Tailhole Sniffer尻穴嗅ぐ獣
Brown-Noser   Montana, United States
My RetroAchievements [retroachievements.org]
With help from My Favorite Egotist, they wrote this: Truthfully, my desires are unconventional, and I sometimes wonder why I’m drawn to them. It’s peculiar, the way one might long for experiences that others find appalling or strange. Yet, there's something raw and unfiltered about the idea of total submission, craving to be dominated by those who see themselves as untouchable, the narcissists and egotists. There's an allure to the idea of complete surrender, finding identity in moments where I'm nothing more than a witness to their grandeur, feeling both humiliated and fulfilled. In this craving, I know I stand at the edge of self-destruction and acceptance—two extremes that challenge my perception of worth. It might be unsettling to some, even offensive, but these desires form a part of who I am, a paradox that pushes me to the limits of what I can admit. Perhaps it’s a way to explore my own complexities or simply to feel something at the end of a day when everything else feels numb.
I'm autistic so please excuse my communication style & the missing of social cues, and other communication difficulties. My Favorite Egotist knows how to put emotional weight to text, I lack that skill; I have a matter-of-fact style of writing.

Unrelated to the above:
No clue if this country (the US) is becoming an autocracy, the possibility is looming over. Considering such an event as an impossibility is nothing short of foolish. Mr House's Quote on Democracies (Fallout New Vegas) [profile renovations & revamping]
Criticize my custom info box, I need to write better [I'm aimless with learning the skill of humor]
I try a seriocomical approach; serious but humorous.
Comedian I've inspired from: Eric Andre (Steve-O | The Eric Andre Show | adult swim) my favorite: (The Eric Andre Show - Jack McBrayer Interview)
Translate: この文章が読めないので、日本語が分からない諸君だ。 [www.deepl.com] [Editor note: I barely understand this language]
Profile pic artist credit: Letodoesart
尻穴嗅ぐ獣 [jisho.org] [ケモノ]
I'm a weirdo, not an eccentric - notice the difference. The influence of my autism diagnosis doesn't extend to how I turned out; it only influences my communication and social abilities.

To clarify "how I turned out", think personality, overall identity and whatnot. If I was neurotypical, I'd still be a weirdo.

I'm not a representative of any artist nor community. I showcase myself, not a group of people.
Keep in mind that I'm aware that a community can influence, I am stating that influence can have limitations depending on the person.
{If the argument that statistics can't mislead nor lie ever comes up, then I suggest looking into the misuse of statics [www.logicallyfallacious.com]logical fallacy. Evaluate the source and method of the statistics to ensure its trustworthiness.}

Political euphemisms/doublespeak:
``Woke, DEI, SJW, migrants,,
In reference to those with prejudices: please don't sugarcoat your words. If you hate equity, equality, trans people, gay people, different skin pigments, different cultures, or anything else, then be direct about it and don’t hide behind doublespeak

<Words can't express it; these pieces perfectly encapsulate me during my depressive state>
"AlsoSomeMusicalFavorites" {
"$mbchjJX8LSo" " Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack | Saxton's Dilemma "
"$EaZd2gnrPlw" " We Happy Few OST - Fighting For Joy "
"$YBMfTm481ww" " We Happy Few OST - Strawberry Joy Withdrawal " //in context of emotional lows.
"$sVIiHZ61G_E" " We Happy Few OST - Fighting for Happiness (Withdrawal Combat) "
"$XZGpkjVSYX8" " Bully - Soundtrack Vendetta Dropouts " //Canis Canem Edit
"$U0UZk0lnJ_s" " Pink Shell (Restored) || MOTHER 3 "

<Phenomenal Game music>
"InNoParticularOrderNorRank" {
"$JEAxbU_JfkA" " Bully OST 002 - Welcome to Bullworth " //Canis Canem Edit
"$pqjDNYqz1rA" " Cassie's Library and Shanghai Memories " //Psychonauts 2
"$F1-5eR9vEH8" " Cassie's Library Book " //Psychonauts 2
"$zGu2hDDYQr0" " Cassie's Catacombs " //Psychonauts 2
"$kbdtBLD8Lbg" " Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack | Rocket Jump Waltz
"$_0NSPGNzttI" " The Park " //Illbleed
"$aN0_3Pxia_s" " ER - Illbleed Music "
"$AxtM0K3Fufg" " Illbleed - A Losing Battle (Boss) "
"$Bv3biyYpiC8" " Doom II OST - Map 03,21 - Countdown To Death "
"$ys0o5QWKFTE" " Song of Healing - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask OST | Remastered "
"$K0kXVfqPrLs" " Majora's Mask - Clock Town Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 & Final Hours "
"$xflkF-sqNaM" " Undertale OST: 014 - Heartache
"$pcamjcoRmrQ" " Undertale OST - Bergentrückung (Intro) + ASGORE Extended "
"$lGaneyDfyls" " Undertale OST - Hopes And Dreams (Intro) & Save The World Extended " //The mere-exposure effect [en.wikipedia.org] via memes made me dislike Megalovania
"$tMCXMg8p9sc" " Pokey Means Business! " //Earthbound
"$5CIq5SFa-xM" " 18.On the Ship - The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall "

Other info:
Getting spanked with a belt creates people like me - psychological damage, antisocial tendencies and all. The seriocomical approach might be mere irony depending on your opinions.
⨺⃝NecromancerBree⨺⃝ 15 Mar @ 12:22pm 
Cle34n 15 Mar @ 9:23am 
+rep gas
Pawpsicle #LickTF2 14 Mar @ 3:40am 
+rep *sniff*
Yiff gaming :3333333333 11 Mar @ 5:22am 
+rep *sniff*
Not-Birthday Silence 5 Mar @ 7:12am 
I don't know this person, but I respect them immensely.
Lash Cash 4 Mar @ 9:32pm 