TTV NikoROTMG   California, United States
Why is YOUR profile private? I want to comment mean things about how you play this awful game. >:(
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Created by - Knots
235 ratings
Rarest Achievement Showcase
"#1122 +(432)- [X](pervert_) i wear a shirt that says "I'm gay - it's contageous"

(pervert_) not cuz im gay

(pervert_) it's so i don't get jacked

(pervert_) wait....that sounds bad
#1380 +(551)- [X][orion] man i had a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up dream last night

[orion] i think my maid was fondeling me

[orion] i was being spooned by this chick when she started to finger my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, and i was like "wtf is this ♥♥♥♥, get that outta me, but i couldn't move"

[orion] so then i finally got all grossed out and woke up

[orion] and my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ felt funny.

(|Chris) you probably fingered your own ass in your sleep

[orion] nah mang, i smelled my fingahs
#1538 +(560)- [X]<vermifuge> dude what the f

<vermifuge> 256 megs kingston for 20 dollars, shipped

#2664 +(1014)- [X]<DTOX> I just spent 20 min arguing with the manager at McDonalds that I gave him a $20 instead of the $10 they thought I gave them. Finally he gives me a $10 back + change and I go home and find out it really was a $10 I gave them and I'm an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

<DTOX> I drove back and apologized and gave them back the $10 they gave me

<CoMBo> stick it to the man

<DTOX> combo: I have a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ job, I don't need to lie at McDonalds to make money you lazy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ raft ♥♥♥♥♥♥
#3061 +(472)- [X]<MadScribe> i WILL NEVER EVER live below someone again

<MadScribe> he is apparently redoing the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ floor

<MadScribe> *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* pause

<MadScribe> *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* pause

<MadScribe> *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* pause

<MadScribe> *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* pause

<MadScribe> for the last ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hour

<MadScribe> geezus

<toNe> you sure he's not just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ his wife?
#3556 +(295)- [X]<IceHeartX> we had like, years ago

<IceHeartX> we gave it up 'cause we didn't actually have any hot geeks
#4304 +(281)- [X]<K34R> im going to buy 6 monitors and a big metal rack and position them all around me

<K34R> so it will be like im captain of the starship ianprise

<K34R> on a mission to hack the gibson
#4456 +(952)- [X]<HailBrak> me: "we should form a company that makes manly china patterns"

<HailBrak> my friend: "i agree. i mean, how much success am i supposed to have when all the patterns are called "tender blossom" or some ♥♥♥♥? i want one called, like, "Glock" or "Beer and Tits" or "Lets Burn Down ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Pier 1"
#4753 +(18765)- [X]<xterm> The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
#5764 +(469)- [X]<Grizzly_Addams> So? I just want your Mac address.

<AngryChicken> ...this is a PC ;-)
#6416 +(213)- [X]<Jason> What's NRE?

<Scott> NRE - New Relationship Energy!

<Scott> It's just like cocaine, only more expensive.
#6785 +(198)- [X]<LordSuggs> and i got a new 19" monitor at work

<DeLorean> I can just imagine THAT interview; "...and how big was the monitor at your last job?"

<LordSuggs> heh

<LordSuggs> well my monitor isnt the only thing about me thats massive ;)

<DeLorean> heh

<DeLorean> ego
#7119 +(658)- [X]<Philly_B> <--------->

<Philly_B> hmm...

<Philly_B> the set of all real numbers

(*michael) The set of all real numbers, now only $99.99! Order now and get a complimentary imaginary number commemorative plate free with your order.
#7998 +(231)- [X]<mewse> i bet she was really hot in preschool
#11097 +(185)- [X](Louhi): mind u, I'm called "whats wrong with ♥♥♥♥ teasers?"

(Pixie_Pete): Are they like malteasers?

* Waller buys a box of ♥♥♥♥ teasers for Mother's Day as his mother's present
#11196 +(137)- [X]<[OsP]Magus> Awesome, my font is back to normal

<[OsP]Magus> Okay, this is getting to be nifty

<[OsP]Magus> Only things that'll still take some getting used to are the channels on the bottom, and in alphabetical order

<Crazy-Man-Dan> lol

<Crazy-Man-Dan> Geek alert

<Crazy-Man-Dan> Magus redecorated IRC
#11506 +(219)- [X]* Teufel is a moron

<_wEaSeL_> well said

<Teufel> I tore up my room looking for the receipt for my 'broken speakers' to return them; when all I had to do is plug them in
#11616 +(189)- [X]<+situationist> you guys take showers? suckers
#15731 +(548)- [X]<depresso> Compaq FAQ: Where is the ANY Key? (FAQ2859)

<depresso> This is not a key. When you are instructed to press any key, this

means you can press any of the keys on the keyboard (such as the Enter key,

the R key, or the space bar).
#20976 +(155)- [X]<maalox> The period between clicking on a link to stileproject and waiting for the picture to load is probably the most intense feeling since when I first penetrated myself with a 2 liter
#23116 +(140)- [X]<antijon> So, what does everyone think of a web server written in Java?

