OutSIdeOfTheBoX (chrisvig71) 18 Sep, 2024 @ 11:46pm 
sono d'accordo con il commento sotto, che bello girare e trovare italiani a caso su steam...
AymericTheNightmare 16 Jul, 2024 @ 2:28pm 
Nice favorite games! :Dave_thumb2:
Unseen 7 Feb, 2024 @ 8:07am 
My friend speaks highly of koudelka, didn't even play much of fear effect don't even know anything about the story but it looked interesting. Beat ominishua on xbox can confirm its a fantastic game you would be interested in. Held my attention to the end, just like silent hill 2 on xbox.
verdeAntico 7 Feb, 2024 @ 7:59am 
I'm aware of Fear Effect but it never took my attention because the artstyle and setting are maybe not my favourites;
I surely should take the time of looking more into it.
I loved Koudelka's backgrounds and setting; it was so similiar to those games for atmospheres but the combat was turnbased with grid movements.

I think I should check Onimousha.

Couldn't forget of the first Alone in the Dark; I enojoyed the fourth as well.

Rule of Rose was great to watch on YouTube but I think it's bad to play because of frustrating controls and combat.

About modern horrors that have some atmosphere in common with those, ObsCure is not bad and I watched Gylt and found it very very nice.
verdeAntico 7 Feb, 2024 @ 7:51am 
I loved Parasite 2 so much; I needed action in those years after FF7 and FF8.
There is an old school survival horror with a funnier combat than Silent Hill 1-3 and Resident Evil 1-3.
The final boss was a mess to fight though. But that was like 20 more years ago; didn't touch the game again since then.
Unseen 7 Feb, 2024 @ 7:44am

Also you may be interested in this obscure gem, only played a little bit of retro helix but it was a great game, and had some great artistic style for PSX. Wanna look back into this series sometime, also making a next gen remake soon.
Unseen 7 Feb, 2024 @ 7:32am 
Parasite Eve 2 was a hard game tho, could not finish disk2, sad cause I loved the game even more than the first 1, which was imo a bit dull and easy.
verdeAntico 7 Feb, 2024 @ 2:59am 
I love the old fixed camera horrors feeling; not sure I still love to play them because of the clunky combat, but I surely still like to watch them. I like how the fixed camera gives a direction (in the movie meaning).
Unseen 6 Feb, 2024 @ 8:32pm 
Someone who appreciates good horror games like silent hill, resident evil, and parasite eve 2. Liked it more than 1 myself.
verdeAntico 17 Jul, 2023 @ 6:23pm 
-------------------> South Park: The Stick of Truth
-------------------> Syberia 2
-------------------> Super Meat Boy
-------------------> Duke Nukem 3D, in Episode 2: Lunar Apocalypse
verdeAntico 25 Mar, 2023 @ 12:31pm 
-------------------> Syberia 1 (2nd run)
-------------------> Quake 1
-------------------> Half Life 1 (2nd run)
-------------------> Half Life: Opposing Force
-------------------> Half Life: Blue Shift
verdeAntico 25 Mar, 2023 @ 6:24am 

Dead Space 1 ------------ Gylt ----------- Rule of Rose
Silent Hill 0 ---------- Silent Hill 3 ---------- Silent Hill 4 ---------- Silent Hill 5
Parasite Eve 1 ---------- The Callisto Protocol
Outlast 1 ------------------ Outlast 2
Zelda: Ocarina of Time ---------- Zelda: A link to the Past ---------- Zelda: Majora's Mask
Journey to the Savage Planet ---------- Die Joung
A Plague Tale 1 ---------- Mortal Shell ---------- Elden Ring
The Last Campfire ---------- Little Nightmares
verdeAntico 7 Mar, 2023 @ 5:45pm 
---------------- FAVORITE GAMES in short -------------------------

HALF LIFE 1 ___________ SYBERIA 1 ___________ ASSASSIN'S CREED 1
verdeAntico 7 Mar, 2023 @ 5:40pm 
---------- FAVORITE GAMES 1

Final Fantasy 8 -------- Final Fantasy 7 -------- Koudelka
Silent Hill 1 -------------- Silent Hill 2 -------------- Parasite Eve 2
Doom 1 --------------- Half Life 1 ------------ Quake 1
Half Life: Opposing Force -------- Duke Nukem 3D
Syberia 1+2 ----------- Machinarium --------- Monkey Island 1
Maniac Mansion 1 ------------ The Walking Dead
Limbo ------------- Inside ------------- Guacamelee
Assassin's Creed 1 ------- Assassin's Creed 2 ------- Batman: Arkham Asylum
Street Fighter V ---------- Sonic & All-Stars Racing 2
verdeAntico 7 Mar, 2023 @ 5:38pm 
---------- FAVORITE GAMES 2

Lego Batman 1 ------ Hob ------ A Short Hike
Castel Crashers ------ Escape Goat ------ Hue ------ Prince of Persia '89
Monkey Island 2 ------- King's Quest 1 vga ------- Day of the Tentacle
Beneath a Steel Sky
Quake 2 ------- Unreal ------- Heretic ------- Half Life: Blue Shift
ObsCure 1 ------- Resident Evil 3 ------- Alone in the Dark 4
Tomb Raider 1 ---------- Tomb Raider 2
The Grand Stream Saga ---------- Gothic 3 ---------- Final Fantasy 9
verdeAntico 7 Mar, 2023 @ 5:36pm 
---------- FAVORITE GAMES multiplayer

Crash Team Racing ---------- South Park Rally ---------- F1 Race Stars
Street Fighter 2 ---------- Street Fighter 4 ---------- Street Fighter Alpha
Injustice, Gods Among Us ---------- Tekken 3 ---------- DBZ U Battle 22
Quake 3 Arena ---------- Unreal Tournament 1