Stefano Montagnini   Villafranca Di Verona, Veneto, Italy
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522 Hours played
The more I play SGS NATO's Nightmare, the more I discover its depth and the attention to every particular detail (and the more I enjoy by playing it, obviously) :-))) I Warmly recommend to buy and play this astonishing game! Thank you very much, Aetius72 for this five stars game!!! ____________________________________________________________________________


Ritorno sulla mie prime impressioni espresse sopra, dopo aver giocato diverse partite e approfondito maggiormente la conoscenza del gioco, al fine di esprimere un'opinione più approfondita ed articolata.

SGS NATO's Nightmare è un wargame appartenente alla tipologia dei "what if", nel caso specifico ambientato nel 1985, anno in cui la Guerra Fredda sarebbe sfociata in un aperto conflitto armato in Europa fra Nato e Patto di Varsavia, con conseguenze planetarie.

Il gioco è strutturato in 3 campagne basiche ed in altrettante 3 identiche campagne avanzate molto più difficili, con uno scenario "stand-alone" molto impegnativo; aspetti che, unitamente ad una AI estremamente aggressiva, rendono SGS NATO's Nightmare un gioco sfidante, godibile e longevo.

Per semplificare, ad un livello strategico, nel quale Nato e Patto di Varsavia dovranno decidere come condurre la guerra, si affianca un livello tattico, dove unità militari e terreno (terra/mare/aria) sono estremamente curati in ogni minimo particolare.

Il gioco si svolge a turni, uno per parte, e le singole battaglie per fasi, dove le unità combattenti sono innumerevoli per caratteristiche e specialità.

A questi aspetti, magnificamente curati, si aggiungono variabili fondamentali, quali l'indice di tensione nucleare, che se non gestito può condurre ad un devastante e catastrofico conflitto, e le carte da gioco.

Queste ultime rappresentano a livello strategico aspetti economici, sociali, politici e di dottrina militare specifica (airland battle, shock and awe, difesa avanzata o in profondità, utilizzo di armi nucleari e/o chimiche) delle Nazioni coinvolte, da scegliere quindi con la massima attenzione ed accuratezza, in quanto saranno poi foriere di ulteriori conseguenze.

A livello di singola battaglia possono poi essere utilizzate specifiche carte di attacco o difesa. Tali battaglie possono terminare in vittoria o sconfitta in base ai colpi messi a segno dalle singole unità in base a virtuali lanci di dado, ovviamente influenzati da innumerevoli fattori (ad esempio tipologie di unità militari, di terreno, di meteorologia ed altro).

Pertanto, nel giocare a SGS NATO's Nightmare ogni scelta deve essere attentamente ponderata, ogni mossa accuratamente studiata, coinvolgendo il giocatore, nel corso del gioco, in un crescendo di tensione, scariche di pura adrenalina e soprattutto di estremo divertimento.

Tutti gli aspetti fin qui descritti, pochi rispetto all'infinità di quelli presenti, sono stati magistralmente e sapientemente uniti ed armonizzati dallo sviluppatore Aetius72, coadiuvato da abili giocatori e playtester, per regalare agli appassionati di wargame un autentico capolavoro.

Post Scriptum: mi scuso con tutti i giocatori di Steam per aver utilizzato la mia lingua madre,
l'Italiano, ma solamente così ho potuto esprimere le mie opinioni nella
migliore maniera possibile.
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SGS NATO's Nightmare
3 3 1
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As for game mechanics, Beach Invasion 1945 - Pacific is the spiritual successor game to the first Beach Invasion 1944. It's an atypical WWII fps too, where the defender have to repel from land, sea and sky the waves of enemy attacks during two WWII historic and iconic invasions in the Pacific theater: Jwo Jima and Philipinnes. In this way it will be possible to defend Jwo Jima playing as Japanese and Philippines playing as US army. By saying that the game is an atypical fps I mean that there is also a bit of arcade games, as every now and then special supplies are parachuted from the sky in order to help the defender, such as devastating projectiles, partial repairs of damaged weapons and so on.
As a fps I do think it's very nice one, as the weapons and equipment are varied, complete and truly faithful to those of the time. Obviously, there're several achievements, represented by both Japanese and US medals from WWII.

