hardcore masochist self-determination perseverance self testers and let them decide for themselves if it is worth the tendon damage, the nerve damage, the retina damage, and the circulatory damage. (Tendon and nerve damage from extreme extended tight mouse gripping, circulatory damage from extremely restricted and tense positioning, and retina damage from staring at the same mostly non-moving image and screen, especially such a bright one when you get to the sky.) At least you can pause to stretch and move and blink. And perhaps other people can use a mouse other than a broken laser pen mouse to play.
And then after I succeeded, I began regretting having played in the first place as the ending cinematic progressed more and more disturbingly. Apparently I missed the "Dark Humor" tag on the Store Page or forgot about it by the time I played and was in the mindset that it was child-safe when I played, especially with the unexpected arrival of Minecraft people.

And then I played the Offline mode.
The Offline mode is entirely so much more reasonable. And you can adjust its difficulty in the Settings to be as grueling or not as suits your needs or whims. And I am back to Recommending this game in general. ^_^ But maybe not to children as the ending cinematic is there....
Also, I like the easter eggs and am intrigued at the arrival of the Mythic Dawn... <.< I'd like to know the story with that.... ^w^

I recommend this game to those that like to challenge themselves or want to try out something a little different from most everything else though a little familiar at the same time, but I recommend pausing the game and taking precautions as often as necessary to not get damaged, at least for extended or grueling plays.

I disrecommend this game to anyone that does not like to challenge themselves and would only want to 100% the game as getting the Achievements can be grueling.

Happy gaming!
Posted 8 May, 2022.
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4 people found this review helpful
3.7 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
This is a cuter simpler coloring book that is great for kids or anyone of any age that wants to relax while they color some pictures. ^_^ There is a wide assortment of categories and a multitude of pages to color in each category and there are a good number of free to color pictures. There are dozens of ready to use colors and palettes and you can make your own colors to save in your own custom palette tab. The music is gentle and relaxing but upbeat and pleasant; a good background music for coloring to.
I love all of the pictures and they are adorable and darling. <3

I would recommend this game to anyone that likes coloring, simple organic pictures, gentle upbeat music, free games, Achievements, or trying games on whims.
I would disrecommend this game to anyone that hates or is annoyed by all of the above (except the music as sound can be turned off) or that only wants to 100% Achievements a game for free because some of the Achievements are linked to the paid sections.

Overall, I think it is a good game to at least try, and if you fall in love with it like I did, you can purchase the paid sections to further your enjoyment. ^_^
Posted 24 November, 2021.
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5 people found this review helpful
1.0 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Short, sweet, and cute. ^.^
I had no problems with running or playing the game and both were smooth and easy. Controls and instructions are included in-game.
I would recommend Alpaca Stacka to anyone that likes alpacas, chickens, stacking, or games that are free, short, cute, relatively easy, hide and seek, or find-the-object. Possibly also to those that like to unlock Achievements or 100% games, but I don't know if this game's Profile Features are Limited. As a free game, it will probably be Limited.
I disrecommend this game for anyone that actively dislikes any of the above or would only want to play the game for the Profile Features.
Posted 24 August, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.9 hrs on record
I just finished this game, and I've gotta say...

I'm glad I have all of them.

Because just like chocolate,

One just isn't enough.

The game ran smoothly, the graphics and controls were simple and easy to understand, and the game overall was, dare I say, short and sweet.
I recommend this game to anyone that likes or is looking for simple and sometimes quite challenging puzzles, short games, inexpensive games, sweets in their games, physics games, or games that don't hold your hand.
I disrecommend this game to anyone that dislikes or can't stand puzzles, simple games, short games, sweets in their games, physics games, or games that don't take you step by step through instructions on everything to do.

I loved this game and I have a strong feeling that I will like all of the others in the series just as much. ^_^
Posted 19 March, 2021.
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