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3 people found this review helpful
4.3 hrs on record
Unlike the title suggests, this game is rather vanilla. If you get the patch, its a little more spicy, but don't expect anything too degrading. Its happy sadism, if that even makes sense.

I felt that Mamiko's character had barely any development, which is kind of sad, considering Azusa is aiming for her the entire time. On the other side, Mari and Azusa had a lot a development. It really feels like the true ending should be Azusa/Mari. Mamiko kind of feels rushed.

Ultimately its standard issue Winged Cloud. The game is rather short, only about 2 hours to get your first ending. On subsequent playthroughs I skipped already read text, so it should take about 4 hours to get all the endings and CGs.

Posted 4 June, 2018.
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10 people found this review helpful
3.1 hrs on record
Love them or hate them, it can't be denied that Winged Cloud made a pretty big mark on Steam with Sakura Swim Club. I'm not sure if it THE first eroge on steam, but its pretty close to it.

Everyone knows Winged Cloud at this point. The Sakura visual novels are multiplying like rabbits. With Renpy, visual novels are cheap and easy to make. Sure you're not gonna get the next <insert critically acclaimed VN here> out of Winged Cloud, but that doesn't mean their visual novels are bad. They set out to do one thing.

The story is pretty generic: new kid in school, joins the swim club, befriends two girls, and they eventually fight for his affections. The "twists" in each character's story is pretty laughably bad.

The voice acting is weird, but only because its in Japanese and the game was made in English, so its just a weird juxtaposition. Otherwise the voice acting is fine. The music is standard issue visual novel fluff. The "comedic" music is kind of annoying, but fortunately doesn't show up too much.

The art is Wanaca. Thats all I need to say. A lot of people take issue that Wanaca has a same face problem, and its more or less true. I like her art, so it doesn't bother me. I swear Mieko was totally reused as Ceri in Sakura Dungeon though. CG scenes are pretty frequent, but theres not too many. With the uncensor patch, you'll have to replay the game once to get all the CGs, Its pretty obvious where the choice is.

So how is Winged Cloud's first venture into eroge? Its not bad. I enjoyed the story. The game isn't too long. Not something I'll be playing again anytime soon.
Posted 20 March, 2018.
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11 people found this review helpful
5.4 hrs on record
Enh, I'm torn on how to rate this. Ultimately I can't really recommend it. Its not very good, but its not terrible. While I did have fun playing it, Its really kind of forgettable.

The concept is kind of neat. It kind of a puzzle game, but with very basic action rpg elements. You go through the dungeon trying to find the next floor by battling hoardes of enemies. The enemies are mostly stationary, so its kind of like a reverse tower defense in a way. Theres some strategy as you need to be careful about where you approach the enemies, as sometimes you can get hit by multiple enemies.

The game has a lot of treasure hunting. Literally anything can have treasure in it, which is pretty cool. It keeps you on your toes. If a wall looks even slightly different or odd, check it, you never know what you'll find.

The game is very grind focused, which can be prolematic. Money isn't too hard to come buy, but the stuff you can buy will eat your cash on hand. And you'll need to buy things. Bosses have huge HP bars that will wear you down before you can kill them, so you'll need plenty of potions. You can also purchase stat increasing items, but they help only so much. I feel its more beneficial to just stock up on HP potions.

The dungeons are mostly short and pretty straight forward. There's one floor which is a giant F-you to the players. Invisible wall dungeons are just so tedious, but fortauntely its the only such floor, and its near the end of the game. There are 4 types of doors, and each require a different type of key. You can run out of keys if you weren't conservative with them, but there is a shop on a few floors that sells keys. It was a pain to go through the invisible wall dungeon, only to find out I didn't have enough keys to get to the next floor.

In game sprites are nothing to write home about. Alma is pleasing to the eyes, particular depending on what she is or isn't wearing. Definitely pick up the uncensor patch floating around certain Discord communities.

Overall, I'm gonna say I can't recommend it. Its not particularly good, but not awful. Just "meh." Pick it up on sale.

Game Review for Nukige Steam Group
Posted 8 March, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.6 hrs on record
Sweet Fantasy is a pretty short yuri themed visual novel.

The main character Pumpkin is likable enough, and the mermaid was particularly cute. Amethyst (Pumpkin's love interest) could use some work. Except for the fact that Pumpkin says over and over again that she's madly in love with Amethyst, you don't really get a connection with Amethyst at all. In fact Amethyst is kind of a jerk.

As for the music... Well, the music is certainly... something. Theres a very odd juxtaposition between the adult themed visual novel this is trying to be, and the nursery-rhyme/childrens-songs background music. One track was seriously The Itsy Bisty Spider. I mean, in a way, the music fits the light heartedness of the game, but when you're playing an R-18 game, it feels weird to have childrens music playing.

The dialogue is a bit spotty. Its translated from Russian, and for the most part its fine, but there a few lines that weren't translated very well, and come off as broken English. Pumpkin has a tendency to ramble on about unimportant things, but its in character because she even explains that dryads are more or less absent minded.

Not much to say about the gameplay. Its a visual novel. There are enough paths to take that you probably won't get the best ending on the first playthrough. The game is short though, so its not really a chore to go through all the paths. At least theres a text skip function so you can skip up to dialogue you haven't read before. All in all I finished the game, got all the CGs and all the achievements in less than 2 hours.

The world is very colorful. The art is nice. Everything is very pleasing to the eyes. If you play the uncensored version, theres a few closeups of naked breasts, but nothing gets any more explicit than that. Even the final sex scene is pretty tame.

Overall, its not bad. Its pretty, the characters are cute, and its short so it doesn't overstay its welcome. The game isn't going to be breaking any grounds. If you can get past the music, its a cute story and has a few funny moments. It does have a few translation problems, but it shouldn't affect the overall enjoyment of the game.

There are worse ways to spend $4 and 2 hours of your time.

Game Review for Nukige Steam Group
Posted 5 March, 2018. Last edited 6 March, 2018.
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