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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries
GodlyAnnihilator's Restored Mods
Collection by GodlyAnnihilator
I engage in a rather straightforward task, nothing overly complex. My work primarily involves tweaking words and numbers to ensure compatibility in the next version of Rimworld. Yet, I find joy in this process, thoroughly testing mods to ensure they functi
Modern Warfare Weapons
Collection by GodlyAnnihilator
All the mods have their submods and dlc's so they can work 100%. Enjoy high quality modern warfare weapons, with all their attachments.
Collection by GodlyAnnihilator
These are mostly to play with my brother, but I thought of making a mod collection in case others like them as well.
My Mods
Collection by GodlyAnnihilator
Some very simple creations of mine, mainly simply crafting recipes without research required (because I don't have the programming skills to add research xD) Don't even try to add logic to them, it's pointless,most of them are mainly made for fun, and to l
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