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0.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Overlooking the obvious Simon and Garfunkel reference, "I am a Rock" is a very discrete mineral life simulator and probably one of the most unusual games I have played.

There's not much to it, you're just... a rock. You can choose to orbit around Jupiter, Mars or Saturn, observe the Lagrange Point, a 3-body gravity situation (not that I know what any of those are, but it triggered my curiosity enough to do a quick Google search) and the birth of our Universe.

The game shows great potential in becoming an unique Universe Sandbox-like simulato, only from the perspective of a peaceful rock, observing the world around it, forming itself, powerless in front of such a spectacle.

It's still in early access but I would like to see a fast forward option added, on top of the ever obvious better graphical need and performance optimisation.

Overall a nice daydreaming game if you have nothing to do, some imagination and money left to spare on the next Steam Sale.
Posted 29 November, 2022.
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142.3 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
Tried Battlefield 2042, it's unplayable doodoo.

Tired Battlefield 4, good game :)
Posted 29 November, 2022.
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198.3 hrs on record (76.2 hrs at review time)
Posted 28 November, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
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1.8 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Posted 11 April, 2022.
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664.2 hrs on record (643.6 hrs at review time)
Do NOT get this game. It will do everything in its possibility to get you hooked to play the weekly missions, and by the time you realise that you'll have sunk in 600 hours and will feel like an idiot.
Posted 10 April, 2022. Last edited 7 September, 2023.
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311.4 hrs on record (17.3 hrs at review time)
Simply put, it's awesome.

I used 3Ds Max a bit before, and i used to swear by it as "the best 3D software", but once I tried Blender, it hooked me.
Sre, the UI is intimidating at first, but that's becasue controls rely primarily on keybinds. That means that it takes a bit to get used to, but then... oh man, it's great.
The Panels system is great, love this, as well as the multi-render system. It's great to see how my production will look like in advance, although with less detail.

I don't have much else to say than try it yourself if you already didn't. It has tons of Quality Of Life features, it's great, it's awesome, it's easy!
Posted 25 March, 2022.
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11.0 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
When fear takes hold, what will you do?

4th episode of the franchise, and supposedly final chapter (we all know how it turned out), FNaF 4 was an absolute slap of great gameplay, visuals and ambience for me. I'm not kidding, I wasn't prepared for what was happening. THe gameplay is simple yet difficult and satisfying, and the ambience is for me the scariest of any FNaF. You shiver when first playing the game, and always finish your night with cold sweats on your hand.

The gameplay, as I said is very simple. You have 4 locations you must keep track of. The left and right hallways, the bed and the closet. Our favorite Quatuor is back, this time in Nightmarish forms, accurately called the Nightmare animatronics. Nightamre Bonnie and Nightmare Chica both appear on the left and right hallways respectively, while Freddy appears on the bed and Foxy goes into the closet, but there's a bit more than that to him. Your main tool here will be your door, your flashlight and your ears. I have said enough about the gameplay, I'll let you discover the rest by yourself.

The ambience is also very effective at intimidating you. The droning noises, the occasional clock chimes and dog barking sounds almost make you feel secure. Almost. Knowing there are things out there that want to shed blood, your blood is also a big part of the game. One mistake and you're dead. Absolutely fantastic.

The lore still gets its fair share, with between nights minigames that tell the story of a bullied crying child, terrified of the animatronics that give a show at his local fast-food. What fate awaits him? And I can't forget the box. THE Box.

But overall it's anabsolutely fantastic game that I enjoyed so so much, it instantly became one of my favorite among everything I played.
Posted 27 January, 2022. Last edited 3 February, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
5.4 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
He will come back. His bloodlust still fuels him...

Third entry of the series, FNaF 3 reduces the animatronic count to One. Or so it seems. still packing in gameplay, I have to say that it does lack a bit in the visual department, especially compared to the previous games.

With that said, I still enjoyed this game. As said before, even if there is only 1 animatronic -named Springtrap- , I meant that he is actually the only one who can kill you, problem is, he is more agressive then what you'd expect, so it actually balances him out. Plus, the map layout has ventillation shafts that can let him get to your office in a matter of seconds.
Fortunately, you have equipment to fend him off. You can play audio cues that will redirect him to the position you want, but it has to be relatively close to him and it can sometimes not work. You can also seal the ventilation shafts, which means that he'll do all this crawling for nothing. But your systems are prone to fail, and so you'll have to reboot them, which wastes time and puts you in danger. THere are 3 types of errors, all with their quirks and features. The Audio Error will not let you play any audio cue, the Camera Error will black out your CCTV feed, and the Ventilation Error, on top of putting an unnerving flashing dark overlay on your screen, will let Springtrap successfully do all his moving attempts.

Now, onto the others. Named the Phantoms, they goal is to distact you from doing your goal, being of course keeping Springtrap away. they can pop on various cams or in the office, and each have their own way of being countered, from quickly switching cameras to not looking at them if they are in the office. Letting them jumpscare you will initiate a Ventilation Error, apart from a specific one.

Of course, the lore is back, with a backstory on how Springtrap came to exist. You can also play some secret, unique minigames which will let you do something very special, and in my opinion, very heartwarming.

A couple more features have been added, mainly a gallery of the animatronics, and some Cheats, to change your experience. The Custom Night has unfortunately not made it into this game, but the 6th night still is here, along with an Agressive mode for those who enjoy a challenging experience.

Again, while it has some flaws, I cannot not enjoy this game, and once again i recommend that you play it.
Posted 22 January, 2022.
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14.2 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
You will not be scared, you'll wish you had the time for that...

2nd entry of the series I so much love, FNaF 2 is once again incredibly qualitative in terms of gameplay and ambience. You are in yet another pizzeria, and as always, you are not alone...

This time, the main gameplay element isn't the doors, but rather The Mask. instead of being able to close doors to keep the animatronics away, you let them enter your office, and this mask, a repurposed Freddy Fazbear Head, will let you fool those hunk of metal so that they leave in peace.

"But can't you just keep the mask all the night?" you will ask, and (un)fortunately, 2 animatronics won't let that happen. Foxy and The Puppet.

Foxy is very straightforward, he will stand in the hallway facing your office, and you have to flash him abundantly with your light system so that you scare him off. Failure to do so enough will, well, kill you.

The Puppet requires you to wind her music box at her camera. The box will slowly use up the wind, which means you have to wind it consistently, or else she'll wake up. And if that happens, nothing can save you but the clock...

Now onto the other animatronics. There are eleven in total counting The Puppet and Foxy. There are é categories of them, being the Vent Animatronics and The Office animatronics, and they are all fooled by the mask. I won't go too much into the details, you'll get to experience them soon enough...

Of course, you have your standard set of 5 Nights, a 6th one and a Custom 7th Night. Phone guy is back too!

The main gripe of this game is the lore expansion, geaturing tons of secrets, from between nights cutscenes to death minigames, which all center about a Serial Killer coated in purple...

Overall, once again it is a thrilling experience, although much more skill-capped than its predecessor. I really do recommend playing this game if you enjoyed the first one.
Posted 22 January, 2022.
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3.0 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
Where it all began...

I was quite the FNaF Nerd, and still am today. I really just knew the lore, got around to see videos, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥; any and all content. BUt I really hadn't played the game by myself. Up until now, when I finally decided to finish this game after I left it to dust in my library, and to be quite honest I should have played it sooner. It is outstanding, both in gameplay and in visuals and is even better then in the videos.

The principle, simple yet effective, consists of you sitting in an office, trying to fend off these good old animatronics known as Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie The Bunny, Chica The Chicken and Foxy The Pirate Fox, using a camera system, Doors and Lights. But careful, your power supply is limited...
You feel dread, you feel cramped, you wanna get out of this office, but you can't! You gotta stick with those buckets of bolts, and they look creepy, for some reason!

The ambience is a true mood setter, absolutely bone chilling, I litteraly had cold sweats while playing, to give an idea of how well made it was done.
The Gameplay is quite simple, swipe down to get the monitor, click on the buttons to switch cameras, and close door and activate lights using the office buttons. But you can really just see that each animatronic has it's own dangerous side, which makes for a great variety. i won't go into each of them, as I'm sure there is already a thousand guides here-and-there.

Overall an incredible game, a great surprise, I love it. 10/10.
Posted 15 January, 2022.
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