<d-aliegri> slow?
#27535 +(326)- [X]<Red_Draco> "See the Pope, $5. Ride the Pope, $10."
#33592 +(1207)- [X]<Inversation> realised there were still debates about ♥♥♥♥♥ and christianity etc, kicked the cd player to make it move then fell asleep again

<^Spike^> Debates about ♥♥♥♥♥?

<^Spike^> Is that some homie pagan religion?

<^Spike^> Yo yo, whathup mah earth sistas.

<^Spike^> Word to jo Goddess, aight.

* ^Spike^ fires his wand at a rival Coven while riding past on a unicorn.
#34274 +(281)- [X]* Now talking in #9-11

<[9-11]|vS|darkwinter> cant we just have a moment of silence?


<[9-11]GodLovesFiremen> WE WILL HAVE GAMES

<[9-11]GodLovesFiremen> LIKE

<[9-11]ILLuSiOnZ|GaS|> we did b4

<[ws]-storm[9-11]> hi

<Will> holy shui

<[9-11]GodLovesFiremen> PIN THE JET ON THE WTC TOWER

<Will> no one is oped either

<[9-11]GodLovesFiremen> KABOOM

<nLs|rOnny[9-11]> omfg

* *** G-line requested by Jaden.. (465)

* Disconnected
#37433 +(103)- [X]<XZergonaleashIX> yeah, drowning your fish eh?

<XZergonaleashIX> in prison talk thats

<XZergonaleashIX> ugh...

<XZergonaleashIX> nevermind, thats nasty
#39904 +(559)- [X]<balistic> Do you guys know any girls whose names don't contain .jpeg, .mpg, or .avi?
#42587 +(309)- [X]<RushMore> I had a hendrix video playing on the computer and my dad goes in. I go "Watch this"

<RushMore> guess what he said

<RushMore> "Is that hendrix? i didnt know he was black"
#42626 +(257)- [X]<CapnCloud> i have a screenshot coming... it's coming... hrrrrrghhhh

<ashen|nekogirl> O.O

* ashen|nekogirl backs far far away from CapnCloud

<CapnCloud> XD

<ashen|nekogirl> >.o

<plubeard> ....screenshots have never sounded so dirty
#43242 +(654)- [X]<Angel> Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer
#44804 +(69)- [X]<Goten> hello i have this problem i had this floppy disc and i had my modules on it but when i put it down and put a magnet on it, the disc was corrupt? what could have happened
#46899 +(25)- [X](@flawed) it's not rape until you get picked out of the line up.
#46986 +(443)- [X]<+jadedragon> so are any of you boys going to talk to me?

<@neotek> do you have nude pics?

<+jadedragon> nope

<@neotek> then probably not.
#49513 +(479)- [X]<blabur93> I swear it was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen

<Zoogle> like all male senior citizen bukkake nasty?

<blabur93> ........"

<humanbara> " If they're black they're fast..." - "And They can't swim."
Review Showcase
Note to self plat 1 is a ♥♥♥♥ show of cheaters
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Hot showers all around!
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Created by - Vault Girl
6,031 ratings
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Workshop Showcase
Artist: This animation is not mine and I'm only publishing here because of the few publications of wallpaper furries
60 ratings
Created by - Sir.B
Workshop Showcase
My second upload
oopy goopy 14 Mar @ 4:41pm 
Indicat 13 Aug, 2024 @ 11:35pm 
you are a strong black women
Fenni Felix 22 Jul, 2024 @ 12:57pm 
rep+ sorry for playing trickster
Khosrau 3 Jul, 2024 @ 8:29pm 
whats a bussy
ShiftyCollie 31 Dec, 2023 @ 4:56pm 
Happy New Year, Niko!~ 🥳

Hope 2024 starts off well!~ 💙💙
ShiftyCollie 24 Dec, 2023 @ 4:30pm 
Merry Christmas! 🎉🎉

Hope you have a wonderful time filled with presents, joy, and celebration 💙