From a more general point of view, and in my honest opinion, I do think the devs of the beach invasion series games were very good at identifying and exploiting a new niche in the vast panorama of PC games. In practice they created a new genre, a clever mix of fps, tower game with a pinch of arcade elements. Furthermore, another very important quality is that you can have both long and short gaming sessions. It's a very important aspect for those who work or have many other commitments, whose free time is extremely variable. A flaw, which I highlighted several times in the discussions, is the almost impossibility to get certain achievements. I am referring in particular to the excessive number of enemy invasion waves to repel. I believe that these aspects can be rebalanced, and the devs have proven time and time again to meet players' requests, so I do remain confident for this particular point. Therefore, based on what I said above, Beach Invasion 1945 - Pacific is a game that I like a lot to play and I'm quite confident about the announced following ones.
For lovers of WWII games, it could be a really pleasant surprise, and therefore I definitely recommend it. _____________________________________________________________________
April 13, 2024
Thank devs for the awesome success of the improvements and the wonderful new maps and units!
Last but not least thank you for the changes to the achievements ("more human" enemy's waves) that I requested in the past. And this is all the most creditable because, when I reviewed the two Battle Invasion, I highlighted the fact that these wonderful games' devs have always demonstrated the utmost willingness to satisfy, if possible, gamers' requests and suggestions!
My best thanks and best wishes for a nice weekend.

December 1, 2024

I'll come back to both my last and dated comments regarding "Beach Invasion 1945-Pacific", because of the continuous improvements that had occurred during 2024.

As a matter of fact the game allowed you to play in two maps, as a Japanese defender on the Iwo Jima map or as an Us-Filipino defender on the Philippines map in its original version.
Later two new maps were introduced due to a huge update, i.e. Peleliu, playable as Japanese defender, and Attu, Alaska, playable as US defender.
To the already vast assortment of weapons, vehicles and troops for both factions, many others were added.
The already remarkable faithful of these last ones, as for models and sounds, was further improved until an almost perfection.
A particular attention went on the specific different maps' natural environments as well as on the peculiar atmospheric conditions.

Along with the new features introduced, I'd like to underline the devs' constant tough and tireless work in order to perfect every single particular aspect of the game as well as to correct the inevitable small imperfections.
Regarding the latter, can not commend enough the devs themselves due to their always careful as well as listening given to the players' wishes.

If I've just described a lot of features that make "Beach Invasion 1945-Pacific" both a successful game and a must have for all of WWII games' lovers, I can only express my own enthusiasm as for the upcoming Pearl Harbor DLC.
I won't intentionally say anything about it, but regarding what widely announced by devs themselves I'm really sure that it'll be the definitive accolade of an already successful game: Beach Invasion 1945-Pacific.
Screenshot Showcase
Beach Invasion 1945 - Pacific
10 4 1
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Created by - Nekhebu
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Web application that contains interactive maps showing locations and need zones of all animals and birds, allows you to pick the most ethical firearms for each animal, see which animals you can hunt with each firearm and lists all life cycles
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Ultimate Dog Tag guide for Easy Red 2! The most current informations!
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Christina Rob 🎸 10 Mar @ 5:42am 
Dear Stefano, I hope this week is like uncovering a hidden temple filled with treasure: thrilling, rewarding, and free of rolling boulders! May your days be filled with epic loot, daring escapes, and just the right amount of whip-cracking excitement! Keep your fedora on tight, dodge the snakes (why is it always snakes?), and most of all... Happy gaming! :Indy:
Ace -=666=- 8 Mar @ 7:29am 
Have a nice weekend :WLYellowCat::LoveLife:
Ace -=666=- 1 Mar @ 12:21pm 
Have a nice weekend :HeartMarkers: :CatBunch:
Christina Rob 🎸 28 Feb @ 10:08am 
Dear Stefano, wishing you an amazing Friday and a fantastic weekend ahead! May your games be thrilling, your victories sweet, and your adventures unforgettable. Whether you're grinding levels, solving mysteries, or just having fun, I hope you have the best time. Stay awesome and happy gaming!
Stefano, wishing you a wonderful upcoming weekend and sending you a big hug my dear friend 💕
𝑳𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒔𝒆𝒚 26 Feb @ 10:41am 
Aww, why thank you! I hope your week is going well so far, take care! :NekoRose::simplepinkheart: